NOTA Mole Tracker

NOTA Mole Tracker

Цена: БесплатноУстройства: iPhone
Версия: 1.10.0 от 26 апреля 2022 Язык: Русский Размер: 9.3 Мб Возраст: 12+ Официальный сайт:

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5.01 (1) AppStore: 5.00

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Developer's diary. Moles on your phone
how I take 'aesthetic' notes on my tablet *for android and ios*

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Отзывы о приложении NOTA Mole Tracker (2)

  • Desdreperma Desdreperma, 08 апреля 2022 в 11:58:56   # I check moles for myself, my family and friends. Please note that the app only works with the device.
    There are comments: it would be more convenient to use the application if the possibilities of using the front camera and creating photos by pressing the side buttons on the phone are added. Please add these features
  • Zubyara Zubyara, 07 апреля 2022 в 17:00:32   # I’ve found Nota by accident in the Internet and can’t believe I have such a great mole tracker in my family. We’re checking our moles on weekly basis and really happy to save our time. Still visiting dermatologist as scheduled but feels much more secure when having a chance to check everything at home by yourself. Thank you guys and keep going with other inventions Ответить

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