City Journal
City journal is the nations premier urban- policy magazine, the bible of the new urban...
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Civil Engineering Magazine
The mobile version of the award- winning civil engineering magazine from the american s...
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Clipped summarizes news articles into bullet points and infographics. its intelligent m...
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Collectivité de Corse
Toutes les informations de la collectivit de corse en temps r el, o que vous soyez, sur...
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Corse-Matin Numérique
Tous les matins, d s 6h30, retrouvez l int gralit de votre journal corse- matin papier ...
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Courrier picard
Toute lactualit la minute et au quotidien ! suivez toute lactualit de la picardie, acc...
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Deník, zprávy z vašeho regionu
Mil ten i, p ipravili jsme pro v s novou aplikaci den ku speci n pro tablety ipad. od ...
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Der Bund - Nachrichten
Mit dieser nachrichten app sind sie stets bestens informiert. der bund ist nicht nur di...
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Disaster Alert (PDC Global)
Disaster alert is a free, mobile app that provides individuals, families, and their lov...
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DN Eavis
F nyhetene, historiene og analysene du trenger for v re oppdatert p n ringsliv, konom...
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NITAS - Doctor Who News
Doctor who news is the unofficial repository of news about doctor who and its spin- off...
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E-Paper ST
E- paper st bringt ihnen das solinger tageblatt kurz nach redaktionsschluss, schon in d...
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Монгол улсын ндэсний статистикийн хорооны статистик мэдээллийн нэгдсэн сан www. 1212. m...
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Feuerwehr Magazin
Das feuerwehr- magazin ist das auflagen- und reichweitenst rkste deutschsprachige magaz...
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Fort Worth Star-Telegram News
Connect to the fort worth star- telegram newspaper s app wherever you are. get the late...
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Gazete Manşetleri
T m ulusal g nl k gazetelerin ilk sayfalar . ak am, birg n, bug n, cumhuriyet, g ne , h...
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Global Warming Prediction
News and simulation app on modeling and prediction of global warming and related proble...
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Pacific Daily News
From critically acclaimed storytelling to powerful photography to engaging videos the ...
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Naš Hajduk
Najfunkcionalnije mjesto informiranja o hajduku - aplikacija hajduk news postaje mjesto...
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Als eerste mee met de actualiteit, het nieuws uit je buurt, de strafste video s en de l...
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Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Take the honolulu star- advertiser app while youre on the go! get easy access to breaki...
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Get all the mac os, ios, and gadget news from one place. hotmacnews3 app allows you to ...
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Hotukdealer app is allows you to find to deals, voucher codes, freebies and savings rig...
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Irish Independent News
The irish independent news app brings you the latest breaking news, local irish and int...
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Israel & Middle East News
Unbiased and full coverage of news videos about israel and the jewish community in one...
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iFeltThat Earthquake
Did you just experience an earthquake find out how close and how big it was with ifeltt...
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Wir informieren unsere leser: die typische woche mit ifun. de informiert dich ber herau...
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Hier erwarten dich nicht nur neuigkeiten ber apple und die technikwelt : otrete der itu...
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Kleine Zeitung
Die kleine zeitung app bietet nachrichten, hintergr nde und meinungen zu relevanten ent...
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Kleine Zeitung E-Paper
Die kleine zeitung von morgen schon heute lesen. mit der e- paper app k nnen sie t glic...
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Latest Chatty
This is a community portal application for members of shacknews. com, a website dedicat...
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Journal Le Parisien
Gr ce cette application, consultez chaque jour votre journal le parisien en version nu...
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LA Daily News e-Edition
Los angeles daily news eedition for ios - covering the largest county in the united sta...
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Mac & i |Magazin rund um Apple
Mit dieser app lesen sie mac i das magazin rund um apple. alle zwei monate pr sentier...
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Marca Edición Impresa
Con la aplicaci n de marca desarrollada para ios, el lector podr disfrutar de la mejor ...
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Marie Claire toute lactu mode
Marie claire partout avec vous ! lappli marie claire fait peau neuve et revient sur vot...
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Mes Finances
Avec toutsurmesfinances, trouvez toutes les informations pour g rer vous- m me votre pa...
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Milenio Diario
Todo milenio en una sola aplicaci n completamente personalizable. tu eliges una edici n...
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A fresh, redesigned app experience, making your timely, reliable and local news faster ...
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Morocco Press - مغرب بريس
Explore the most important channels of news from morocco, by more than 80 publishers. ...
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My Stack
My stack is a brand new app brought to you by pokernews. this superb app connects poker...
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FOX 29 Philadelphia: News
News doesnt wait, why should you take fox 29 philadelphia everywhere you go! our app co...
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Münchner Merkur ePaper
Mit der epaper app des m nchner merkur stehen ihnen alle ausgaben des m nchner merkur u...
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mtv Al Lubnaniya
Mtv is a leading independent media station in lebanon and the arab world. features: - l...
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Med nyhetsappen och i hockeypuls- appen r du alltid steget f re. i apparna kan du enkel...
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New York Post for iPad
Brand new for 2020, introducing version 5 of the new york post app for ipadthe new york...
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News.mn App for iPad
Энэх програм нь news. mn сайтын албан сны програм б г д та тус програмаар news. mn сай...
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Die neue fricktaler zeitung bringt die aktuellen lokalen news und inserate aus der zeit...