Квесты - игры для iPhone и iPad
Factoid - Idle Learning
What if you woke up one day and could retain everything you ever learned in factoid, yo...
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Pacman arcade and more games
If you are an arcade lover you also love pacman. a traditional game where the adrenalin...
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The Horror Backrooms Survival
Исследуйте приключения в этой игре- головоломке ужасов. ты проснулся и понял, что ты в ...
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Найти различия Ⓞ
Думаете, вам легко найди отличия в игре найти различия нужно найти в пазле эмодзи, отли...
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Unfortunate Events Trivia
Enjoy this fun and simple trivia. enjoy the clips for both wrong and right answers. the...
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Majong titans cliff is relaxing chineese tiles pair matching game. rules are simple: fi...
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Trivia Show
Trivia games become popular again! trivia show is definitely shows something new and un...
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SilhouetteGirl Zan
Silhouette girl series fourth bulletthe latest work silhouette girl cutter finally rele...
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Quiz Chase
Quiz and race other players from around the world in this unique new trivia runner! ans...
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Emoji Quiz: Celebrities
Guess the name of the celebrity using only emoji! its harder than you think! train your...
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Bubble Shooter: pop shooting games for free
Best classic bubble shooter games two modes wait your challenge just download it, do no...
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Word Games:
Powerful collection of various word games: word search: find all the words hidden in th...
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Trivia Crack Explorer
Do you want to play without waiting for your opponent to finish a turn this is a new tr...
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GeoBrain 2 by skobbler
Play and get to know your planet with geobrain 2. have a blast while becoming an earth ...
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Sopa De Letras Español
Te gustan los juegos de palabras no busque m s. la sopa de letras es un lugar ideal par...
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People Say - Trivia Quiz game
Are you a word game fan nothing scares you so come and discover people s ! the concept ...
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Winner Winner Live
Winner winner is a robust gaming platform that allows you to earn real rewards for play...
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Class Trivia
Enter the longest answer you can think of and increase your level. choose your answer c...
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Знаменитые картины
Проверьте свои знания об известных картинах. насколько хороши ваши художественные знани...
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Есть три простых правила одно секретное правило: 1: нажмите на пустое поле, чтобы запо...
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Bible Quiz - True Or False?
How well do you know the bible find out with this fun game! this bible quiz contains hu...
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Text Twist - Word Games
Find connected 6 words from the given 6 lettersplay timed or non- timed modesendless pl...
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голодный крокодил симулятор
Играйте в эту игру- симулятор голодного крокодила и атакуйте животных в трехмерной фэнт...
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OneDown - Crossword Puzzles
Created from scratch to deliver an authentic, challenging crossword experience, onedown...
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GoldFish -Infinite puddle-
Healing casual game where beautiful graphics and sounds weave lets travel in a beautifu...
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Capital Quiz
Test your knowledge and name all state capitals of the usa. adapt the difficulty with t...
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Игра: Побег из летучей рыбы
Управляйте летающей рыбой, которая скользит сквозь разнообразные препятствия в веселой ...
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Clockwise - Read the clock
Dive into the magical world of time with clockwise, an enchanting app designed to turn ...
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Word Cube - Challenger
Are you ready for a whole new experience challenge your memory and your opponents with ...
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Do you know when. . . . . . the telephone was invented . . . world war i ended . . . th...
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Word Search - Infinite Hunt
The word search game is a word game that consists of the letters of words placed in a b...
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Dinosaurs Reference Book
The app has short descriptions for 87 most common dinos and ancient reptiles. each dino...
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Первая математика
Регистрация математика- исследователя эмма в всех новых приключений, как она помогает с...
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This is short, simple, addictive mind test and training. the aim is to find, as fast as...
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Cookie Crush Yummy Blast
Yummy cookie matching game for you! why dont you download free and make a yummy smash w...
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Mémo anglais B2-C1
Les exercices sont organis s en 5 grandes cat gories : - exercices li s au groupe nomi...
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Супергероя красоты замороженных безумие мания
Вы с ума по поводу принцесса супер героев, которые всегда готовы здесь, чтобы спасти ми...
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Superhero Princess Hair Salon - fun nail makeover & make-up spa girl games for kids!
Can you give these girl superheroes a makeover at the salon play a super fun new spa m...
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Superheroes Mania
Warning: this game is highly addictive! download it at your own risk. in superheroes ma...
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Play the highly addictive fun- filled word search game! wanna find out how good you are...
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Reading Comprehension Fun Game
English grammar comprehension is one of the reading comprehension apps created especial...
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Learning Prepositions Quiz App
Prepositions for kids app helps develop the skills needed to understand the relationshi...
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Color Joy - Touch Coloring Art
Color joy is a freestyle coloring app that puts the magic of colors in your fingers. wi...
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Умножение математических забав
Строительство математические навыки и научиться умножать никогда не был более увлекател...
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NOPLP - Booba
Noplp est un quizz qui teste votre connaissance sur la discographie de booba, lapplicat...
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Crazy Quiz
Passerez- vous les 100 niveaux culture g n rale, habilet , r flexes, m moire. . . toute...
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Bomb IT 2019
Bomb it let you to have exciteful moments and make you addict itself by its quality. th...
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Змеи и лестницы мастер
Игра змеи и лестницы - это классическая настольная игра, известная по парашютам, людо, ...