Sonder - Taking Stay Further

Sonder - Taking Stay Further

от Sonder
Цена: БесплатноУстройства: iPhone
Версия: 3.10.1 от 24 сентября 2024 Язык: Русский Размер: 51.9 Мб Возраст: 4+ Официальный сайт:

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4.25 (1) AppStore: 4.19

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Аналоги Sonder - Taking Stay Further

Отзывы о приложении Sonder - Taking Stay Further (2)

  • Katia scar Katia scar, 02 февраля 2024 в 19:26:27   # I see that some reviews were left over a year ago, but not much changed.

    All just to get a confirmation of a booking I already paid for.
    - 4 hours chatting to get a confirmation of phone number (no texts from Sonder seems to be reaching me).
    - Constantly asking me to make an internationally call to USA to solve their (!) issue.

    -You then have to delete the app and install it again, so it is your last step, no matter that you have already chatted with them for hours and hours through the actual app!

    This is all crazy and i didn’t yet even arrive at the place.
  • Maksa4usec Maksa4usec, 01 февраля 2023 в 10:46:03   # I have been trying to get the check-in details for 3 hours because of technical issues with the app: it was displayed that I need to download the app, what I had already done at that moment. After starting three chats with the support I have found out that I need to verify my id. But again: there was no link for it.

    Regarding the app:
    It’s not possible to copy text from the chat, thus each time the support agent sends a link you need to type it manually.
    It’s not possible to upload photos to the chat to prove that there is a problem with the app.
    It is not possible to continue the chat with the same support agent whom you have already explained everything after you close the chat or an app.

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