

от A.S.M.A. B.V.
Цена: 749.00 руб.Устройства: iPhone
Версия: 8.5.1 от 09 декабря 2024 Язык: Русский Размер: 35.5 Мб Возраст: 4+ Официальный сайт:

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Best Triathlon Training App for Measuring Your Fitness
HRV4Training App Review

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Отзывы о приложении HRV4Training (2)

  • Lucifugum Lucifugum, 28 июля 2021 в 14:26:28   # New UI (starting from v. 7.9) is ugly and hardly usable.

    Previous light themed UI was much better. Why do people spoil what was good?..

    1) Some interactive UI controls (e.g. “Measure” button) are not recognizable due to they don’t look like interactive.

    2) Some text (UI controls captions) is hardly readable due to thoughtless selection of colors.

    In addition:

    3) After starting the editing of a measurement (by tapping pencil icon) there is no way to cancel it without saving.

    4) Recently (starting from v. 7.9) added round points on the n-days averaged line on the Baseline chart overload chart’s view and embarrass it’s perception when points are close to each other.

    5) There is no ability to see the Baseline chart for more than 1 last year (last 365 days) period.

    6) It would be great if number of days for plotting averaged baseline was available for selection by user (e.g. 7, 10, 14, 21, 28 days).

    7) Baseline chart uses device screen area inefficiently, and it is too small. Plotting it in a horizontal screen orientation would make it much convenient to view and manipulate with.

    8) HR live preview is highly necessary before starting a measurement.

    9) Along many versions of the app the “HRV4Training Pro - more info” link on the “HRV4Training Pro” page (available from the main menu) does not work due to incorrect URL. Do you (developers) ever read reviews in App Store?

    Bad UI decisions, decreased functionality. The app is getting worse and useless.

    Rolled back to v. 7.7.9.
  • Garptica Garptica, 21 февраля 2021 в 04:08:45   # There are a lot of scientific researches that 5min isnt enough to exactly evaluate your condition.
    Using only chest strap can guarantee R-R intervals to be typed well.
    This app doesnt allow you to do this‍♂️

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