Bridge Base Online

Bridge Base Online

от Bridge Base Online, Ltd.
Цена: БесплатноУстройства: iPhone, iPad
Версия: 6.33.1 от 26 ноября 2024 Язык: Русский Размер: 96.4 Мб Возраст: 17+ Официальный сайт:

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4.82 (1) AppStore: 4.67

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Отзывы о приложении Bridge Base Online (1)

  • Ramone1111 Ramone1111, 31 декабря 2020 в 09:16:32   # In updated version you cannot easily see results of other tables. Previously I could just tap two times: score-other tables to see and compare, now there is no such button, and to get that one should go to History-game-other tables. If you return to game from out there and then want to see other’s results for your next game, you should tap 6 times, as History stays at the same previous game tables list. It’s very annoying (as it’s almost always interesting to see what was the right way to bid/play) and can be fixed by just adding button Other tables next to “Next card” in the page showing how you yourself bid and played.
    Ability to change language of the app would also be very helpful (I am from Russia and is obliged to use Russian language as a must, but would prefer to change it to English, as Russian translation is far from ideal).

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