Factura Mobile
Factura mobile is used to notify payers about issued bills and their terms of payment. ...
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Aplikacja f home umo liwia u ytkownikowi zdalne sterowanie prac urz dze stanowi cych wy...
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Danfoss Link
Danfoss link app turns your mobile device into a remote control for your danfoss link c...
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Decor My Screen ™
This app is optimized for ios 9, iphone 6s, iphone 6s plus ipad pro. decor my screen g...
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D-Link One-Touch
D- link offers you a fast and easy way to get connected, by utilising the free one- tou...
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Real- time measurementmeasure data every 2 seconds to monitor your body temperature in ...
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Met up, boxx en de app wordt je huis nog slimmer. de boxx- app is vernieuwd, en onderst...
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Gradient Background Maker
Gradient background maker can be used to create nice colour images that can be saved as...
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Baby Watch (Pro)
Baby watch is a product for parents, to give their children a better protection. the wa...
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Baby relaxing music before sleep
Babies often cry to let their parents know that they are not happy with something but t...
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B.E.G. One
Now even better: with the b. e. g. one, your smartphone becomes a remote control for al...
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Appful is one of the worlds most remarkable beautiful app service for blogger and onli...
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That Racing Channel
The official app of that racing channel. want to know how fast your car is you can test...
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Dreader is a document reading application compatible with pdf and epub free or adobe dr...
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Dtmfdec is a highly sensitive dtmf- tone decoder which dynamically adapts to noisy or q...
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ACATW-Walkie Talkie Translator
Limited free acatw- walkie talkie , q a real time translation. support 72 languages tra...
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Ifuelcalculator is an ios application used to aid users about journey costs. the applic...
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Easyreader il miglior reader avanzato di magazine che ti permette di leggere tutte le ...
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Easysat gets your location and provides you the data for receiving the satellite from y...
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Ya somos parte del grupo easypark, la aplicaci n m s usada en europa. para seguir aparc...
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Fancy keyboard fonts
Fancy fonts with custom keyboard themes with easy hash keyboardno more boring font for ...
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Ephemeris позволяет легко найти любой астрономический объект по отношению к вашему уник...
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QR Code Scaner
Futures: - quick recognition- flash suport- scan history- sharing- no ad- unlimited sca...
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Fancy Font Keyboard free - Cool Text For Chat
Fancy font keyboard helps you chat with your friend and family with fancy cool font. th...
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Paces - Easy Pace Conversions
Easy pace, speed and time conversions for runners and cyclists. what s your min mi pace...
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Tweek is an app that promotes privacy by allowing users to view or search through all o...
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Jerry of the Day Sticker Pack
Max out the send- o- meter on your imessages with these stickers. gather fellow jerry h...
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Hand-Load 2
Hand- load allows you to calculate total costs of reloading ammunition based on quantit...
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Gear Speed - Brushless RC Speed Calculator
Gear speed is the best gearing tool for your brushless rc car. forget the slow web calc...
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WaZZ Web Chat
Whats prank chat - an app for simulating chat conversations. have fun with your friends...
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Wakelet is an easy and enjoyable way to save, organize and share content from across th...
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Святой Валентин клавиатура
Лучший способ отпраздновать день святого валентина - это быть с любимым человеком, но ч...
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unText it
Ever regret sending a text maybe you texted the wrong person. now you can have a second...
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Graffiti Wallpapers – Graffiti Arts & Pictures
Best graffiti wallpaper background app in the app store are you looking for amazing g...
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Say it with Pasta!
If you love pasta youll love this sticker set! why send a boring text when you can say ...
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Med fordonsupplysningen f r du enkelt tillg ng till fordonsuppgifter fr n v gtrafikregi...
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Goal Ahead - Progress Bar
This app is a progress indicator for your goals. app icon changes according to your pro...
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How many times have you tried to catch a taxi but failed ask for the bill at a busy res...
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Nada1 Muslim hijab Eng Stickers for iMessage
Meet sweet girl nada, cute and lovely girl, to cheer up your daily conversation. muslim...
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Date & Time Interval
In search of an easy to use time calculator and age calculator do you want to have a da...
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Make your own emojis share them with our free emoji keyboard! you will need to copy pa...
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Ag Leader AgFiniti
Ag leader technology предлагает высококачественные круглогодичные инструменты точного з...
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LEDhit – The LED Messenger App
Ledhit messenger is the only l. e. d messenger app with language translation into 40 di...
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Home Screen Backgrounds for iPad Retina
Give your home screen an individual touch with the best home screen backgrounds app ar...
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Im Froach!
73 stickers for imessage! how to use: 1. open a conversation in messages2. tap the bu...
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I Love You Emoji Stickers
Over 100 emoji stickers to say i love you in your imessage conversations. spread the lo...
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G DATA Mobile Security
Mobile surfing made easy and secure putting an end to phishing: secure qr and secure br...