TimerCam - Make it easier to take photos
Timercam is the easiest way to take pictures with a self- timer. compatible ios7 or ea...
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Rotate Video!
Its beautiful! best video orientation fix app! the video failed to shoot in landscape a...
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Фото Сравнить
Разве вам нелегко выбирать лучших эгоистов разве вы не хотите сравнивать изображения на...
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Decodely let you decode barcode and qrcode quickly. just point your iphone or ipad came...
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LFTuner Инструментальный тюнер
Lftuner позволяет настраивать ваш инструмент с очень высокой точностью. он обнаруживает...
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EMO-ji by Fall Out Boy
Ride the wave with emo- ji presented by fall out boy. all the llama monster stickers yo...
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Приложение esbe представляет собой отличный инструмент для водопроводчиков, монтажников...
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Decibel Meter(Sound Meter) Pro
Децибеллометр представляет приложение для измерения громкости звука в децибелах дб . ко...
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File Organizer
In these days we see a lot of ios apps on the mac, which is great. as i got my ipad the...
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Interpupillary Distance Meter
Measure your inter pupillary distance with your iphone or ipad in 1 second. most accur...
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Calligraphy Guidelines
Calligraphy guidelines is a comprehensive generator to design your guidesheets for dail...
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Key Cloud Pro Password Manager
Key cloud - это ведущий и лучший менеджер паролей в магазине app store. имея key cloud,...
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iDays Pro - Elegant Countdown
Idays is a tiny assistant app that helps you record important days in your life. never ...
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Meet fifish v6, the worlds 1st omni- directional underwater drone that gives you the fu...
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Barcode Alarm Clock Pro
Заставляет вас встать с кровати! не можете вылезти из постели по утрам благодаря будиль...
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Легантный и простой в обращении календарь с богатыми возможностями, позволяющий просмат...
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The planio app lets you access all of planio right from your ios device. thousands of b...
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RecordPad Sound Recorder
RecordPad Sound Recorder для iOS - это простой и легкий в использовании цифровой диктофон.
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Некстайп: Мобильный магазин
Некстайп: мобильный магазин демо- версия готового приложения для интернет- магазина на ...
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Q-See QC View
Q- see s qc view for the iphone puts the power of peace- of- mind literally at your fin...
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Bundle for iWork
The ideal tool for users of iwork, bundle for iwork provides you with over 35, 000 uniq...
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Accelerometer is an app which allows you to measure acceleration in all three axes in t...
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Шахматные часы
Отслеживайте время, когда вы играете в шахматы! - удобный. - 3 режима: fischer before, ...
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Brainf*ck IDE
Брейнфак один из известнейших эзотерических языков программирования, придуман урбаном ...
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Retro 15C
Students and scientists from the 1980s will remember the classic rpn scientific calcula...
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Banca Remota
La app ideal para gestionar el servicio m vil de la banca cubana. funciones principales...
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xList - Списки и напоминания
Xlist - это простой список дел и диспетчер задач с напоминаниями. xlist позволит вам ор...
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iDatMod Data Modeler
Draw data models on all ios devices: - tables from scratch or predefined templates- tab...
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iCube Lite
Icube pro is a speedcubing speedstacking flyingcup timer in your pocket! its a simple a...
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iDeas for Writing
If you like writing, you dont have to worry about the creative blocks or the fear of th...
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Track Employee Attendance
Why our attendance app is superior to bio- metric time clocks1. quick start: just regis...
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Idso1070a is an oscilloscope app for ipad, iphone and pc combined with idso1070 hardwar...
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PdfConverter-picture to pdf
1. convert the picture into a pdf file. 2. support header and footer. 3. support waterm...
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Calenda: Calendar calender app
Calenda - view and share all calendars 1. find events quickly 10 color choices for eve...
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FancyBubble - Text and Emoji Themes for iMessage
Enjoy customized fonts and backgrounds with exciting colors. sending messages will neve...
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Simple RSS Reader
If you need to read only the latest information or news, in a clean and simple way and ...
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ISBN Scan - OCR/BarcodeScanner
Isbn scan is an isbn international standard book number reader application. it could no...
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Oovium makes my geek heart flutter. - anne wind this app is a thing of beauty. - w smit...
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Use this app to register your power2max power meter. install upgrades and update the po...
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Popplet is the simplest tool to capture and organize your ideas. with popplet you can q...
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Scientific Calculator SC-323PU
The sc- 323pu is a multi functional calculator. it is designed in a way, that it simula...
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Features: 1. create checklist from rich built- in templates2. dark mode for ios 133. qu...
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Abacus & Calculator
A brand- new calculator with an old- fashioned chinese japanese abacus, is specially de...
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Metagrid is a perfect companion for all creative mac windows users who work with comple...
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Baby Sleep Lullabies FREE
Calming baby is so easy! with baby sleep, get 12 awesome plushies playing 21 hq lullabi...
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Ceza Sorgulama - HGS ve OGS
Karayollar nda olan hgs, ogs, avrasya ve k pr ge i lerindeki cezalar n z sorgulayabilir...