Cappuccino: Podcast w/ Friends

Cappuccino: Podcast w/ Friends

от Capp Inc
Цена: БесплатноУстройства: iPhone
Версия: 1.9.13 от 12 ноября 2024 Язык: Русский Размер: 104.7 Мб Возраст: 12+ Официальный сайт:

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4.08 (1) AppStore: 4.00

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Cappuccino app - Podcasts with Friends - overview
Podcasting for FREE // Remote Podcast Recording // with 2 or more people

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Отзывы о приложении Cappuccino: Podcast w/ Friends (3)

  • Kharms13 Kharms13, 11 апреля 2022 в 13:25:23   # For a week my close friends and I have been testing Cappuccino. We love the format: its helps us to hear short stories and opinions from each other but without wasting a lot of time. And, following its name, Cappuccino became a nice morning ritual for me.

    But the app seems pretty raw:

    1) It has a lack of optimization. If you have a 3g or slow wifi you will have to wait until the cover image is loaded to start playing the bean (message). I would like to see it more sound-centered

    2) User Interface could be more clear and effective. I didnt find how to view common group statistics, so as a creator I don’t have a feedback about what of my beans was more immersive in last day/week/month. Some buttons are small so its hard to operate while on the walk

    3) Invitation system is not clear to me. There is a 6-digit code and it changes from time to time. Can I share old code with ones or is it deactivated? Does anyone can guess the 6-digit code and access our room?

    4) Last of all, the website redirects to app store. It is not bad at all but I had to describe the app to friends by myself. A web version would be a nice bonus to use Cappuccino on a desktop. I believe its not so hard since you are hosting on Firebase ;)

    5) Checking the developer, I found another app Stories with the same functionality at the glance. What is difference? Should I use Stories or Cappuccino? It is not clear for me

    Good luck with your apps, I believe you can do it better
  • Iridleywla Iridleywla, 01 мая 2021 в 16:24:26   # Please contact me and we will provide a good commission_. Skype/$WhatsApp:⑧ +⑩8615982002312 Facebook:estelle668%,⑧Are any developers willing to develop apps for our company?$ We need developers to develop various types of apps for our company‥. If you are proficient in a certain type of APP development= Ответить
  • Nad0008 Nad0008, 30 апреля 2021 в 06:12:48   # The app is really cool, I prefer voice messages times 100! Also found out about the app from Brittanys tiktok and just wanna say ✨she’s really good✨! Ответить

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