Приключения - игры на iPhone и iPad
100 Подарки к Рождеству
Помощь санта открыть все подарки к рождеству. праздник игра, что все было говорить о! э...
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Fred Versus
Finally, the first fred multiplayer action is here! race and beat your friends to earn ...
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Burger Chef : Yummy Burger
Develop expert culinary skills in burger chef, a gripping time management game with coo...
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Block Builder 3D Free
Build with wooden blocks, anywhere and without the need to clean up afterwards. experie...
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All Star Rally
Free for a limited time race, earn bank, compete globally, win, get better stuff, hav...
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Glow Control
Are you the right person to guide aircrafts to their runway now you can prove it with g...
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Alpang Puzzle Free
Alpang puzzle представляет собой простую, но очень увлекательную игру, которая бросит в...
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Commando Global Assassin 2 Free
You are the team leader of an elite combat unit. lead the charge into battle against th...
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Celebrity Baby Care & Hospital - Kids games
There are many celebrity babies here, everyone loves these lovely babies, but what shou...
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Bottle Cut Ultimatum
It is equipped with a graphic of mini- games all- time high level. application of legen...
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Parking Car
Parking cartired of sliding blocks puzzles with the old and dull design then this is fo...
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Plaguez is a brand new open world zombie survival- horror first person shooter. a deadl...
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Tabletop Speed
Turn the real world into a playable racetrack with tabletop speed! no print outs or qr ...
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Color Rush Ninja
Beautiful game with gorgeous graphics. simple but addictive at the same time! ...
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Easter Bunny Run
Пасха идет, и пасхальный заяц и его друзья из сбора пасхальные яйца. не позволяйте им о...
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Затерянный город LITE
Затерянный город lite - это приложение, которое можно попробовать бесплатно. вы можете ...
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Magic Sand Free
Magic sand is a pixel game to let you get a special painting. while water, sand, salt a...
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Tap to ON
Коснитесь лампочек, чтобы зажечь их, и мир станет ярче! простая, но увлекательная игра-...
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AR Spaceship
Important: you need to print the ar card to play: http: vz777. com ar ar spaceship is ...
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Baby White Tiger Bounce : Sky Dash with Mittens the Super Sonic Cub
Join mittens the baby white tiger and bounce across the jungles and forests. baby white...
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Pizza Baker - Kids Cooking Games (Boys & Girls)
Create, back, and customize your very own pizza with the pizza baker app. please note t...
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World Rally Racing
World rally racing, is a rally series featuring new graphics, audio, physics engine, ne...
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ControlCraft 3
Controlcraft 3 is a fast paced action- strategy game. command your troops to attack ene...
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ABC Animal Adventures
Play 9 intuitively designed games by educational specialists. each game is thoughtfully...
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Doomsday III: Base Ganymede
General arcade proudly presents new old school shooter for doom fans: doomsday iii: bas...
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Ultimate Fan Club - One Direction Edition
One direction ultimate edition is the best 1d app on the planet! the ultimate 1d fan cl...
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Бесплатные выстрел из лука и стрельба из лука стрелка Game - Пушистые Fun медведь
Once upon a time there was this fun friendly bear in the forest. his name was fluffy an...
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Gangs Online
Action- packed real- time multiplayer pvp combat game. you will find yourself in a pris...
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The smartest pentomino game ever. randomly generated puzzles bring endless challenges. ...
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Elite Troops
Великая война разгорается в европе и вы один из ее участников! направляйтесь на фронт и...
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Pharaohs Escape
You find yourself trapped in the endless tomb of ancient pyramid. test your puzzle solv...
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Шахматы игры
Шахматы является интеллектуальной игрой в мире самыми популярными. он известен не тольк...
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Football Clubs Quiz
The most exciting game for true football fans! try to guess a couple hundred internatio...
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LetsTans Classic
Search for puzzlium - the 1st puzzle social network. solve thousands of fun, addictive ...
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Eradicate your enemies in the 1 ranked 3d action shooter in japan! with unmatched graph...
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Mini Mix Mayhem
Bored of playing one game have you tried playing four games at the same time designed s...
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Warlands is a turn- based strategy game where your goal is to destroy your enemies and ...
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World Conqueror 1945 Lite for iPad
World conqueror 1945 is a new style strategy game on the background of ww super risk . ...
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Celebrity Ice Cream Store - Cooking games
Do you like ice cream of course everyone loves it. just come to this amazing celebrity ...
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Daveys Mystery
Однажды, как гром среди ясного неба, неизвестный человек оставил вам в наследство свое ...
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Jewel Kingdom
Its an old legend that who finish the jewels trick will gain all the jewels and become ...
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!Замок на вершине - Простой Пазл для детей и взрослых для игры вдвоем и против телефона. HD Lite
Простая и интересная настольная игра позволит вам приятно провести время в нехитром инт...
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Наследие: Остров ведьмы. Демо.
Вы даже не могли предположить, чем закончится обычный подъем на воздушном шаре. вы случ...
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Тайная страсть принцессы - Подбери 3 волшебные конфеты Бесплатная игра от "Игры для девочек" (Secret Princess Crush - Match 3 Magic Candy Treats Free Game by Games For Girls, LLC)
Окунитесь в интересную, несложную и увлекательную игровую атмосферу вместе с нашей волш...
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Судоку - простая и сложная головоломка для взрослых и детей.
Судоку яп. су: доку , произношение инф. одинокое число популярная головоломка с ч...
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Air Cavalry PRO
More than 5, 000, 000 people around the world downloaded air cavalry! air cavalry fligh...
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PicaSim - Free flight simulator
Learn to fly radio controlled gliders and powered planes in this highly realistic fligh...
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Link that Gugl Pro
Make the longest link! looks simple but its equally demanding in brain and reflexes! a ...
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Jewel Glow Story
Jewel glow story has simply rule but is very funny elimination game. gentle moving your...
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Аэрохоккей - бесплатно и без рекламы
Играй с друзьями в аэрохоккей и получи море удовольствия! без рекламы! играть вдвоем на...