Приключения - игры на iPhone и iPad
Run For Peace HD
Встречайте салима - мирного человека, который мечтает о мире, с возраста 3- х лет. слиш...
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Tactica is a turn- based strategy game. inspired by classic board games like chess or r...
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10-in-1 Arcade BA.net
Arcade collection ba. netincluding shooter, square shooter, round volley, easy bird, al...
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Ihorserace: the best horse race on the iphone world. run the horses and bet with your f...
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Kamigo: Theatre of skies LITE
Staring goat games brings you the chance to harness the forces of nature directly on yo...
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Awarded best puzzler in macworlds the best games of 2008 ! nominee for best puzzle game...
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Simple Classic Solitaire
If you like solitaire games, youre going to love this app! the classic solitaire game p...
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Battle Fortress War
Battle for world domination over progressive age s, beginning in the stone age, and adv...
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iКраска - волшебная детская раскраска
Волшебная детская раскраска с авторскими рисунками! давно установлено, что книжки- ра...
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Fitz 2: Три в Ряд Пазлы
Добро пожаловать в мир красочной головоломки жанра три в ряд fitz 2: magic match 3 puzz...
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Малыши Пчеловоды – Забота о Пчелах
Ты слышал это жужжание это твой шанс стать настоящим пчеловодом! ухаживай за милыми п...
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I had not thought that a word game could be so beautiful. beautiful to see and hear, bu...
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Cashmachine is a puzzle game based on the match3 concept but with a innovative idea. ea...
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Бесплатные игры гоночный автомобиль (Doodle Fun Car Racing - Free Race Game)
Car race! the hills are on fire ! doodle fun car racing is an awesome new hill racing g...
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Flick Home Run ! HD - FREE
Flick your finger and make a homerun. you can experience a real baseball batting throug...
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HUEBRIX: A Twisted Puzzle of Space, Time and Color
Casual connect europe 2013 indie showcase winner! the whole casual hardcore distinction...
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Mojo Solitaire Collection
Mojo solitaire collection is a collection of solitaire based games. these include klond...
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Oh! Edo Towns
Plunge into the past for a rousing romp through edo period japan! your ideal samurai to...
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PopGroup Lite
Popgroup is a polished version of the classic samegame concept invented in 1985 by kuni...
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RC Helicopter 3D simulator
Летать в небе над городом с вертолета, в полном 3d, выполняя миссии целей. чем меньше в...
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Shoot The Monkey HD Lite
Are you ready for monkey business those darn primates are at it again, causing havoc an...
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Texas HoldEm Poker Deluxe HD
Get 30, 000 chips free for your first time playing. top- rated poker app on facebook! f...
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Erics Spider Solitaire!
Play this 5- star, top- rated spider solitaire on your iphone or ipod with a fantastic ...
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Doodle Link Link
This is the most popular doodle link link game in app store. doodle link link is a fun ...
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Gunship III - Combat Flight Simulator
Free version is also available experience the vietnam war air combatimmerse yourself in...
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Healer: A Light in the Darkness
Wield ancient magic as a healer in an army against terrible demons and powerful warlord...
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iShooter Game Free
This is the lite version of the game. action packed side- scrolling game, one of the be...
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Jeans Boutique 2 HD
Special bonus 20000g worth 9. 99 jeans boutique 2 is time management game for the ipho...
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Smart Jail Break
Youre innocent man, and youve got 2 weeks to bust out before youre locked up for good. ...
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Titan HD
Awarded best war tactical battle game app of 2011 by boardgamegeek! the epic struggle f...
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Some call it trex, others call it trix, or perhaps even ticks. in the end, it is a thri...
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Crazy Horseback Riding Free
Test your reflexes with this thrilling infinite game. download now and see how far you ...
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CrazyBoat Free
Get the full version of the crazyboat for free! you drive a speed boat on crazy races...
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Crayon Piano
Important if you have purchased package 1 before press restore button please. see suppo...
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Save My Dog
Play the newest match game from the makers of the super hit apps, bubble bird rescue an...
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Почувствуй ритм пальцами! протестируй свои музыкальные способности в этой яркой игре. с...
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Old MacDonald HD - by Duck Duck Moose
An award- winning tribute to a childhood classic, old macdonald is a fun, interactive e...
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Sudoku is awesome game with unlimitted puzzles for your iphone - game features: - three...
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Agent Ninja Space Run 2 - Galaxy Race Dash Crush Multiplayer Edition
The galaxy awaits you. . . . go ninja go get ready to master mid- air tricks at crazy ...
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А еще у нас есть печеньки!
Украсьте наши симпатичные и абсолютно некалорийные печеньки по вашему вкусу. в этой вер...
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Balloon Lander Free Game (Посадка воздушных шаров бесплатные игры)
Воздушный шар lander бесплатные игры очень весело. попробуйте посадить всех островах та...
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Kids Chalkboard
Lets get back, lets be simple innocent again, lets chalk randomly on a simple chalkboa...
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Chicks Revenge : Tiny Pig Killer Game
Get the superman chick suit with laser eyes blast cute pigs out of the sky the top ...
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Doodle Jewels Lite
Beautiful jewel swap game with challenging and fun gameplay. collect treasure jewels an...
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Experience a revolutionary breakout style game that puts you in control of the ball! th...
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Pop Osco
Osco is coming! this cute monster living in the forest with his best friends eggg snake...
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My First Puzzle - very easy puzzles for toddlers
Funny puzzles about siblings for toddlers...
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Whale Trail Junior
Did you know that whales can fly join willow the whale and his friends on an amazing ad...
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3D - мини - гольф - без крытый мини - гольф игры
Мини - гольф - это бесплатный весело 3d - игры в гольф. особенность: - реалистичных 3d ...
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99 Bubbles Blitz
App store whats hot! and new and noteworthy! 99 bubbles blitz, a fast, furious, and a...