Good Sudoku by Zach Gage

Good Sudoku by Zach Gage

от Zach Gage
Цена: БесплатноУстройства: iPhone, iPad
Версия: 1.0.22 от 13 июля 2021 Язык: Русский Размер: 176.7 Мб Возраст: 4+ Официальный сайт:

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4.02 (1) AppStore: 3.94

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Good Sudoku: iOS Gameplay Preview (by Zach Gage)
Good Sudoku by Zach Gage (by Zach Gage) IOS Gameplay Video (HD)

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Отзывы о приложении Good Sudoku by Zach Gage (1)

  • Covrick Covrick, 02 января 2021 в 05:45:06   # I really enjoy the game. Before I’ve never considered playing sudoku. I thought it’s just a grid of numbers, and the only way to solve medium and over difficulty puzzles is to take guesses.

    But as I’ve been playing this game for over a couple of months, I can tell sudoku is far more complicated and addictive search game than it seems.

    And only this digital version of sudoku was able to show me the true nature of it thus far. All the technics and strategies shown and explained and other features that actually help you learn how to play are what separates this game from others. All that plus clean design, convenient interface and relaxing soundtrack made me love sudoku and this game.

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