Hello book lovers, welcome to ireaditnow. ireaditnow helps you to manage your reading l...
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Favorite Contacts Launcher
Now you can download one of the first widgets for free! do you often phone, or write ...
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Это простой и надежный архиватор прошедших событий с функцией стандартного блокнота с з...
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Compass Free
Compass is a measuring instrument which indicates the cardinal points under the sunligh...
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яблоко батареи
Показать состояние батареи вашего iphone или ipod touch и ipad как фрукты apple . чем м...
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калькулятор - Calculator
Этот калькулятор оснащен базовыми арифметическими операциями, большим дисплеем а также ...
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Генератор случайных чисел. (Бесплатная версия) Random Number Generator (Free version)
Генератор случайных чисел. бесплатная версия - вы можете настроить любые два числа. - ...
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Connection Status For Pokémon GO
Looking for details on the always crashing pok mon go servers. well look no further pok...
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Fade In Mobile Basic
Note: this is an interim update to address dropboxs changes to their connectivity. you ...
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Gun Sound Effects
How to use gun sound effects: this is simply real gun sound effects app you have 32 dif...
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Battery Doc - информация и уход за батареей
Поддерживайте аккумулятор в его оптимальном состоянии, оптимизируйте потребление энерги...
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FREE Private Incognito Browser
A free google chrome look- alike browser for private, full screen browsing needs. when ...
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MOBILedit Pro
Your contacts and messages are probably one of the most important things in your phone....
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Unicode Pad Express
It is a simpler, free version of a more fully featured unicode pad pro app....
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Accurate and easy ballistic calculator designed for the use with swarovski optik distan...
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Mobileviewerpro this application is developed for the monitoring of video image from h....
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Rangefinder measure distances from the iphone to a visible object! simply: 1 - hold the...
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JWi Ministry
Jw министерство app является идеальным инструментом, чтобы сопровождать свидетелей иего...
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IMEI Phone Checker blacklist
Проверьте iphone и ipad на подробную информацию по imeiузнайте, из какой страны привезе...
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Adblock Fast
Adblock fast is a new, faster ad blocker and the first open- source ad blocker for ios ...
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Doodle заметки и записи
Это простое в использовании приложение для создания заметок. скачать его и организовать...
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EMF Meter Free Utility for iPod, iPhone
Get the most advanced emf app in the storeimpress your friends or colleagues with this ...
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Easy Mailer Russian Keyboard
Type messages in russian easier and faster with our extended keys for the your iphone i...
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Now you can scan for nearby wifi networks, or try to get access to supported routers, a...
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Передача файлов : NearPush
Nearpush позволяет быстро передавать фотографии, видеоролики и прочие типы файлов непос...
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PDF Notes S
Pdf notes s дает вам 2- страничный просмотрщик с горизонтальной вертикальной прокрутко...
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Video Web - Video Player
The definitive app for playing videos online from your favorite web sites! not include...
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Экономить деньги - бюджет План расходов расходы
This is a full- featured finance software that you can carry in your pocket. it is very...
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Iplanishare ли легко ориентироваться ежедневно digital planner с включенным обменчто от...
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GAMEMODE - Collect your games.
Gamemode is an application in which you can quickly and easily create lists with your g...
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This version is the remotecam4ch for goscam version. it provide the function that conne...
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iToolZip-Zip Unzip Unrar Tool
Лучший менеджер файлов zip распаковать, unrar и документы читатель на мобильный ipad ...
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KNBN - personal Kanban board
Simple and beautiful app for task management, which helps increase your productivity. i...
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Lock Info
Lock info keeps your reminders, calendar events, and weather on the lock screen, automa...
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Notefuly - Sticky Notes
To celebrate our re- launch, notefuly is 50 off for a very limited time! ends april 1,...
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PhotoFast LIFE
Never run out of space again! take photos videos and save directly to i- flashdrive, or...
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Günün Duası
Uygulama, belirleyece iniz bir saatte her g n farkl bir duay uygulama kapal iken otoma...
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Globo - World Clock and Weather
Apple new noteworthyapple editor s choiceapple best new apps what time is in tokyo r...
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iWebmaster Tools - Website SEO
Iwebmaster tools is an extremely useful all- in- one webmaster seo app for iphone and i...
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Make international, high quality business calls at the cost of local calls. the person ...
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BSUIR Timetable
Приложение позволяет в простой и понятной форме просматривать расписание занятий для ст...
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Introducing spymesat, the first app to provide the public with full awareness and acces...
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WriteRight: enjoy writing
Writeright is the best writing app with countless synonyms, antonyms and phraseology fo...
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Forge - Brainstorm and organize your ideas
New improved now supporting ipad pro and pencil. see below for more information on ot...
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Poke Status - Server status checker for Pokémon GO
Pok status is a simple application and notification center widget that lets you check t...
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SmartHelper for IKEA
Совершайте покупки в ikea легко и непринужденно вместе с smarthelper! наше приложение и...
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Speed Dial Widget.
Free and easy to use speed dial widget let you quickly call, text, facetime or email yo...
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You can use this app to sketch the variousyou can also sketch note offers a wide range ...
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Themeboard is the first destination for the worlds best theme designers, wallpapers, an...
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Click Wheel Keyboard
Typing with two hands is such a chore, who needs extra complexity when writing simply s...