Xmatic - Electric Skateboard

Xmatic - Electric Skateboard

от Thuan Pham
Цена: 549.00 руб.Устройства: iPhone
Версия: 1.85 от 21 сентября 2024 Язык: Русский Размер: 37.9 Мб Возраст: 4+

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2.82 (1) AppStore: 2.67

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Отзывы о приложении Xmatic - Electric Skateboard (2)

  • Battler 686 Battler 686, 15 сентября 2021 в 21:37:19   # Уважаемые - приложение не работает с новой прошивкой. Старые работают. Не могу подключиться к ubox vesc! Ответить
  • Artem bulashev Artem bulashev, 14 сентября 2021 в 02:56:40   # Have to go to vesctool from pc, and make sure your BT device name is set to the same as this app name bt device will be created. It’s sort of like vesc connecting to your phone BT hot spot that this app creates! Works great! Refresh rate can be adjusted to 100ms people that put less stars just don’t understand how vesc BT works. Missing one options, REALLY important! - has custom modes even! 1. Change scare board for other picture - escooter, because this is best vesc app for IPhone! 2. Need to see Motor temp as well! - this is super important guys. Please add it in the next update! 3. CanPort scan would be great, because other wise to find out second vesc i have to open deck and connect usb to other Vesc and check what can I’d is of the esc I want to target with bt

    - bag found: when changing “mode” for some reason that sets “invert motor direction” to “false”. Every time, May be only for vesc that’s over can, not sure

    - add can switch directly at modes menue
    - allow to name them so that we can clearing see front motor or rear motor without remembering to which vesc bt is connected and what vesc is than over can for us

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