Полиция (iPolice)
Имитирует проблесковых огней с звук сирены доклада. с аварийного освещения, вы можете и...
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Lock Screen Calendar
You can set calendar wallpaper on lock screen slide to unlock screen quickly. how to us...
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Это приложение создано в качестве интуитивно понятного интерфейса, который помогает пол...
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Notice: - if you cant add any event, then check whether there are calendars in ios cale...
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Antair Nightstand
Alarm clock with beautiful animated themes, news, and weather. digitally handcrafted to...
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Alarm Clock Bud
Alarm clock bud converts your iphone or ipod touch into a gorgeous and beautiful digita...
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Accessing your pictures, music, videos or documents has never been easier. just install...
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LogTen Pro 6 for iPhone
This app is only of use if you already have logten pro 6 installed and need to transfer...
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Descriptionunlimfilemanager is developed to help you easily save necessary files and do...
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WiFi Touchpad HD
Need a wireless keyboard mouse for a presentation, or when you connect your pc mac to t...
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Crew Rest
Crew rest is intended for crews around the world who need to divide a specific amount o...
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Documentz™ Pro for iPad
Import your documents from your other iphone ipad apps into this app for ease of printi...
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Open Word- Edit Microsoft Office Document for iPad
Create and edit microsoft word . doc and . docx and open office documents . odt on you...
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uCamPro HD: IP Camera & Webcam Viewer
Ucampro hd only for ipad allows you to monitor multiple live video and audio feeds dire...
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CaptureNotes 2
Write, type, record audio - pinpointing critical items with flags, import pdfs, add and...
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Backgrounds Maker is DIY Themes - Customize you Home Screen wallpaper
New ui more easy use please give a 5- star review. we will add more stuff diy them...
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Find by phone number - free (who is it?)
Got a phone number but you dont know who called the app helps you finding your contacts...
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LifeTopix Calendar, Task Lists
Lifetopix is an extraordinary all- in- one organizer. stop wasting time with informatio...
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QUOTATO - Simple notebook for quotes
Amazingly simple minimalistic app for collecting your favorite quotes. heard it write ...
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Bw rss is a very simple rss reader. if you like to follow a few rss feeds, maybe a doze...
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ByeBye v4
Are you ready for the end of ipv4 address availability ipv4 addresses are running out. ...
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Contact Sender - Send Contact Details via SMS
Ever wanted to send a phone number from your contacts to someone else via sms or e- mai...
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Finish. The procrastinators to-do list.
2013 apple design award winner ! overcome the clutches of procrastination with finish...
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Gringtones is a group managing app. the most important feature is that gringtones could...
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Instant Rec Lite: Audio Recorder & Voice Recording
Every day over 1. 500 audio recordings are made with instant audio recorder! record, pl...
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Panasonic Wireless Projector
Enables wireless projection with your panasonic projector display and ipad iphone ipod ...
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Password Grid
Welcome to password grid! a secure password generator for iphone. choosing and remember...
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Super Prober Web Browser Free - Full Screen Desktop Tabbed Fast Browser with Page Thumbnails
The most advanced tabbed web browser with multi innovative features: fastgo startup one...
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3D Web Browser - Browser with FullScreen & 3D Cube
50 sale off for a limited time - get it nowtired of your old web browser app ready for ...
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iPOLiS mobile
Ipolis mobile is a free application designed specifically for hanwha techwins security ...
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Days, the perfect complement to calendar - keep track of the most important dates in yo...
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Selected by magicsolver for free app magic! freeappreport. com featured app! lovelyui. ...
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X- ring was designed as a portable countdown to x- ring day. this simple application co...
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Abstract Artworks & Abstract Wallpapers Free
Best abstract wallpaper background app in the app store are you looking for amazing a...
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HD Wallpapers for Retina Display
Hd wallpapers all optimized for the latest ios 7, iphone 5s, iphone 5c ipod touch 5 64...
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D-Link++ Viewer for iPad
D- link viewer for ipad to view and control your d- link camera using ipad. it is very...
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Megabytes - Cellular (3G/4G/LTE/GPRS/EDGE) data usage on your Home Screen / Lock screen / Notification Center & widget
Take back control of your data usage. it s time to stop paying overages. monitor data u...
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AllShare - Transfer via Wi-Fi & Bluetooth
The ultimate wi- fi and bluetooth sharing application. intuitive and easy to use interf...
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Fusion Calculator
Fusion calculator is an amazing revolutionary calculator! you can put aside the numbers...
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Oscilloscope your phone, touch or tablet! imso allows you to analyze 2 analog and up to...
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iNet WOL - Wake on Lan
Inet wol is a tool to wake computer from sleep via a local network or the internet. its...
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Notefile lets you make quick notes and sync them easily with all your devices. its avai...
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Story Tracker Lite - writers submission tracking
Story tracker makes keeping track of your submitted stories, novels, poems, scripts, an...
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Time Counter
Time does fly like an arrow. time counter tells you how much time has passed since such...
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WakeUp - The Wake on LAN tool
Wakeup is a wake on lan tool that allows your iphone ipod ipad to wake up a computer vi...
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Amore dautore
Amore dautore unapplicazione con la quale potrete scegliere, con un tocco, la frase da...
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iModelKit Light
The light release has some limitations and ad banners and intersticials. this release c...
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Unicode Pad
Note: this app supports only in- app custom keyboards! for a fancier version which also...
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Anti Thief
The most liked app by people! this app will keep the thief away! if you are not watchin...