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Got Instrumentals
You can now enjoy your favorite instrumentals on your mobile device! listen to hot new ...
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Envelope AU Reverb by DDMF
Envelope is a high class reverb audio unit for use as a standalone app, using inter app...
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EnglitinaXL-English Concertina
Englitina is an authentic- sounding english treble concertina for the ipad. the button ...
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Dhalang MG
Dhalang microtonal groovebox is a standalone music software for accessible use of alter...
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Deutschland Radios : das beste Radio
H ren sie ihre lieblings - radiosender , wo immer sie mit deutschland radios sind. ein ...
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Deutschland Radios
Deutschland radio- anwendung, die sie mit einem klick auf mehrere deutsch- radiosender ...
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Deutschland Radio FM AM: Listen Germany live radio for German
This app provides you with a free, simple and friendly app for all your ios devices. wi...
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кельтская Медитация
Празднуйте традиции ирландии и в ваших моментов глубокой медитации! откройте для себя с...
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Кельтской Арфе
Ирландия: земля сказок, кельтской музыки и питья. принесите вкус зеленого стране в ваше...
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Bayern 3 und du mittendrin! diese motto verfolgen wir auch mit der bayern 3 app. wir ...
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Сальса Ритмы
Это афро- кубинская сальсе пробоотборник включает более 20 готовых песню ритма треков s...
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Детская сон
Детская сон- музыка - идеальное приложение для спокойствия и расслабления вашего ребенк...
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TB ReelBus
Toneboosters reelbus is a top- quality, authentic, versatile and accurate magnetic tape...
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mimiCopy - Slow Down Player
If you can not access the music library on ios10, check that mimicopy is on in settings...
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Kuld g , ventas upes krast , net lu no plat k denskrituma eirop , ir kartupe u lauks. ...
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Launch Pad DJ Arena
Launch pad dj arena gives you an opportunity to start performing music tracks with no s...
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Riff Writer
If you are looking for new guitar riffs to practice, new ideas for riffs or need help w...
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Anthems HD
Anthems from all over the world in one app. 230 national anthems available for listenin...
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This application makes it easy to track audio files, and even contains a bookmark funct...
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Bach Goldberg Variations
Listen to classical music with flowing scores with your iphone or ipad. syncscore provi...
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Bach Violin Sonatas & Partitas
Listen to classical music with flowing scores with your iphone or ipad. syncscore provi...
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Bass Guitar Tutor Pro
Научитесь играть на любимых басовых строках на бас- гитаре. изучите весы и замятие на ...
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Beethoven All Piano Sonatas
Listen to classical music with flowing scores with your iphone or ipad. syncscore provi...
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Blues Masters #1
I ve been writing about the guitar, and playing it, for more years than i care to count...
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Chordial - Chord Dictionary
Guitar chords, ukulele chords, banjo chords and mandolin chord chart library. lookup an...
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Classical Guitar: Bach
Learn to play four of bachs most popular pieces arranged for the guitar. it includes th...
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Course For Ableton Live 101
Watch as lead macprovideo. com trainer bill burgess shows you live 8. training with sty...
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David Mead Twelve Bar Blues
Do you want to become a better blues player the david mead twelve bar blues app will he...
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Doctor Compás
Doctor comp s is a unique flamenco metronome that never plays the same sample twice in ...
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DrumCoach 2
Welcome to the drumcoach for funk, hiphop, r b, soul, pop, disco electro! drumcoach - ...
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DrumCoach 3
Welcome to the drumcoach for rock heavy! drumcoach - the no. 1 for drummer! with this, ...
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DrumCoach 4
Welcome to the drumcoach for latin! drumcoach, the no. 1 for drummer! with this, youll ...
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drumcoach 1
Welcome to the drumcoach for jazz, blues, soul, gospel, rocknroll, country, klezmer sh...
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E-Jazz : Chords for Jazz Guitar
Mini- method for jazz guitar with this guitar method you will understand the basics of ...
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Echo Guitar™ Pro
Apple featured as new and noteworthy on cn app storeapple featured in band in your hand...
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Before auditioning to be the next international singing idol, simon says : check your p...
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Fingering for iPad
This is a must have app for every music teacher, students and enthusiast. immediate acc...
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Fingering Woodwinds
Immediate access to fingerings with alternates and trills for each instrument s entire ...
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Flute Dots
This app is a fun twist on the traditional flute. . . maybe its a magic flute! this pro...
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Fret Tester - Learn Notes
Fret tester is a fretboard trainer that will teach you to read music on the guitar, man...
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International Guitar Chords LE
Prepare to explore an amazing world of guitar chords in your iphone ipad! demo video: h...
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goodEar Scales - Ear Training
Ear training for beginners to pros professional musicians know, that having a good tr...
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Harpninja - your harmonica mojo dojo! learn harmonica faster! reviews: 1. bluesharmon...
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человек битбокс
Удачи создания удивительные ритмы человеческого голоса. подключите наушники для лучшего...
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I Learn Guitar Pro - Интерактивный курс гитары для начинающих
I learn guitar pro i learn guitar pro это новый курс для iphone, ipad и ipod touch...
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Neil Young Archives
Neil young archives is the first of its kind musicians archive where you can chronologi...
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iChromatic Strobe Tuner HD
12 simultaneous visual strobe tuners for any musical instrument, fast, accurate, and no...
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iImprov - Contemporary Colors
Iimprov- contemporary colors is part of the continuously growing iimprov series from ja...
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iImprov - Fundamentals
Iimprov - the fundamentalslearn the basics of jazz improvisation through your iphone or...