CallTime - Cheap US & Canada Phone Call
Unbelievable cheap phone call to us and canada, even make your ipod and ipad as the pho...
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Depicus Wake On Lan Monitor
Wake on lan monitors the local network for wol packets and alerts you when a magic pack...
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HexCalc - Hexadecimal Conversion Calculator
Простой калькулятор с шестнадцатеричной, восьмеричной и функции десятичные преобразован...
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I41cx is an advanced programmable and expandable rpn scientific calculator with a virtu...
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SWGEmu Creature Hunter
Swgemu creature hunter swgemuch is an app that allows you to keep track of the creature...
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Muslim guide-دليل المسلم
Muslim guide will show you prayer times, qibla direction compass, islamic calendar, pra...
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Mobile viewer this application is developed for the live monitoring of video image from...
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Wi-Fi GO! & NFC Remote
Asus wi- fi go! nfc remote gives you complete control of your pc anytime and anywhere....
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Dat autohus теперь при помощи смартфона вы можете открыть для себя одного из самых круп...
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iUMS Basic
Iums for iphone lets you remotely monitor and control your video security system over a...
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perli-run code,autocomplete,we
This is an ios perl app, you can learn, run, share perl script. features : autocomplate...
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Simpl Website Builder
Simpl is the worlds simplest website builder. here s why users love simpl: one of the b...
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WizNote for iPad
Wiznote is a cloud based free app that helps you and your team manage notes and knowled...
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Molprime is a chemical structure drawing tool based on the unique sketcher from the mob...
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Paper is the textures tools you need to paint your dreams to life on ipad iphone. fro...
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LightWake Будильник - Alarm Clock
Приложение будильник для ipad, который будит вас в моделируемой восход солнца, постепен...
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Weple Diary (Goal, Habit)
Weple diary helps you to realize your goal by managing your everyday efforts. this new ...
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A full sized keyboard is only a tap away. enjoy the luxury of an extended number pad to...
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SPLnFFT Noise Meter
Splnfft is a sound level meter noise meter for your iphone or ipad with many advanced f...
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Iusbport is the usb port for ipad. this is the companion app for hyperdrive iusbport a ...
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Car Minder Plus - Car Maintenance and Gas Log (MPG)
Car minder is an application for managing all your car maintenance needs, logging repai...
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File Manager - Folder Plus Lite
The ability to use multi touch to quickly move between viewing and editing files is als...
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Instashare Ad Free - Transfer files the easy way
Ransfer files the easy way, just drag drop the file and we will handle the rest. like ...
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iBackup Contacts
Ibackup contacts, is the easiest way to backup, restore and export your contacts to exc...
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iNetFilesHD Free
Inetfileshd free is a remote file manager, media player and document viewer for shared ...
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Mention is used by more than 500, 000 professionals to manage their online presence: cr...
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myCal PRO: Calendar & Events
No more dots in your calendar! mycal pro displays what you need to see, your events! my...
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Quick QR code reader & creator
The quickest and most efficient qr code reader and creator. nowadays, qr code is popula...
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Smartcharger seamlessly integrates advancements in portable computing with the nc2500 b...
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EasyStart Call
Официальное бесплатное приложение ebersp cher позволяет удобно управлять одной или неск...
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Power Reader – Document Book Reader
Power reader is a powerful tool to view documents and ebooks on ipad iphone. it support...
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This app remotely controls wireless sensor tags cloud temperature humidity motion recor...
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Таймер7 является простым, и в тоже время очень удобным приложением таймера обратного от...
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Lead Collection
Приложение skoda survey интерактивный сервис для осуществления подписки на новости и з...
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Калькулятор обоев
Простое в использовании и очень удобное приложение для расчета количества рулонов обоев...
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Admirers Who Doesn’t Follow Me But Likes My Insta
We all have admirers in social networks but it s not easy to find them out, because the...
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U металлоискатель
Металлоискатель приложения, использующие датчик магнитного поля в iphone. если у вас ес...
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Zippy - Tasks and Reminders
50 off for a limited time what if an app could not only make adding and managing task...
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Октавный анализатор звука
Октавный анализатор звука - мощная программа для анализа звука и шума в реальном времен...
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iCareFone Pro
Icarefone pro is one of the best ios ad blockers for both iphone and ipad. within only ...
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SatFinder 3D Augmented Reality
Данное приложение поможет вам настроить спутниковую антенну, в реальном времени отображ...
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Flashlight goes way beyond the standard white light that it provides into a world you c...
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Zippy - Tasks and Reminders
50 off for a limited time what if an app could not only make adding and managing task...
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Clockit Timecode App
With the clockit timecode app, lockit network is introducing a modular timecode toolbox...
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Promotional discount in effect now at half price for a limited time barcode qrcode ...
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Hourly Chime in Background
The simplest hourly chime hourlychime is a simple utility that runs in background and ...
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Call Recorder: Record Calls
Record your phone conversations and interviews. just open the app, and dial the number....
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Ikeepass ist your password tresor on the iphone. you can load multiple keepass database...
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Please note: this is not the meditation app there is another app called headspace: gu...
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Instant Camera - One Touch On Screen To Record
This app helps you record and easy to upload to the most popular video channels. plus w...