Swap RGB
Its simple to adjust images color by swapping red green blue channel each other. easy...
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Trim Videos - Easy cut & split
Do you have videos that are too long need just short part of a particular video on your...
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ADPD 2019
Ad pd 2019, the 14th international conference on alzheimers and parkinsons diseases and...
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AiZip - Zip Rar 7z Инструмент
Aizip, сжатый файловый менеджер, предназначенный для мобильных устройств. поддержка фор...
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Akita Security
Some things are, well, private. things like: your smart security cameras, baby monitors...
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Alarm Clock Widget
Are you looking for a nice and beautiful notification center alarm clock widget is desi...
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Все в одном менеджере паролей
Password manager это самый простой способ, чтобы получить доступ ко всем ваши пароли, г...
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ALLFONTS - Install Any & All New Custom Fonts
Look no further! your search for custom font installer is over! there are absolutely no...
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Amharic Keys
If youre looking for fastest amharic system keyboard for ios8please check black keys ap...
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Analog Clock Lite - Pendulum
It is an analog clock application that can also display a pendulum clock. clockchangeab...
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This is a calculator app that can angle conversion . you can know degrees, minutes and ...
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Anytracker is a simple, easy and lightweight tool for tracking everything. old school p...
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APPA Connect
Appa connect is a software designed to show reading of appa digital multimeter remotely...
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Ваше личное хранилище документов всегда с вами. archietag не только удобный сканер, но ...
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ArkVPN Pro
This is premium version of arkvpn service: the fastest vpn proxy, the lowest network la...
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Connectez- vous votre espace personnel armado et recevez sur votre appli lensemble des...
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Armenian Dictionary
Armenian to english and english to armenian dictionary. text to speech feature and auto...
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Armenian Keyboard - Armenian Input Keyboard
Armenian keyboard app will allows you to type message, story, e- mails etc. in armenian...
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Articheck Legacy
Condition checking made easy. protect your artwork and cultural objects with an app tha...
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Length measuring application using ar technology. using a camera, you can measure roug...
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Asistan || Akıllı Ajanda
Asistan ile her ey kolay. - etkinlik olu tur- arkada lar nla payla - ki isel notlar n k...
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ASM Vessel Tracker
Now track all your vessels in your smartphone! please send in your feedback. more updat...
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Assamese keyboard - Assamese Input Keyboard
Assamese keyboard app will allows you to type message, story, e- mails etc. in assamese...
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Astra - for Alexa Voice Services
Astra is a smart personal assistant powered by alexa voice services. astra listens as y...
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ASUS Extender
Asus extender app is a revolution of an app for ios, to manage, setup your wi- fi range...
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Auction Notifier for WoW
Auction notifier allows you to keep track of all your auctions in world of warcraft. tr...
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Authenticator for TOTP and HOTP
This application provides one time passwords to be used during the authentication as 2-...
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AUTOsist-Car/Fleet Maintenance
Are you looking for a simple way to stay organized when it comes to your vehicles, flee...
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Aviation Fuel Converter
This app is written by a pilot to allow pilots and refuelers servicer to quickly and ac...
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Axiad ID
We are excited to announce the release of axiad id 2. 0 application. axiad id is a mobi...
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Blinkenlights lets you see the status of anything you want at a glance with a series of...
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The bluzone app provides developers the means to provision, configure, and remotely mon...
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BodyGuard Mobile Security
Bodyguard secures your phone, your data and your identity in one click of a button with...
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BOLI | Dhivehi Thaana Keyboard
The one and only dhivehi thaana keyboard for the ios comes bundled along with many usef...
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Booka - Minimal Booklist
Booka is your personal booklist manager to keep track of your booklist. you can easily ...
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Bookmark & Browser - Fol Brow
Fol brow folder browser is an app to administrate websites and movie channels bookmarks...
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Boom Form
With this amazing boom form application you can easily view all your submissions anywhe...
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Brazilian Test
The brazilian test application was designed to be used in conjunction with a gcts wirel...
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BTU Calculator - Data Centers
Choosing the right data center cooling system for your data center is essential to the ...
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Bull Outdoor Kitchen Design Wizard By Bull Outdoor Products Inc.
Disclaimer: this app is intended for use by authorized bull dealers. a username and pa...
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Burmese Keys
If youre looking for burmese system keyboard for ios8please check black keys app from u...
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ByteMe Code Editor for Software Design, Development, and Programming On-the-Go
Byteme shell 1. 1. 0byteme is an accessible universal syntax highlighting ide for ios d...
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Check - To-Do & Task List
Check is a beautiful designed ephemeral to- do list. furthermore, the only to- do list ...
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Check This: To-do List
Colorful and simple to- do list. create your own categories and pick any color for it. ...
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Checksheet App -Symbolix.-
Symbolix. is a check sheet application. create flexible check sheet that has max 100 ce...
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Chemistry Solutions
Chem solutions is an application geared towards expediting the chemical calculation pro...
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Chmeetings is a non- denominational church management tool designed to make daily churc...
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Chronability is a new, fresh take on productivity and time management that transforms t...
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Chronometre industriel cmin
Ce chronom tre enti rement gratuit et sans publicit , vous permet de mesurer facilement...