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Clés de forêt
Apprenez identifier les arbres et les animaux forestiersgr ce cette cl simplifi e de ...
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Collins COBUILD Advanced
The complete collins cobuild advanced dictionary made specially for learners of englis...
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Collins Essential English
The collins english dictionary is a rich source of words for everyone who loves the eng...
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Collins German Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged
The largest german- english dictionary application on the ios platform with data from e...
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Collins Italian-English
Over 95, 000 translations conjugates thousands of italian and english verbs hundreds ...
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Collins Chinese Dictionary
This completely up- to- date dictionary is designed for intermediate learners of chines...
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Collins Irish Dictionary
It retains all the highly- acclaimed attributes of the collins range - unparalleled acc...
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The concordance app allows easy access to bible topics. based on the public domain nave...
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Cree dictionary is a first dictionary app for canada cree language. it is designed for ...
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Dictionary: Croatian - English
Croatian - english slovoed deluxe talking dictionary - perfect vocabulary and 1 diction...
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Da Dictionary
Five dictionaries - total count of over 450, 000 words in one application. english dic...
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Da Dictionary English
More than 200, 000 words inside an english dictionary, which works without an internet ...
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Deep Sky Browser Lite
Deep sky browser lite is a tool that allows browsing digitized sky survey dss images of...
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Wörterbuch Französisch
Das gro e w rterbuch mit 600. 000 stichw rtern, wendungen und bersetzungen. sprechen si...
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Dictionary of Japanese Names
Cjkis japanese names dictionary is a based on the cjk dictionary institutes comprehensi...
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Download free now! high performance english dictionary app for your ipad. this app b...
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Aquesta aplicaci nom s funciona en dispositius de 64 bits amb ios 10 o superior. el dic...
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Divine Names – Memorize the 99 names of Allah
This application helps us memorize the 99 names of allah the 99 na...
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Dizionario Oxford Study
Importante: questo download gratuito vi dar voci campione dal dizionario. l acquisto de...
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Dico Machtotz
Le dico machtotz est un dictionnaire fran ais- arm nien occidental et vice- versa. cest...
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English Dictionary and Thesaurus with Verbs
Redesigned and updated for ios 8top- selling dictionary app since 2008 every translati...
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Spanish Business Dictionary
Do you know how to ask your spanish- speaking investors about their roi whether it is ...
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Ultralingua Esperanto-English
The biggest esperanto- english dictionary for iphone and ipad dictionary data provided...
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Флаг Мастер
Сделайте снимок флага - и программа сама определит страну! единственная программа для р...
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Grand Tour Dictionnaire
Une application ios pour le dictionnaire fran ais. contient plus de 36 000 d finitions ...
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Französisch XL Pro Wörterbuch
Mit den langenscheidt professional- w rterb chern hast du ein zuverl ssiges und sehr um...
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Großes Französisch Wörterbuch
365. 000 stichw rter, wendungen und bersetzungen. franz sisch - deutsch. deutsch - fran...
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Ultralingua French
Over 185, 000 definitions and 17, 000 synonyms conjugates thousands of french verbs h...
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Fungi Kingdom
Fungi kingdom is the ipad adaptation of the fungi mushroom identification application. ...
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Englisch XXL Expert Wörterbuch
1. 180. 000 stichw rter, wendungen und bersetzungen. englisch - deutsch. deutsch - engl...
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Englisch XL Pro Wörterbuch
Mit den langenscheidt professional- w rterb chern hast du ein zuverl ssiges und sehr um...
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Ultralingua German-English
Over 295, 000 translations conjugates thousands of german and english verbs hundreds ...
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Grammar Express : Super Edition Lite
The entire grammar express collection at half the price! our 14 grammar express apps se...
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Green Solvents
Reference card for chemical solvents, with data regarding their greenness : safety, hea...
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Grimace shows you what emotions look like. pick from joy, surprise, fear, sadness, disg...
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Literal Word
Key features: - new american standard bible nasb - integrated greek lexicon abbott- smi...
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Hieroglyphic Dictionary Aaou
Hieroglyphic dictionary ipad version aaou version 1. 9. 7 - os 6- 23 100 words jean- fr...
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I.D. Wood
I. d. wood is a past itunes staff favorites and here is what others are saying about i....
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Interfaith Explorer with 5000 Books
Browse and search over 5000 books of every major religion in 21 languages. the books ar...
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Dictionary Italian English
Selling over 5000, 000 dictionary apps more than 55, 000 translation pairs high quali...
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Dicționar de buzunar
Dic ionare ale limbii rom ne. descoper zilnic cuvinte noi, f r a fi necesar accesul la ...
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Igurbani - a powerful gurbani search engine that allows you to search the sikh scriptur...
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Practical Reptile Keeping
- free 1 month trial with every new practical reptile keeping annual subscription- prac...
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Now your most valuable personal digital assistant is also your most valuable bench assi...
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J-K-E Travel Talk Dictionary
Frequently used daily conversations and expressions are carefully selected with human r...
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100 Java Develop Tips
100 java develop tips show you the java develop skills. - - - - - fit for java develope...
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Come! by Mobile Jesus
This is a comprehensive evangelism tool which has been carefully crafted for sharing th...
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Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia
Kamus besar bahasa indonesia kbbi merupakan kamus yang menjadi rujukan utama bahasa ind...