Safari Queue

Safari Queue

от Safari Books Online
Цена: БесплатноУстройства: iPhone, iPad
Версия: 10.11.1 от 05 декабря 2024 Язык: Русский Размер: 43.2 Мб Возраст: 4+ Официальный сайт:

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4.69 (1) AppStore: 4.54

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Отзывы о приложении Safari Queue (10)

  • Junk robots Junk robots, 07 октября 2021 в 19:55:47   # Tried to continue reading offline after 3-day break, but the book was somehow not downloaded and required internet connection to sign-in again. The subscription was paid a year in advance with 7 months remaining, there’s no way it could expire. The book is just 9.5 MB, it could be downloaded without explicit action. Ответить
  • Николайл Николайл, 16 сентября 2021 в 09:27:05   # UI of this app is not easy to follow and it wasn’t changed for 6 years since I use it.
    The app consumes a lot of battery. 50% of IPhone XR was eaten by this app in 1.5 hours.
  • Max poletaev Max poletaev, 17 февраля 2021 в 10:14:04   # Huge disappointment. The app constantly loses the position even on a single device. Also, you can’t jump back after clicking on a footnote, the back button just disappears. Thank you for paying $500/yr for your subscription, now have fun with all of that bugs that we would never fix. Ответить
  • Maks hammer Maks hammer, 25 декабря 2020 в 15:40:20   # The app is quite usable but from a reading perspective it has a lack of functionality. Unstable with bad internet connection. Why the app is not creating local copy of the book? Another bad thing - there is no any indication of a progress. No page numbers, no percentage. It’s quite hard to understand how big is a book and how long it will take to finish it. Since the app has educational proposal it’s quite strange that it doesn’t have any capability helping in progress tracking and therefore time planning. Ответить
  • Nlazarev Nlazarev, 12 марта 2020 в 16:48:14   # Guys, you provide really good service and I like the app, but unfortunately it doesn’t work on IPhone Xmax after the latest update.

    Would be cool if you can fix it
  • Markhanai Markhanai, 12 марта 2020 в 16:23:20   # I’ve been using the app for several months and it has all the functionality to enable comfortable reading including the offline mode which is great! Ответить
  • Superaboba Superaboba, 12 марта 2020 в 11:08:47   # Every time when I’ve open the app, the last position in text is not where I was but on beginning of chapter, that’s so annoying. Also lack of “text alignment” and “choose fonts” options makes me sad. 3 stars. This is the result of proprietarity - the best books collection has poor and slowly evolving reader app. Although maybe it’s because of iOS platform? But why other reader apps like KyBook are much better? Ответить
  • Sergey14245633 Sergey14245633, 12 марта 2020 в 09:58:23   # When I tap a link in brief table of contents nothing happens. I tried downloading a book but it didn’t help. Ответить
  • Vadim s. aa Vadim s. aa, 02 декабря 2018 в 07:00:33   # Can’t log in with my email. After entering login and password loader animation just goes on and on and nothing happening. Ответить
  • Appleidiots Appleidiots, 17 января 2018 в 07:14:00   # It’s a huge problem to download book to a device. Download fails all the time and you have to constantly click on exclamation mark to retry download. Maaany books are poorly formatted. No code highlighting, no indentation. It’s so hard to read code as plain text without indentation and highlighting. I really don’t know why do I have to meet these problems in 2018. Ответить

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