Voice Manager for Audio Recording, Playback, Trimming and Sharing
Voice manager is a simple, fun, and easy to use audio voice recorder for audio profess...
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Voz da Mulher do Tradutor
Aplicativo que faz leitura utilizando a voz da mulher do tradutor, gerando um udio da v...
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VR Car Model - BMW i8
Virtual reality presentation of the bmw i8 supercar for the google cardboard vr viewer....
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Выбери место для отдыха не выходя из дома! vr guide - приложение с десятками виртуальны...
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Whos Calling Fake Caller Prank Phone Call
Now including president trump! the characters in the app can now talk to you! or, you...
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Wifi Password Detector
Wifi password detector is prank application which is used for detecting a prank passwor...
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Mystery Trackers: Iron Rock
After five years of silence, commander finds a forgotten case in the mystery trackers a...
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Work Your Light Oracle Cards
Get a 7- day free trial to work your light oracle! features: - give work your light ora...
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World of Drones - War on Terror
World of dronesin 2016 the fight against terrorism has grown into full- featured war. a...
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3D Displayer
This app is a software for led 3d holygram advertiser. the main functions of it is: 1. ...
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Armada Bomber
Welcome to armada bomber! your task is straightforward, but not easy. . . shoot down an...
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Smart Remote - Fire TV Stick
This remote control allows you to control your fire tv using your iphone ipad. it also ...
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MineTube Videos for Minecraft
Minetube is the best and most fun videos app for minecraft youtube videos. watch and le...
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Space War Defense - Aliens of the Star Tower
Play on watch or phone various types of enemies make the right decision, pick the right...
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Измельчите мутантные пауков
Сокрушает мутантные пауки предлагает удовольствие в простой игре кликера. просто сминае...
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Splashy Shark - Fish Adventure
Flap and feed your hungry splashy shark ! enjoy the underwater safari with different se...
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The rules are simple : tap and hold to control the balls and collect diamonds. good luc...
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Square Juggle
Welcome to the juggle! square juggle is a love letter to squares. you play as a square,...
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Пребывание в белой линии
В белой линии является быстрый темп бесконечные бегун. это никогда не было так легко иг...
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Super Hero-The ninja Warrior
Воин ниндзя. это 3d- игра с сердитыми эмоциями, сердитыми битвами ниндзя, в которых вои...
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Crowd City: Zombie Survival
Вы готовы заполнить улицы города толпой зомби и устроить маленький апокалипсис соберите...
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Crusaders Escape
You were once a great crusader. you fought in the holy lands, seeking justice for the p...
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Add Background Music to Video+
Create amazing videos with the power of augmented reality ar right from your phone and ...
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Супермаркет Мальчик партия покупки - Сумасшедший рынка подарков и продуктовый магазин игра
Супермаркет мальчик партия торговый дети супермаркет торговой играот создателей суперма...
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Brick Breaker Balls Blast 4B
Swipe your finger to throw the balls and break the bricks. collect all the items to get...
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Садовые шарики - Бабл Шутер
Сбивайте спелые сочные фрукты. собрайте урожай спелых сочных фруктов. для этого вам нуж...
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Corgi Jump
Help the corgi get past obstacles and collect his favorite toys! theres just 1 small pr...
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Cutting Game : 51% or 1 slice
Игра на резку: красный инопланетянин в форме шара нуждается в вашей помощи. он потерялс...
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Move leo around with one finger, avoid the enemies and collect oysters, starfish, and o...
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Push! Как раз вовремя
Нажми на правильный элемент игры как раз вовремя, чтобы привести кружок невредимым к вы...
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Space. io - eat everything дает вам возможность конкурировать с другими игроками и вид...
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Stair Drop
2d and 3d mode of the same game with identical level design. endless gameplay on both m...
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Сделайте свой шаг, чтобы принять участие в штормовой битве в нашем симуляторе. играйте ...
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Sugar Yummy: Sweet Flavor
Effect of a cool little sugar game. everyone loves to play a single game casual puzzle....
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Supaplex GO!
The legendary game of superb quality! one of the best action- puzzle games in the world...
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Bubble Bust! HD Premium
Bubble bust! has exceeded all our expectations and now over 25 million people around th...
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Bubble Pirates -Bubble Shooter
The first game in the world to combine sea adventure with bubble shooter now is coming ...
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Buy Furniture Hidden Objects
Playhog presents buy furniture, one of our newer hidden objects games where you are tas...
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Pack 19 -10 in 1 Hidden Object
We have gone gold and combined ten of our games in one pack. this will not only reduce ...
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Layton: Pandoras Box in HD
There are tales of a box that brings death upon any who dare open it. tell me, do you t...
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Мой Зооресторан. Кухня игра
Итак, у тебя есть небольшая закусочная. твоя миссия - завоевать славу непревзойденного ...
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Stained Glass - Gods Story
Discover majestic scenes from the bible in this revolutionary match- 3 story game! coll...
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SuperTrains 2
Try this new version of the long anticipated sequel to the hugely popular original supe...
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Sudoku ~ classic puzzle game
Sudoku for both beginners and expert players. simple, intuitive, and fun to play - sudo...
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Your Day Remote
Your day remote is created for remote control of your day ltd. karaoke systems via wi- ...
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Ретро Видео Редактор
Vhs tapecorder записывает видео со старым эффектом в реальном времени. он имеет 20 филь...
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Aysel - Kahve ve Tarot Falı
Istedi iniz zaman, istedi iniz yerde kahve fincan n n ve taba n foto raf n ekin g nder...
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Brosway jewels and watches always with you. do not miss the new fashion trend on your i...