от CAPCOM Co., Ltd
Цена: 75.00 руб.Устройства: iPhone, iPad
Версия: 1.00.01 от 12 декабря 2017 Язык: Русский Размер: 362.5 Мб Возраст: 12+

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4.92 (1) AppStore: 4.90

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Ace Attorney Investigations Miles Edgeworth 2 Prosecutor's Path - HD Android Teaser Trailer

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Отзывы о приложении Ace Attorney INVESTIGATIONS (2)

  • Reikomarina Reikomarina, 06 апреля 2022 в 23:37:36   # Please. I beg you! Allow Russian people to play investigation 2! I’m looking forward to this precious moment! Ответить
  • Uterqe Uterqe, 20 февраля 2021 в 07:29:10   # I had very high expectations after playing Ace Attorney Trilogy. And this game totally met them. I miss the courtroom a bit, bit still it is a nice game to work up logic skill a bit. So Capcom, in a desperate need of part 2 I’m begging you to release English version of the game.
    Please, the fanbase really needs this.
    Thank you

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