CPU Monitor - RAM,OS & Battery
Cpu monitor is the application providing you powerful graphical monitoring about your d...
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Custom Control Pad
Awarded best italian iphone utility app 2013 2014 by macitynet. it warning need to down...
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My Data Usage Widget Pro
Добавлены дополнительные расчетные данные нескольких пакетов и функции монитора, данные...
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мой график (диаграмма)
Мой график приложений. гистограммы, графика линеаризатор, группа поддержала график. вы ...
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Shopping Lists Manager
With the free valuephone shopping list you can organize all your shopping lists check ...
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SimLink It!
We all share links and pictures on the internet. although the time is flying by and mos...
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Smart Note - Заметка, Рисовать, Писать Заметки, Фото, Памятка Книги
Smart note is the most convenient note app for ios, simple and awesome gallery notes in...
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Sticky Notes - GTD & Todo List
Sticky notes lets you finger write quick notes, lists and messages on your iphone or ip...
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Streak - CRM for Gmail
Manage customers or deals right inside gmail. no more back and forth between your inbox...
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Schedule of sumy state university now in iphone app! you can download schedule to your ...
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Fixed to work with ios 11all passwords auto- synchronized both ways from iphone to comp...
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Video Web - Video Player
The definitive app for playing videos online from your favorite web sites! not include...
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My Tools Red 87
Remember. after the change of ios 9 functions for all links have to go back to choose y...
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Statistics for WoT Console
Statistics for wot console allows you to learn the most famous rankings in world of tan...
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Translator Keyboard
Translator keyboard allows you to write in another language straight from your keyboard...
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Voice Recorder Pro
Voice recorder это новый диктофон с инновационной графикой. имеет отличное качество зву...
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WUMW: Who uses my WiFi?
Wumw helps you to see the users who are connected to your wireless network and to detec...
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SMS touch
Use sms touch to send sms text messages to any mobile phone anywhere in the world for j...
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QR Code Maker
Downloaded over 1, 000, 000 times! easily create, save and share many types of qr codes...
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Revizto - это простой и удобный инструмент для совместной работы над архитектурными про...
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научный калькулятор.
Самая полная и про калькулятор для науки, включает в себя несколько функцийэтот калькул...
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PHPDoc Reader
Are you annoyed waiting for updates of already available content just use phpdoc reader...
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Task Player - Task Management
Dont just manage tasks, play them! group your tasks as album and play it. like music pl...
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Countdown to an Event
This application displays a countdown to an event in days, hours, minutes and seconds. ...
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EV JuiceNet
Anytime, anywhere control of your ev charging. features: - streamlined, simple to use i...
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ZenLyfe - SwiftFinder
Couldn t find your keys swiftfinder can help you find them swyftly with supported track...
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Global VPN & Wi-Fi Proxy
Global vpn - your online privacy and security worldwide! global vpn protects your perso...
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Tweet Multipart
Write your comment and tweet multipart will automatically divide it into some tweets in...
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Radio Codes for Renault
Radio codes for renault will provide you with the security unlock code required to acti...
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Live Wallpapers X 3D Wallpaper
Wallpapers x curated galleries of stylish wallpapers right at your fingertips. our app...
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Энигма AR
Приложение энигма ar расскажет о одном эпизоде истории второй мировой войны, даст возмо...
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ФизМат - решение квадратных уравнения - калькулятор
Ограниченное по времени предложение: 50 скидка. красивый и простой fizmath физмат- т...
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Legist App
Додаток автоматично вза мод з основними державними ре страми та дозволя адвокатам юрис...
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MaCleaner 5 - Очистка памяти
Macleaner 5 - эффективное и быстроей решение для активных пользователей mac. мультифунк...
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MaCleaner X - Умная очистка
Macleaner x сочетает в себе все преимущества предыдущих версий главная особенность - и...
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SafeGuardianVPN - Secure VPN
Safeguardian vpn secures your connection and makes sure that no one can track your brow...
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Matchz - Teams for Fortnite
Matchzall for fortnitematchz allows you to immediately find teammates to play with. set...
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Archive Zipper Lite
Архивная утилита для просмотра, распаковки и сжатия архивных файлов. просмотрите и извл...
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Numbered list
Manage tasks through swipes. create a task by double tapping the screen. delete or edit...
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Контакты : Backup & Restore
Важное примечание: наше приложение является полностью бесплатным. вы можете создавать р...
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Secret Ledger
Secret ledger is a practical tool app. it can help you record income and expenses effic...
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Приложение для поверки билетов системы showcode. ru для начала использования приложения...
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Vidyo recorder
Vidyo recorder is easy and powerful recorder app for ios devices. it s free, fast and f...
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Focus Tree
Stay focused a interesting way to help you beat phone addiction and overcome distractio...
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Patch Pilot
Easily keep track of all your audio patching! with patching error detection, youll neve...
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Fast Webm Browser
Fast webm browser is developed for users who wants to play webm video format without do...
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VPN - ProGuard
With proguard vpn your data will be encrypted and your online activities will remain co...
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Fat Unicorn
The fat unicorn is in town! express your inner unicorn with 35 hand- drawn and animated...
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Code Wire
Record and play back motivational statements that you have chosen to believe and act up...
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Lifeplaner:список дел и задач
Lifeplaner - простое и удобное приложение для управление ежедневными делами и задачамис...