Приключения - игры на iPhone и iPad
Swords & Crossbones: An Epic Pirate Story
Swords and crossbones: an epic pirate story is a comedic role play adventure. duke a. b...
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Arctic Shepherd Dog Simulator 2017
Become a trustworthy shepherd dog and never let your master down in arctic or snow dog ...
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AZOTC : Army Zombie Operations Training Center
Zotc is the u. s. armys training center for light infantry and special operations units...
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Bovine Simulator
This game is compatible only with iphone5, ipad 4 mini retina air and above bovina lov...
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Готовим холодные десерты
На улице такая жара! освежись, пока делаешь самые вкусные замороженные десерты на свете...
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Mouth Mover (Lite)
Mouth mover is the most popular talking mouth app on the app store! the most responsive...
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Star Tactics Redux
Blending the best features of tactical space strategy battles turn- based strategy gam...
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Stick Cricket
Hit out or get out in the world s most popular cricket game, stick cricket ! easy to pl...
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Stickman Gladiator Online : War Pic
Stickman warriors online : epic war - fun and addictive beat em up game with realistic ...
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Striker Soccer Brazil: lead your team to the top of the world
New installment of striker soccer saga! this time you have to lead your soccer national...
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Brick Legend - Block Classic, Retro Puzzle
- brick classic is very interesting game it ll take you back to the childhood with very...
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Command & Control: Spec Ops (HD)
Tower defence о бескомпромиссной борьбе с преступным миром. игроку предстоит противосто...
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Steampunk Defense Pro
Get ready for steampunk battles! defend your lands against evil invaders! your team wil...
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Swap Heroes
Half price for a limited time only swap heroes is a casual turn- based strategy adventu...
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Brick Shot
Brick shot is a fast paced arcade game, in which you shoot blocks into the empty spaces...
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Build and Play 2
Build and play 2 является продолжением удостоившегося многих наград приложения build an...
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Конструктор для Детей, Малышей
Собирай из разноцветных деталей забавных лесных зверят и смотри как они оживают прямо п...
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Fruits and Friends - Best Match 3 Puzzle Game
: : : our player reviews : : : greatest game ever! i will never stop playing it. i hav...
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Тренер Памяти 2 Free - игры для развития вашей памяти.
Не против того, чтобы улучшить свою память хотите использовать телефон или планшет для ...
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Monster Dentist Doctor Shave - Kid Games Free
Become a dentist and take care of your favorite little monsters dont get too crazy, the...
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Птичий переполох Free
Внимание! данная версия игры может оказаться несовместимой с iphone 7! - - - - - - - - ...
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Drop The Ball
Drop the ball - простенькая игра, которая поможет вам весело провести время. на каждом ...
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Lucky Coconut
Эта простая, но очень увлекательная игра подойдет человеку любого возраста! выбери свою...
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Mental Picture
Disclaimer: - this app is intended for entertainment purposes only and it exits automat...
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Сложи все кирпичи в одну здоровенную кучу. любой кирпич можно класть на такой же или на...
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Princess Uni-kitty Jump
Princess uni- kitty jump adventure is a super game that you have to avoid all obstacles...
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Sky Wolf - Run and Jump
Run with the wolf in a zen experience that will both relax and challenge you. highlight...
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Sniper Shooting - One Man Army
A top sniper can fight by himself with a whole army! shoot all the terrorists, who appe...
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4 слова
Нравятся логические игры тогда это то, что вам нужно! отгадывайте последовательности из...
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Atomic dog and his atomic avengers : strategy is essential if you want to be a top lead...
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Bouncing Dude
This is a game about a bouncing dude trying to survive in a world filled with monsters....
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Buildy Blocks
In buildy blocks, the sky is the limit. you have to stack blocks on top of each other i...
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Cosmo Run
Cosmo run is an arcade game with ever- changing aspect of the play- world. survive long...
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Creep Smash- Free 3D Arcade Style Skins Pocket Mini Game
Creep smash is a old school arcade style casual game. start as doge, crush mob heads an...
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Это вес лая аркадная игра в стиле вестерн . вас ждут ураганные перестрелки с бандитами,...
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Бои Спортивных Фанатов
Только самым преданым фанатам известно, что главное спортивное противостояние происходи...
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Stick Murder - Yacht, Gym, Airport
Click on the item to kill all stickmen in airport, gym and yacht levels, remember you m...
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Super Machine - it crush cubes
It has fun and addictive gameplay. let the machines crush cubes. it is easy to play: up...
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SWAT and Zombies Runner
Storyyou were one of the crew of the best swat team in our previous game swat and zombi...
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Subject 7
Holiday sale for a limited time subject 7 is being offered at a reduced price of . 9...
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Super Bunny World
Not nearly as derivative as it first appears, this is a game that seamlessly combines v...
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Survival Squad:The last one
Fight, survive! tired of the mundane grind of daily life do you crave that indescribabl...
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Autumns Song
Update: now is free autumns song is about the journey of a little black bird at...
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Кирпичный выключатель
Bricks breaker ball - многоуровневая игра, разбивающая кирпичи. игра в основном подчерк...
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Bubble Poppers!
Everyone loves popping bubbles! float through a colorful, minimal world popping bubbles...
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Bubblez: Игра Шарики
Любите игры в стиле bubble shooter тогда не пропустите новую бесплатную аркаду bubblez:...
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Color Pin - Original
Вам понравится играть в color pin! если вам захочется убить время или просто повеселить...
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CURVE - hardcore yet relaxing one-tap game
! insane curve competition ! all details on curve- game. comcheck our instagram and twi...
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Friskies® JitterBug
С игрой friskies jitterbug ваша кошка может постоянно применять свои навыки ловли насек...
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Mr Bean™ - Flying Teddy
Is it a bird no. is it a plane well. . . sort of. its mr bean flying teddy! grab the r...