Приключения - игры на iPhone и iPad
To all of you crosswords lovers and other word- game afficionados. 1word is the best co...
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Splat It! - Free
A blend of fun and excitement in a puzzle game - iphonefootprint. com this puzzle game...
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Word Farm - Growing with Words
Ферма слов сдесь! это первая игра в слова , которая предлагает эксклюзивный режим много...
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Word Cross: Crossy Word Search
The king of brain teasers! starts off easy but gets challenging fast. can you beat the ...
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Soccer World Cap
Возьми свою команду на славу ! думай быстро, целись, стреляй, а мяч на дне проверьте...
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Word Create - Fun Search Games
Test your vocabulary skills with the ultimate word finding game! swipe and connect the ...
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Word Cookies 2017 Puzzle Words
Do you love to play some word search puzzle in new enjoyable way connect characters, se...
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Star Spot: Hunks Edition
Find differences between your favorite stars idols! now with austin mahone 4 mo...
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Brain training game:WordCoffee
Word coffee is the word puzzle game that millions of people just cant stop playing! its...
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Popular Sudoku
Dynamic generating sudoku game. you can play it forever and unlimited. features: - auto...
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Soccer Star Clicker
It is an easy and fun game of simulating soccer players! please try to legend! caution...
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Sudoku X4U
Simply the best sudoku app ever! four games in one! this is our free version for both i...
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Football Rush - Mobile Runner
Уворачивайся от приближающихся футбольных защитников, используя джойстик или тап. накап...
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Soccer Runner: Unlimited football rush!
Прыгай, скользи, уклоняйся и уничтожай все препятствия не давая твоему сворливому сосед...
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Whats the word 2 Jr - Rub and Reveal
This is the junior edition to what s the word 2 hey kids ! tired of watching the eld...
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Ghost Ship Escape -Horror Game
How would you feel to meddle with a ghost here is your chance to mess with the most not...
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A funny match- 3 erasing game free play match- 3 game with you friends over internetth...
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Swipea Танграм Головоломки для Детей: Инструменты
Простая, но в то же время веселая и познавательная танграм игра- головоломка, предназна...
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Swipea Танграм Головоломки для Детей: Портреты
Простая, но в то же время веселая и познавательная танграм игра- головоломка, предназна...
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Greetings 21st century earthlings! transport your mind beyond earthly concerns with the...
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Army Tank Doodle War - A Super Fun Defense Cartoon Battle Free Game
Featured in games racing whats hot! do you love classic shooting games then check out...
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Авто войны Полиция Chase Racer Pro
Удивительное действие автомобиль полиции. отвечая направить вам нужно гонке через down...
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Crab Out of Water
Check out this fun crab by the sea running game. join sheldon the crab out of the sea w...
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Soccer Messenger : Secret Messenger Soccer Game
Soccer messenger is digital version of the popular soccer warm- up, keep it in the air....
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Обезьяна на бегу - Валентина издание Чистая Любовь - Гонка в джунгли чтобы собирать бананы
В безумном порыве через джунгли в сумасшедшем run обезьяна, бесконечная игра хода это у...
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Stickman Dancing 2 : Sonic Speed Rocket Rider Edition
Join stickman and check out this fun and addictive stickman running game. jump from one...
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TV Show & Series Quiz Free ~ Learn Television Serial & Drama Name
Test your memory and guess the tv show! prove youre the best with all levels and many m...
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Trivia World: Quiz
Выберите правильный ответ из 4 возможных. все вопросы делятся на 6 категорий: развлечен...
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Love Gossip
A secret adult relationship with your coveted boyfriend! your body is mine. . . light a...
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Trivia For Five Nights At Freddys
Take the ultimate five nights at freddys challenge. battle through a huge range of chal...
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Я играю теннисный шум
Это - игра, чтобы начать шар с теннисной ракеткой. когда время пройдет, увеличение шаро...
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Cricket Power-Play Lite
Are you ready to step into the league of the most devastating batsman in the game terro...
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Cute Animal Nursery
Take good care of your cute pets, the kitten, puppy and pony. how long can you keep the...
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Tiger Ball Physics Toss
If you are looking for a physics tigerball game, this is the one. its really a great ti...
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Thai Alphabet Game F
Important - thai alphabet game f has been completely rebuilt from scratch. - all previ...
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Testa me
O que : testa- me um jogo de adivinha o de palavras para ser jogado com duas ou mais ...
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Spaceward Ho!
Spaceward ho! is a strategic game of awesome scope. you control the entire military and...
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Star Empire
Match 3 meet tactical space combat! star empire amps up the galactic conflict with mor...
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The ultimate swimming simulator! take your rookie swimmer from the local 25m breaststro...
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Swipe Football Free
Introducing swipe football free! the free version of swipe football pro. swipe your way...
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Sneakers Quiz Game
You love sneakers then youll love this game! the worlds most famous sneakers waiting fo...
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A quiz game for olympic sports events free are you one of the olympic fans are you fam...
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Take a break and try this funny game. can you get 100 points in 10 different rounds ca...
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Smart Sikhi - Learn Gurmukhi
Learn gurmukhi using various innovative methods. learn gurmukhi without a teacher! the ...
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Grab a cup of coffee and relax with sidewords. sidewords is part logic puzzle, part wor...
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Lo scopo di crittografie decriptare le oltre 1300 frasi, di cui oltre 700 italiane. a ...
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Guess The Scene - Popcorn Culture Movies
Big sale on coins how well do you remember the movies you have watched do you think you...
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Movie Quiz - Action Game Edition
Love it - very cool quiz fantastic very good game ! im a movie buff so i love trivi...
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Spot for Taylor Swift
Find differences between taylor swift photos! exciting arcade game challenging you to f...