Australian Army Artillery

Australian Army Artillery

Цена: БесплатноУстройства: iPad
Версия: 1.0 от 07 октября 2010 Язык: Русский Размер: 24.6 Мб Возраст: 9+

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Flag case. In honor of the 1-7 Field Artillery on Veterans Day, 11-11-11.

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Отзывы о приложении Australian Army Artillery (1)

  • Andrexx2011 Andrexx2011, 22 февраля 2018 в 13:04:42   # Good day by all! Continued testing game and I can say the following: not one time it was impossible to complete round! Game hovers with the frightening regularity: - (I consider what to publish damp game this disrespect both to its own labor on the creation of program and to Australian Army - your customer and sponsor. But can it they did write [dvoechniki]- programmers those fallen into the army? ; -) It does not believe… But especially it is worthwhile to note that the game guaranteed hovers or generally throws out from the program, if PC begins to lose! This is the similarly new method to win battle! But this is in no way similar to the style of conducting the battles of Australian Army! We wait renovations… Successes and patience during the testing! Greetings to you from Gunner Russia :-) Ответить

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