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Radio APyT
Descarga nuestra app y escuchanos- radio apyt es una emisora humanista, que combina pro...
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Things - Voice
Things - voice is a simple one- knob throw it on and it sounds good compressor for voic...
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Woodscaper combines into one unit the 4 classic guitar effects : phaser, chorus flanger...
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AudioRepeater - Repeat&Seeking
Audiorepeater is a music and audio file playback application that allows you to quickly...
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Salome - MPE Audio Sampler
Salome is a tool for recording or importing sounds, turning them into seamless loops, a...
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Rede Educadora FM
Aplicativo da rede educadora fm de r dios de jacarezinho pr. receba not cias, podcasts...
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Tutti er en medlemsapp for styreportalen as. med denne appen blir kommunikasjon mellom ...
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Stereo Emanuel 94.9 FM
Stereo emanuel, es de las mejores radios cristianas de guatemala, con m sica cristiana ...
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Upcoming Kpop
Hi k- pop fans, im the upcomingkpop creator. upcoming kpop is a reminder application to...
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Chalisa All in One Hindi
Chalisa all in one is a collection of most useful chalisas of hindu gods and goddesses....
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War Sounds Soundboard
War sounds is a fun and free war sound effects soundboard app that features free high q...
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Apedelay - spectral delay implements up to 2048 delay lines with feedback or up to 2048...
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Spooky Halloween Sounds & Fact
Get ready for the spookiest halloween ever! turn your halloween night into an unforgett...
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Crystal Synth XT
Crystal synth xt is a full featured semi- modular synthesizer, ideally suited to creati...
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Things - Motor
Motor is a plugin effect that uses side- chaining to combine signals in new and interes...
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Noise Gate & Downward Expander
What does this plugin do that other noise gates dont most of the ios recording apps alr...
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Radio Balatonica
Balatonica chillout and lounge radio is inspired by the atmosphere of the sub- mediterr...
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Recorder Fingering
Recorder fingering is an interactive fingering chart for recorders. it lists basic fing...
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Delicious Agony Prog Radio
Listen for all your favorites: yes, genesis, elp, and more, plus the best new progressi...
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Drum and Bass Machine
Free for a limited period drum and bass machine is the ultimate app for making drum an...
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Drums Electro Edition
Drums electro edition for ipad uses the latest sound engine technology for ultra respon...
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Accompagnatore is designed for musicians and singers who want to sing or play accompani...
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Music Box - Piano, Guitar, Drum PRO
Первое приложение music с фортепиано, гитара и барабан на рынке! будьте первым, чтобы з...
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Zenész magazin
Zen sz magazin dimag readera zen sz magazin dimag reader magyarorsz g els digit lis mag...
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Sound & Recording
Sound recording ist ein praxis- magazin f r musiker, die sich f r das thema recording ...
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Audiotechnology: everything for the sound engineer and recording musician. audio techno...
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Australian HiFi
Australian hifi is the definitive magazine for discerning listeners and hi- fi enthusia...
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Hifi & Musik
Hifi musik r nordens st rsta tidning f r ljud tergivning och musik. vi testar allt fr ...
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Magazyn Audio
Najwa niejszy magazyn audiofilski w polsce. polski przedstawiciel w eisa european imagi...
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Twice this week in consumer electronics is the 1 business publication serving the consu...
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InCar Entertainment
Incar entertainment is the only australian magazine for car audio enthusiasts and anyon...
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Choral Director HD
Choral director magazine is the leading publication for middle school and high school c...
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HiFi Choice & Home Cinema
Bezp atny miesi cznik w atrakcyjnej cyfrowej formie, kt ra zast pi a ca kowicie wersj d...
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Hammer World
Hammer world dimag readera hammer world dimag reader magyarorsz g els digit lis magazin...
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Indie Rock Magazine
Indie rock magazine is designed to showcase those really great rock and roll bands, art...
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Rhythm Magazine
Free 30 day subscription trial read our latest issue free today rhythm: the magazine ...
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30- day free trial jazzwise, the uks biggest selling jazz monthly and the leading engli...
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Acoustic Magazine Legacy Subscriber
Acoustic magazine is the uks only magazine for acoustic guitars players - interviews w...
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Bass Guitar Magazine Legacy Subscriber
Bass guitar magazine is the uks only title devoted to the bass in all its forms. writte...
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Beats Magazine
Beats magazine is the magazine for hip hop rap producers and djs. the people who make ...
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Worlds Greatest Rock Bands Magazine
In celebration of the world s greatest rock, heavy metal and punk bands over the last 4...
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Choir & Organ Magazine
The leading, international voice of the choral and organ worlds. choir organ brings yo...
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Revista rockzone, ahora 100 gratuitabienvenidos a la app oficial de rockzone, la revist...
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Vintage Rock Magazine
Vintage rock celebrates a time when music changed the world - 45s, youth culture and th...
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Australian Guitar
Australian guitar is australias premier guitar magazine. it provides in- depth coverage...
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Guitar Player Magazine++
Guitar player is a magazine for serious guitarists who want to make the most out of the...
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Rapp Weekly
From the publishers of hoodgrown magazine comes rapp weekly. rapp weekly is a bi- weekl...
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Gitarzysta to miesi cznik og lnopolski dla gitarzyst w. miesi cznik zawiera cz o chara...
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International Piano Magazine
International piano is the worlds leading independent magazine for the piano world, fea...