Alarm Clock Xtrm Wake Pro - Weather + Music Player
Simple but stunning alarm clock for your ipad. the reliable and user- friendly clock ap...
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All Level System HD
We are proud to present. - all level system hdthis amazing bubble level application is ...
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Annuaire OPT
Lannuaire opt, lannuaire t l phonique officiel de polyn sie fran aise. l application an...
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App Studio Issue Previewer
App studio issue previewer lets you test app studio issues that have been pushed to tes...
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AR-media Player
With ar- media player, you can visualize and interact with augmented virtual reality e...
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The armstrong app is an easy to use application for managing your armstrong account and...
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Artist3D - Viewer
Artist3d offers entry- level 3d modeling. rotate move and scale 3d objects very easily ...
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Audio Mix Player HD Lite
Audio music mix player hd lite is an excellent player for iphone, ipad ipod touch whic...
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Predaj vozidla alebo motocykla nikdy nebol jednoduch ! pou ite bezplatn aplik ciu autob...
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Autolog lemanaging car maintenance made simple. autolog le is a versatile app designed ...
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aClock Classic
Aclock classic will make your idevice a beautiful analog clock. try now! you can set m...
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Baby Girl Names LITE
Baby girl names is an application to help about to be parents pick out the perfect name...
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Named one of the top 100 new home products for 2011 in this old house magazine baluste...
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Bar / QR Code Maker
- делайте, делитесь, печатайте штрих- коды и qr- коды quick response в одном приложении...
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Barcode free is providing a free demo touch for this barcode qrcode scanning app which ...
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Battery Power Doctor & Booster
Welcome to battery power lite for your iphone, ipod touch ipad! featuring universal ap...
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Battery Forecaster Pro
- supports ios 11. - supports iphone x, iphone 8, iphone 8 plus. - supports ipad pro. b...
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Buildersbeams is the perfect beam calculator on the iphone for architects, builders, pl...
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Bear Memo
Bear memo is a simple note- taking, handwriting tool. runs very fast. very simple yet p...
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Bible Reading Scheduler
The bible reading scheduler app tracks your daily bible reading progress. this app was ...
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Synchronize your contacts and events between your iphone and mozilla thunderbird, light...
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Bluetooth Low Energy BLE tool
Bluetooth low energy ble debug tool1. scan and connect bluetooth le device2. input cbuu...
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BLE Tools Pro
This is a professional testing and debugging tool for developers that create ble blueto...
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Bluetooth U+
Bluetooth u ensure both devices iphone ipod ipad transfer files mutually, no file type ...
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Bookmarkers is a software, which can manage your bookmark of website url. it has those ...
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Bos: 311, formerly known as citizens connect, is a cutting- edge, full- featured tool f...
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Break Timer
This is a simple timer app. the cute tiger informs to repeats your break time and worki...
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BuluTT Depo
Bulutt depo is a file storage service provided by t rk telekom, you can store your file...
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CalcNote = калькулятор + примечание
Calcnote является уникальным калькулятор и обратите внимание на комплексное применение....
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CalcQX LITE - the calculator
Using calcqx, no longer double checking the answer by doing the calculation again! stan...
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CalcQX ~ the calculator
Using calcqx, no longer double checking the answer by doing the calculation again! stan...
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Calculator XL Standard, Scientific, Unit Converter
Calculator xlt is the lite version of calculator xl, a 5- in- 1 universal calculator ap...
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Calculator: CalcuPad
Calcupad will turn your ipad into a fully featured calculator. youll also be able to sh...
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Калькулятор Fn
Инженерный калькулятор с 8 программируемыми кнопками дает возможность выбрать из общего...
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Captio - Email yourself with 1 tap
Send yourself a quick note with just one tap. its simple, reliable and really fast. if...
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CBORD Mobile ID - for CS Gold
Cbord mobile id is an app designed to be a mobile phone version of your id card. from w...
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Character Writer
Character writer is an elegant text editor and the best way to work with special charac...
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Stay on top of traffic anywhere you go. whether you re at your desk, in the field, or j...
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Check! Pro - Planning Partner
Exercise, going on a diet, study, quit smoking. . . tired of organizing all of these go...
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CheckList Manager
Love them or hate them - checklists are a part of life. the same list of items needing ...
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Checklist Wrangler
Geared toward general and work needs, checklist wrangler allows you to easily manage te...
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Chess Clock Free
A chess clock consists of two connected clocks which cant run at the same time. use it ...
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Clapperboard / Clapboard Slate
Fancy yourself as a movie producer or director use this brilliant app and add a little ...
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Clipped for iOS (Bookmark all your favorite links)
Meet clipped for ios. this application is meant for users who like to share things to s...
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cMT Viewer
Breaking through the architecture of hmi hardware and software, we freed hmi from its t...
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MEO Cloud
A meo cloud um servi o de alojamento e sincroniza o que lhe permite manter os ficheiro...
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Symbol Keyboard & Emoji - Emoticons Art Text, Unicode Icons Characters Symbols for Texting, MMS Messages & Any Chat App
Do you tired of boring text sms or email and want to impress your friends now you can s...