Стратегии - игры для iPhone и iPad
Life of a Mobster
Join the mob and rule the city! will you become a celebrity mobster, or rule from the s...
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King pranks cube
Collect blocks to solve road riddlestry to collect as many cubes as possible to enter t...
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Fashion Contest
Stack enough money and buy best clothes. make best combination and win the contest! shi...
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The Lord of the Rings: Heroes
Fantasy and adventure come together in the lord of the rings: heroes of middle- earth, ...
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Страшная бабушка Ужас Побег 3D
Добро пожаловать в страшную бабушку! страшная бабушка заперла тебя в своем доме ужасов....
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пират корабль сокровище охота
Эй, капитан! присоединяйтесь к команде всемирно известного капитана, который силен и яр...
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Мой кролик друг
Примите милого друга- кролика и помогите ей вырасти, заботясь о ней, одевайте ее, украш...
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Clash of Kingdoms: Global War
The buildings in the game are divided into defense towers and barracks! the defensive t...
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911 Самолет чрезвычайной помощи Sim 3D
Добро пожаловать на лучший sim- спасательный вертолет пожарной команды в 2017 году. дви...
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Введение arctictopia игра в жанре головоломки, крепкий орешек для острого ума. найди...
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Business DIY Custom Board Game
Overviewbusiness diy is a custom board game maker. design print your own business- sty...
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Dial- a- dice is a unique dice rolling app. created by geek, a 12 year old who loves ro...
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Rap Quest 2
Drop bars in cyphers, craft classic joints, top the charts, and rock every venue on you...
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Falling Block Puzzle Game
Falling block puzzle this app is similar to tetris, but different. you should enjoy. it...
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Хиджаб макияж - девушки игры хиджаб мода
Каждая девушка всегда хочет выглядеть красивой и модной. давайте начнем помогать девушк...
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Santa Claus Hair Play Doctor
Over 300, 000 downloads! merry christmas! oh no! santa the holiday friends need your...
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Sweet Baby Girl Cleanup 6 FULL
Play the most interesting cleaning games at tutoschool with chloe, katie and justin. ch...
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Prom Dress Challenge
Choose the best outfits for the theme and take your place as the prom queen next to the...
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Epic War:Zombie Control
The kingdom is under siege and your home is at stake. creatures of darkness are devouri...
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Beyond the Chiron Gate
Explore an endless universe filled with exotic planets, strange life forms, and ancient...
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Симулятор вождения полицейско
Police car driving simulator - лучшая игра- симулятор для всех. если вы любите играть в...
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Texas Holdem - Daily Poke It!
Please update to the latest version. the old server address will be obsoleted after jul...
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Dungeon Hunter 6
Dungeon hunter is back! thrilling gameloft arpg sequel! unite, fearless bounty hunters,...
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Royal Cooking: Кулинар и Кухня
Окунитесь в кухонную лихорадку в этой бизнес игре! готовы ли вы к безумию вы любите тай...
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FPS multiplayer VS Shooter Army(first person machine gun shooting and survival game)
Enjoy the best fps shooting game on your smartphones. ready to survive the shooter army...
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Рождество Мамочка Близнецы
В детском саду приедут младенцы для праздничных игр, и это будут новорожденные близнецы...
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Checkers - Lite
Checkers played by two opponents, on opposite sides of a board, alternating moves. in a...
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Candy Sweetie - Switch charm sugar & crush cookie
Candy sweetie is a match 3 puzzle game where you can match and collect candy in this de...
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Помочь корова
Очень вскользь игры милый, вы временно назначаются выглядеть после того, как корову в и...
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Ironfell 2
Embark on an epic crusade across all of space and time in real time. from humble beginn...
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Dungeon rpg there is no billing app. download and just play once you have installed. ...
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Wings of Glory
Rule the skies in tabletop strategy dogfights! take to the skies in wings of glory, the...
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Meka Hunters .io
Награды и признанияфиналист levelupkls sea games award 2019финалист levelupkls sea game...
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Gold Miner: Jewel Digger Game
Gold miner jewel digger - очень захватывающие игры с золотодобытчиками, вы любитель сок...
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Survival Candy Challenge 3D
There are many different game with levels which bring childhood games back to you!...
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Trach - Trachtenberg
The ultimate ios app for learning and practicing the trachtenberg method. master the tr...
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End Of Days: Survival
Will you survive the end of days the modern era s gone, and everything left is urban de...
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Sword of Hailstone
Sword of hailstone app is a single player role playing hex crawl game available on ios....
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Another RPG Game You Will Love
Run through the dungeons, get the keys and open the portals to new and exciting levels....
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Страшная уборка в старшей школ
Веселая игра по уборке школы научит вас, как убирать в старшей школе и поддерживать в н...
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Queens Wish 2: The Tormentor
Queens wish 2 does not support: iphone 5 or earlier, iphone se. queens wish 2: the torm...
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Among Beast!
Welcome to this fun game among beast! , more dynamism and action and more opportunities...
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Trick Shot - Strike Challenge
Do hundreds trick shots in style with trick shot - strike challenge ! all you need to d...
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Mars Base
Welcome to mars, adventurer! you have been selected to join the latest mars colonizatio...
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Avernum 3: Ruined World HD
Avernum 3: ruined world is an epic, indie fantasy role- playing adventure with many hou...
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Devils & Demons - Arena Wars Premium
Погрузись в возможно лучшую стратегию- rpg в истории! сражайся с ордами диких демонов и...
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Tofu Fantasy 2
Tofu is the leading role this time. easy battle to move and crush! anyway, movebuster e...
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Top Heroes
On this distant and mysterious continent, countless unknown miracles and challenges are...
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Royal Roads 2: The Magic Box
Увлекательная история о путешествиях по дорогам королевства. помогите принцессе спасти ...