Uwatch provide multi- purpose alerting systems that can be deployed anywhere without th...
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evieMakes crochet stickers
Hi! my name is evie. i m a christian junior doctor in london and these are my wee croch...
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talento smart
Die talento smart app ist zur verwendung mit den digitalen verteilerschaltuhren aus der...
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Talentcards is a mobile learning app that helps you deliver training in small chunks of...
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Ralston Paint Advice
Create a professional advice in no time in your own company layout. present a unique pr...
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Are you still using pen and paper to capture your site information do you struggle with...
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QTix (QueueTix)
Use qtix queuetix to manage stores or join customers the queue, waitlist and booking i...
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Plain Text Pro + Word Counter
Convert all plain text from whatever you copied and count the character, word at the sa...
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OCR скан-бесплатный неограниченный
Экспортируется в фотографии, загруженные в онлайн- сервисов поддерживает dropbox, evern...
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OCR - scan text from camera
5 free credits scans for all users! take a picture of anything book, your computer scre...
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Joylitehome is used with security camera, it can let you see your home on your phone, i...
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L espace locataire est une application gratuite r serv e aux locataires de vilogia s. a...
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Snooker Scoreboard ≤ 4 players
A scoreboard for snooker that allows up to 4 players no other competing app has this ca...
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Call Recorder Plus
App subtitle: record all incoming and outgoing calls on your phones. description: call ...
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Te damos la bienvenida a la app para los clientes de i- deiberdrola distribuci n el ctr...
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gFit - Club and Gym Management Software
Gfit is a club and gym management software. supervising your club has never been so eas...
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feiffer combine
Регулировка комбайна - нет проблем! app feiffer combine ведет вас просимы шагами к опти...
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Falcon Maintenance Doc
Falcon maintenance doc for ipad is a free of charge application, for all falcon custome...
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editorr proofreading & editing
This is not a free service! if you like grammarly, you will love editorr. get 24 7 writ...
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e-Devlet Belge Doğrulama
Barkodlu belge do rulama uygulamas turkiye. gov. tr e- devlet kap s adresinden alm ol...
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color muse
Now available: color muse pantone color subscriptionusers are now able to access more ...
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Cadoo Messenger
Cadoo messenger is a completely free app that allows you to communicate with all the or...
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Turn your iphone into a 3d controller for 3ds max. freedee makes the controlling and pr...
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CMS Breach Assistant
Каждая современная компания может в определенный момент столкнуться с утечкой своих дан...
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Chirp Access
Chirp is a smart access solution for individuals living in multifamily and student hous...
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Best Analyzer for Instagram
Most users need a quick report for their social media. this is how you can track follow...
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BacklotCars Buyer
Backlotcars gives independent car dealers direct access to wholesale inventory from tho...
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Easy and quick mind- mapping and diagramming! compatible with macos x version! finally...
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Plump n Chick
Very new and funny sticker pack of plump n chick! buy once and own forever! this pack ...
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Цыпалетта - любопытная и искренняя. у нее от вас никаких секретов. у нее также нет гран...
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Моя Cтрана
Сервис для жителей россии, который позволяет без заполнения бумажных документов и поиск...
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Приложение предоставляет информацию о: данных о текущем состоянии каждого заправочного...
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Сканер ID PonPon 3
Сканирование удостоверения личности и часто отправляемое, не так ли когда вы использует...
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Translator & Doc Scanner
Another amazing revolution in apps translator doc scanner having excellent workings r...
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Car Life
Приложение позволяет вести записи о расходах на авто, подсчитывать общий расход. вести ...
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Easy Remote Pro
Easy remote pro allows you to control any nicolaudie ethernet wifi enabled stand alone ...
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Haridham Calendar
Descriptiona hindu gujarati calendar application that provides tithi lunar date , festi...
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Easy ePub Creator Pro
Easy epub creator pro allows you to quickly and easily create beautiful fixed- layout e...
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To Do List and Notes
To do list notes - stay organized, be productiveeasy to organize your daily to do task...
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Baháí Gebete
Die app beinhaltet au er gebeten und verborgenen worten noch viele weitere funktionen: ...
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Umeter App
Daily read out - quarter data for electricity and hourly data for gas. for free you get...
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Myanmar Net App
Mobile application for using and managing myanmar net: myanmar net application will let...
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Catholic Daily Mass Reading
Now access daily catholic mass readings at your fingertips. . . access any days reading...
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Table Display: внешний дисплей
Покажите результаты футбольных матчей на всю стену используя проектор. демонстрируйте м...
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Tagtool transforms your ipad into a visual live instrument. connect a projector to pain...
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Cette application permet de lister votre cheptel et den s lectionner une ou plusieurs v...
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Exоfоcus - Effectіve Mеthоd
Do you know what your highest productivity is like can you imagine yourself fully focus...