Diéta & Fitnesz
A di ta fitnesz magazin havonta megjelen letm d magazin, mely a mozg s szerelmeseinek...
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Pharmaceutical Field app
Pf magazine provides fascinating insights into the pharmaceutical industry, nhs reform,...
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Factum ist das magazin zum besseren verst ndnis unserer zeit. factum steht f r christli...
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The Good News Magazine
The good news magazine app is a full- version digital edition of the print magazine tha...
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The Tablet
Unique in its international coverage of religion, current affairs, politics, social iss...
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Historia National Geographic Revista
La revista historia national geographic explora el pasado de nuestras civilizaciones y ...
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History HD
A bbc history vil gt rt nelmi magazin n pszer , informat v, sz nes, 96 oldalas havilap ...
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History magazine opens a window on the past, providing compelling stories about how our...
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Archeo - attualità del passato
Archeo il primo e pi letto mensile di archeologia e storia antica in italia. conoscere...
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Focus Storia
Focus storia la rivista interamente dedicata alle vicende, ai personaggi, alle curiosi...
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Rubicon Történelmi Magazin
A rubicon t rt nelmi ismeretterjeszt lap. tartalm t tekintve szakmai foly irat, k ls me...
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Focus Junior
Focus junior la rivista pensata per soddisfare la naturale curiosit dei ragazzi, per d...
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Abitare Digital Edition
La rivista italiana di architettura, interni e design pi conosciuta a livello internazi...
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A spa trend magazin hi nyp tl a magyar lappiacon, amely egyed l ll m don mutatja be a t...
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Consumer Reports Magazine iPad
Access for current print subscribers now available. consumer reports - the magazine tha...
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Index on Censorship
Index on censorship is an award- winning magazine, devoted to protecting and promoting ...
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Le Magazine Littéraire
Le magazine litt raire en version num rique ! a la crois e de lactualit et de lhistoire...
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Braz J Urol
The intenational braz j urol official journal of the brazilian society of urology. the ...
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The Philadelphia Inquirer
Important note to readers: this application is not a print replica version of the phila...
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Revista Arcadia
Revista arcadia, periodismo cultural al alcance de todos, fuente de informaci n clara, ...
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Suc Khoe
Chuy n san ph t h nh nh k v o ng y 1 v 15 h ng th ng v i nh ng b i vi t h u ch, c p nh...
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Tehelka Hindi
Tehelka has invested heavily in hard hitting investigative reporting and has pushed the...
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Best Movie Plus
La raccolta di tutte le special edition di best movie realizzate sui film evento e le s...
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Etna yay nc l k taraf ndan yay nlanan t rkiye nin tek m zik teknolojileri, dijital ve a...
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Estonian Film
Estonian film is a magazine of news, reviews, articles, interviews and everything else ...
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The Oxford Times
Subscribe to the oxford times today and pay less for your favourite newspaper, not only...
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Daily Mail Newspaper
Looking to have the daily mail mail on sunday print edition at your fingertips then loo...
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Самарские известия
Первая ежедневная газета самарской области в appstore! самарские известия - старейшая и...
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La Stampa
Scarica l applicazione de la stampa e dalle due di notte potrai leggere l edizione del ...
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Auto Plus Magazine
Auto plus, le 1er journal qui se met la place du conducteur ! bienvenue sur l applicat...
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Flash! os flashes da vida das celebridades e as melhores dicas para tornar o seu dia a ...
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la Repubblica +
Per tutti i nuovi clienti: 1 mese gratis di lettura di repubblica se scegli labbonament...
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Audi Express
The digital audi express is an additional information medium from audi communications m...
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Prospect Magazine
The leading magazine of ideas, current affairs and cultureprospect has established itse...
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Corriere dello Sport HD
Corriere dello sport- stadio edizione digitale: arricchito da contenuti multimediali, d...
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Magazín Mercedes-Benz JOURNAL
Ipad verze magaz nu journal spole nosti hoffman i k autorizovan ho prodejce zna ky mer...
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The Boston Globe ePaper
The epaper is a full replica edition including articles and pages as they appeared in p...
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IT: National Geographic Magazine
National geographic italia la rivista che ogni mese racconta le meraviglie del nostro ...
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Berliner Zeitung E-Paper
Die berliner zeitung auf dem ipad und iphone genie en mit nachrichten aus dem gro raum ...
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The SMH for iPad
Experience trusted and independent news on the go with the sydney morning herald app. t...
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Das original in digital. genie en sie den unabh ngigen qualit tsjournalismus der tagesz...
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Kindle is a national monthly based out of kolkata. we are a youth- targeted magazine an...
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de Volkskrant digitale krant
Lees nu de volkskrant, de gezaghebbende kwaliteitskrant die elke dag bovenop het nieuws...
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BBC Scienze
Bbc science, la versione italiana della prestigiosa e autorevole rivista inglese bbc fo...
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Universo rel gio sua fonte segura de informa es sobre o mundo da alta relojoaria...
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Design News Magazine
Design news provides the latest engineering information for the 21st century design eng...
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Auto Průhonice Volvo News
Ipad verze magaz nu news spole nosti auto pr honice. elektronick verze magaz nu auto pr...
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Autosprint da 50 anni il settimanale leader in europa dello sport automobilistico. pot...
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App Journal Italia
App journal, la rivista dedicata al mondo delle app per i dispositivi ios, ora disponi...