Приключения - игры на iPhone и iPad
Escape Choice
Oars or swimming ring axe or stone the choice will help you through, or eaten by sharks...
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Beasts Evolved: Skirmish
Game info beasts evolved: skirmish is a strategy based game that unfolds around monster...
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Stunt Rider 3D
Motorcycle gang waiting for you. let reach finish line and join them. that is not as ea...
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Dont let the asteroids escape! control the spacebots ship and stop the asteroids from l...
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Оставшийся в живых - Квест
С трудом избежав смерти после того, как в небе разразилась ужасная гроза, ты совершаешь...
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Stick Beaver Hero
Update - collect coins to unlock new beavers! you play as leroy, he is a beaver. he nee...
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Zombie 3D: Infection
Chain reaction zombie game, watch as a single zombie turns everyone into zombiesselect ...
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Погрузитесь в мир магии, заклинаний, волшебных амулетов и заколдованных сокровищ! побей...
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WesternGold Game
Westerngold its runner styled game inspired by wild west. you are cowboy, who need run ...
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Get to the finish! make your way through dangerous hindrance! one tap easy- to- learn c...
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Odd Island Defense
The odd island came a group of uninvited guests, in order to defend the island against ...
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Герои Арены 3D
Друзья, не пропустите в скором времени: - специальный новогодний ивент! - новые руны - ...
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Bio Blast
Match and connect your way through hundreds of levels on this epic puzzle adventure. ch...
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Средневековая Битва
Королевства охвачены войной погрузись в захватывающую атмосферу средневековья! ты гото...
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Heist Master 3D - Robber Man
Go ahead! find something in the unlimited floor building sneak past security guards, re...
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Моя Больница Хирург Симулятор
Добро пожаловать в мою больницу. вы когда- нибудь мечтали стать врачом в реальном време...
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MAI Crafted
Mai crafted has been downloaded over 1. 6 million times has charted number 1 spot in o...
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Zen Rotation
Это медитативная игра, в которой вам нужно вращать уровень, чтобы объединить кубики инь...
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Heston Hogs: The Way Home
Are you in search of a new kid interactive game interactive storybook do you want this...
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Bmx Icycle Trials : gear street drag racing
You may have the balance to ride in a bmx and slide on the hillside. . . behold the ult...
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Circuit Mode
A game for those who love puzzles, challenging tasks and are ready to understand how th...
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Flip the RAP Game
Rap simulation. begin your career as a freed from a colony for minors guy without home ...
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Printing 3D
Print everything! hold the color button to print the object layer by layer, so the prin...
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Badmonkey is a game for everyone. young and old can play this game. lite adventure game...
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Quack Quack Duck Popper- Fun Kids Balloon Popping Game
Quack quack quack quack. . . the quack quack ducks are here ! simple, funny and eye cat...
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Balloon Popping Pop - Fun Air Balloon Popper Game Free
Balloon popping pop brings the joy of popping balloons right to your ios device! balloo...
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Phylo HD
Добро пожаловать в загадочный мир phylo - место где еще только начинает зарождаться нов...
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Wow Wink
Тебе жизненно необходимо избегать злых роузенов и кушать чипсики на лету. просто, да не...
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Crowd City - Fun Run
Welcome to the wonderful world of crowd city - fun run and become the biggest crowd in ...
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Planktons Gang. Sponge Escape
У вас есть ресторан гамбургеров через дорогу от планктона вашего конкурента. в последне...
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Файтинг Фанатов
Кто самый крутой футбольный фанат на планете пора доказать, кто тут главный! безжалостн...
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Птичка КоКо
Вы доктор технических наук. тебя зовут коко. вы полетели в космос, чтобы изучить планет...
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Zombies: Samsons Survival!
Finally, the zombie killing game you have always wanted for mobile is here ! use over 2...
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Ulti Mate
Устал от того, что все рошаны достаются врагу не знаешь, когда откатится ультимейт хитр...
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Photo Catcher
Youre a novice photographer, make a dream come true. go on a grand adventure! take pict...
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Jungle Adventures Run
Если вам понравилась наша серия приключения в джунглях , то вам наверняка понравится эт...
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Jelly Tubes
Jellies have their own style and color. players task: to move colored jellies into funn...
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Music Awaits
Music awaits is a casual and beautiful music game. you need to follow the rhythm of the...
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Угадай слово по смайлам
Если ты любишь пошевелить извилинами, обожаешь разгадывать головоломки, ребусы и кроссв...
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Volcano Attack!
Welcome to volcano attack! download now and play for free! are you smart enough to prot...
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Slime Me
Create a slime and sell it1. add glue2. add the color3. add decoration4. add a thickene...
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Air-Madness HD
Air- madness is a must- have app store classic. its the incredibly simple, yet insanely...
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Get Out 3
Its a very challenging puzzle game. roll the block over this way and over that way to g...
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Get Out 4
- - looks simple, rules are simple, controls are simple, starts simple, but winning is ...
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SPEED - Heads Up Solitaire
Speed is a fast- paced, heads- up version of solitaire. your goal is simple: place all ...
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Smash Food
Heres a fun game to play! smash fruit and have fun. - have fun smashing fruit! its rela...
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3D Pool Billiards Club & Bar
How about a nice sport game of pool billiards to kill time play the 3d pool billiards c...
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Jungle Fight Free
Very simple to play and no rules. monkeys hate rules. : d : dcontrol monkey with red sh...
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