Приключения - игры на iPhone и iPad
Открой для себя tibiame - массовую многопользовательскую ролевую онлайн- игру mmorpg ! ...
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Block Fortress
Build your fortress, and defend it to the end! block fortress gives you the freedom to ...
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Fan of battleheart a sequel is underway! check www. mikamobile. com for details - - - ...
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Lines classic
Правила игры достаточно просты. после запуска приложения на экране появляется игровое п...
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Просто слова
Вы устали от стрельбы птицами по свиньям, кормления сладостями питомцев и уничтожения з...
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Spooky Hoofs HD
Experience the fastest, weirdest and most addictive coach ride ever! praised by mashabl...
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Bread Kittens
Совершите путешествие в мир catlandia где невинные котята промывают мозги злой chowcorp...
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Block Earth
Block earth is an app for building, browsing and sharing worlds and mini- games. it wor...
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Drift X
Keep the engines running and get ready to endless entertainment in different race track...
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Ресторан Dr. Panda
Приходите в ресторан dr. panda и готовьте вкусную еду для животных- посетителей! в этом...
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Словожоры Español - учим испанские слова играючи!
Словожоры - это изучение иностранных слов играючи. жили- были словожоры. ели они русски...
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Hack RUN
Ever wanted to be a hacker play hack run! hack your way into the heart of a mysterious ...
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International Snooker Career
International snooker career edition returns, already a smash hit on iphone and ipad we...
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Vuvuzela vs Zombies
The world cup has been taken by zombies and your only weapon is the annoying sound of a...
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9Heroes Defence : Zombie Invasion
Even more interesting monster vs zombie released ! appstore in monster vs zombie , try...
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Коты-следопыты: найди отличия
Эта игра о приключениях двух любопытных котов, путешествующих по разным странам и разга...
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one-dot enemies
Meet the smallest enemies in the history of games. theyre only one pixel big. theyre on...
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Fireworks Free Game
Touch the fireworks and solve the challenging puzzles in this wonderful game! exercise ...
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European War 3
In european war 3 you will be a commander leading your soldiers to fight for resources,...
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Flight Fight - Evolution
Flight fight : evolution give you an unprecedented experience of flight game ! - beauti...
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Recycling Moo
Chimp scientists have invented a m. o. o. that can save the world from garbage by eatin...
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Blue Defense: Second Wave!
Entirely unique, without peer on the app store! - nodpad original, intense, addictive,...
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iSurf Lite
Come join surfers paradise and start feeling the waves motion on your iphone! youve got...
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Tetravex Lite
Play the classic edge matching puzzle game tetravex on your iphone or ipod touch! arran...
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Beat Mechanic Lite
Thank you for making us top 25 in the music category get the full version now for 50 ...
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Aki Mahjong
Aki mahjong was designed specifically for your iphone or ipod touch, allowing you to en...
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Meteor Blitz
Game of the month - touch arcade top 10 action adventure game in us and japan apple...
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Prom Night Free
Get ready for the sequel to one of the hottest games in the app store! after meeting th...
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Stickman : Summer Games
Thank you very much making stickman: summer games full and stickman : summer games lite...
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Van Pershing
Zombies, werewolfes, frankenstein monsters and you . . . with fully loaded shotgun- 4 d...
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Cowabunga Full
A heavy rain has flooded the pasture and created a deep ravine that the cows need to cr...
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Azkend HD
Enjoy the visions from the mystical world of azkend in hd in a puzzle game polished to ...
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Bonzai Bounce
Bonzai bounce is a 2d platformer with a unique graphical style. your mission is to cont...
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Mutagen is a new strategy game for ios devices with intuitive controls and elegant desi...
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Fashion Style Dress Up
Looking for a dress up game that has all the latest fashion must- have with fashion sty...
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Glyph Quest
Try before you buy - free to level 5 then a single in- app purchase unlocks the rest of...
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Gemcraft, the online sensation played over 90 million times, has arrived! experience a ...
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For ipad3 owners, please download gunship- ii hd instead experience vietnam war era com...
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Монте-Карло - лучшая игра погони! - 3D -
Ты вор, который только что украл огромную добычу на скамейке и вы обязуетесь полета. кс...
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Остров оживших лиан
Внимание! данная версия игры может оказаться несовместимой с iphone 7! - - - - - - - - ...
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Countries of the World Quiz
1 application in more than 10 countries if you want to learn where all the countries...
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Phase 10 Pro
All new phase 10, now with multiplayer. the phase 10 card game is now in the itunes app...
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Блина - Дети Кулинария игры
Позволяет сделать блины. кулинария, украшения, одеваются и прикольных производителя игр...
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Кроссерслов это замысловатая игра в слова, где каждое задание содержит набор слов близк...
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Bluish Escape
30 blue rooms with 30 blue doors are waiting for your escape. do you accept the challen...
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4096 - Puzzle
4096 is a casual game in witch your goal is to combine the tiles until you reach the nu...
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Угадай страну Pro
Викторина для знатоков географии. ваша задача - угадать страну по фото, выбрав один из ...
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Delicious - True Love
Join emily on an amazing journey to follow her heart in delicious - emilys true love - ...
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Allies in War
Примите под свое командование мощную современную армию и сокрушите своих врагов в allie...