Dispatch: Email meets GTD

Dispatch: Email meets GTD

от Clean Shaven Apps
Цена: 529.00 руб.Устройства: iPhone, iPad
Версия: 3.3.5 от 04 июня 2013 Язык: Русский Размер: 42.8 Мб Возраст: 4+ Официальный сайт: http://www.dispatchapp.net

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Отзывы о приложении Dispatch: Email meets GTD (4)

  • Nothimwasday Nothimwasday, 29 апреля 2018 в 23:38:28   # Красиво все. Но постоянные вылеты. Пока настраивал почту, выбил два раза и приходилось заново заполнять окошки. Пуш-уведомления не работают вообще. Вручную все приходит. Тройка за дизайн и удобство, а за остальное кол. Ответить
  • Snusmumric Snusmumric, 06 марта 2018 в 10:09:13   # Developer doesnt reply to feedback via TestFlight or ordinary mail.
    I wrote new bugreport but Im sure they dont read them.
    So by now 1 star instead of 4.

    (FIXED) Crashes in iOS9 (iPad Air, iPod) in 2 seconds!
    //Including the newest version too.

    Thank you for the great mail app for iOS!

    The app development goes slow. But it does on.
    After the latest update, it became much better!

    Now it is universal also working on iPad, has userpics and snippets suggestions.

    I wish support to be more responsive though.

    (Ive wrote to support but got no reply.)

    3. You may need to move all the incoming mail to Archive after processing, or to keep it inside Inbox for working purposes. However, the app has an option only to show up to 200 recent letters. When you scroll down Universal Inbox to the list bottom, there is no button [Load more…] under it. This confuses a bit. This button appears under individual Inboxes.

    4. Please add an option to group Inbox by the recent sender. See how its done in Unibox for Mac. You have very compact list of persons ordered by either the date of most recent letter person sent to you or the letter you sent to a person. Inside the persons letter list all letters look as a conversation with this sender and may be organized in a smaller conversation threads like it done by now already.

    5. The letters list could have thin dividers to group it by dates.

    6. The app sometimes sticks at mail checking and the throbber can stay turning for a lot of minutes without effect. If you go to single letter and then come back to list, you cannot say whether it failed to check mail or all check has completed and no new mail available.

    7. The letter header has handy menu for the senders email. It has Mail button but this creates letter with blank bcc. I expect it to add the initial letter accounts email to Bcc.

    8. Speaking of Bcc, the app has very handy feature: auto-add From to Bcc. But this works only with reply to a letter. When you compose new blank letter, the auto-Bcc doesnt work.

    9. If a letter contains graphics each image tends to be displayed in its 100% size. More correct way will be to downsize it to the viewport and zoom in on demand. In the CSS terms it will be
    img {max-width: 98%; max-height: 92%;}
    The conversation and each letter may have a list of all sent documents and images, as its done in Apple Messages.

    10. When you attach images there is no line displaying the letters whole size and attachments size.

    11. System notifications should contain buttons: Mark as read, Archive and mark as read, Reply. The Archive and Read buttons exist in CloudMagic notifications, for instance.

    12. A reply shows Remove salutation at the start of composing. But a way to switch to another salutation template stays unclear.

    old suggestions================

    1. DONE! Please, add (rounded) userpics from Address book to the letters list and letter view. (They could be turned off by default.) Its done quite good in myMail app and Canonball, see also Unibox for Mac. It streamlines letters sorting and working with mail dramatically. When you see the logos of organizations and persons faces, you may suggest the letter contents even before you start reading so that you can focus on the mail you need to work with at the current moment. By now you are forced to read most of the mail headers and this takes time.

    2. DONE! Please make the app universal. By now it runs on iPad but isnt designed for its screen size. I guess many people already had asked you to do this. Your app is great and I dont wish to switch to something else on iPad.
  • Borisko09 Borisko09, 08 февраля 2018 в 11:12:14   # Возможно удобно тем у кого большой объем стандартных ответов. Поддерживает собственные снипеты и textexpander. Больше плюсов не нашел. Плохо работают пуш уведомления. В основном уведомления появляются только при открытии программы. ИМХО - не самый лучший агент. Ответить
  • Comearroz Comearroz, 16 июля 2017 в 12:53:19   # Pros:
    1. Разработчики постоянно обновляют и улучшают приложение (в этом релизе добавили bulk edit, новые actions)
    2. Проработанный приятный и удобный интерфейс
    3. Клиент ориентирован на эффективную и производительную работу с почтой, использует actions, которые позволяют совершать кучу полезных операций с сообщениями
    4. Потрясающее внимание к деталям (см Walkthrough в разделе Help)
    5. Первый почтовый клиент, который запускаю с удовольствием
    1. Проблемы с отображением favorites (помеченные звездочкой сообщения): по умолчанию загружается только последний favorite, для каждого последующего приходится нажимать Load more..., загрузка следующих favorite-сообщений происходит очень медленно.

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