Приключения - игры на iPhone и iPad
Яблоко Мстители: Бесплатный весело бегать и прыгать платформа приключенческая игра с супер герой борьбы фрукты
Нажмите apple мстители является ярким примером того, насколько хорошо единства игра мож...
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Kaeru Jump Free
Kaeru jump is a must have addictive puzzle game for free! in the game you will use all ...
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Avenue Flo
Try avenue flo for free! love it upgrade to the full version from within the game! it s...
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100 Logic Games - Time Killers FREE Puzzle Pack !
Train your brain with 100 12 different types of puzzle games ! cant stand sudoku or a...
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Mahjong - world contest
Примите участие в турнире по маджонгу. пройдите более 100 уникальных уровней различной ...
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Christmas Gingerbread Cookies!
Ring in the holiday spirit and make gingerbread cookies! add ingredients, roll out the ...
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Land Air Sea Warfare
Контролируйте мега- единицы и победите в битве! игра признана apple, как первая из игр ...
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Головоломки c милыми животными и игры для малышей
Симпатичная коллекция головоломок с животными для детей всех возрастов, включая малышей...
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Conceptis Link-a-Pix
Link- a- pix are exciting logic puzzles that form whimsical pixel- art pictures when so...
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Paradudes HD
Dudes are falling from the sky! they may look smart, but they dont know how to open the...
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Bam fu Free
Все руки перепутаются в bam fu, игре для двух, трех или четырех человек на одном устрой...
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BlockArt Free
Yes! you could keep yourself glued to something like this all day long - iphoneappsrevi...
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Vikings and Bankers
Deceive and eliminate vikings and bankers by make them mimic your movements in this fun...
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Fort Defenders Saga TD Защитники Форта Сага
Теперь борьба за родной форт вед тся не только на суше, но и на море абсолютно бесплатн...
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Air Wings Intergalactic
Air wings intergalactic это многопользовательская игра, в которой вы будете пилотирова...
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If youve ever felt that dr frankenstein s career path was for you then incredipede will...
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Slender Man - Chapter 1: Alone
Over 7. 5 million downloads! new level and improved ai now with difficulty levels, f...
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Doodle Kingdom™ HD
Время отправиться в средневековье! создатели таких популярных игр как doodle god и dood...
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The super masterpiece of the action game mega man x now powered up! with variety of wea...
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Penalty Soccer 2011 HD Free
1 game sports top free on italia 1 game sports top free on latvia 2 game sports top fre...
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Star Hound
Run. jump. swing. jetpack! good dog! race across the rooftops. swing from ledge to ledg...
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ATC Mania
Are you the best air traffic controller atc worldwide now you can prove it with atc man...
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Slender Rising 2
He is back! the official sequel to the scariest game on the appstore! an unforgettable ...
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Seven Seas Solitaire HD
Get ready for swashbuckling adventure on the high seas! the high seas are rife with the...
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Defender of Diosa
Japan mag famitsu: defender of diosa defender of diosa, a new kind of td g...
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Forbidden Island
Forbidden island is honestly one of the best apps i have ever played on ios. - - board...
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Defense of Fortune: The Savior
Lets be the savior of the fortune world. defense of fortune : the savior is episode 3 o...
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At long last, a free ios- compatible go app is now available through pandanet! approxim...
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StickBo Zombies Lite
Trigger fist - - a new fully 3d shooter. check it out now! http: itunes. apple. com us...
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Sudoku Infinite
Sudoku infinite is an awesome sudoku app that allows you to play on an unlimited amount...
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Grow Legends: Magic Flower Pot
Let us give you a garden together with some magic pots! guess what will grow out of the...
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Rollercoaster Mania
Build your own amusement park! its free! build your own amusement park in rollercoaster...
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Video Poker Jackpot!
Top 10 casino games in over 10 countries - top 50 casino games in over 50 countries -...
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Рисуй и Учись Lite
Игра рисуй и учись совмещает в себе два очень увлекательных занятия изучение счета и а...
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Dink Smallwood HD
Dink smallwood is a perfect example of the refined basics of classic rpg and adventure ...
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Get up from the throne and defeat blockolds, tentacles, derp knights, jelly cubes, and ...
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Copter ++
Awesome side scrolling copter game with cool graphics. very simple copter control yet v...
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Вы ищете увлекательную игру для вашего ребенка от 0 до 8 лет, чтобы тренировать его кон...
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Bubble Pig
As sunset approaches, the sneaky foxes invade the woods in all kinds of shapes. . . hel...
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Дави Птицы: Игры для мальчиков девочек бесплатно
Are you tired of the birds if the answer is yes then smash them, smash them all. simply...
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iRoll Up the Rolling and Smoking Simulator!
The 1 rolling and smoking simulatorjoin the over 100, 000 players, and beat their time!...
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Plants vs Monster
A game that will fulfill your visualization, try out our latest classic game plants vs ...
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Можете назвать недорогую и безумно захватывающую игру конечно, hungribles, новая увлека...
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Squeakies Lite
Squeakies is a fun game of audio memory. you will get the chance to play with different...
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Активная головоломка для детей
Активная головоломка для детей - это игра для детей в возрасте до 6 лет. многочисленные...
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Amazing View Jigsaw Puzzle - Free
400 amazing view wallpapers with 5 jigsaw puzzle model. you will get 2000 unique jigsaw...
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Beauty Hunt - Spot the differences!
Spot the differences between two similar pictures - honey girls, handsome boys and love...
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BattleShip 3D - Free sea battle & warship games
Battleship 3d lite is a amazing sea battle game, only brave captain can be a master of ...
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ePig Dash
Check epig surf, our best epiggame. buy epig dash pro for full game with no iads. as co...
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Monster Pang 2
Fire exploding and boucing balls in monster ball and blast away! simple game functions ...