

от Quranly Ltd
Цена: БесплатноУстройства: iPhone, iPad
Версия: 2.0.51 от 17 декабря 2024 Язык: Русский Размер: 240.1 Мб Возраст: 4+

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4.98 (1) AppStore: 4.86

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Отзывы о приложении Quranly (4)

  • Эля374 Эля374, 29 мая 2024 в 16:50:13   # Ас-саляму ‘аляйкум уа рахмату-Ллахи уа баракятух, добавьте, пожалуйста, скорость воспроизведения - 0,75 Ответить
  • Anara98 Anara98, 12 июня 2023 в 14:34:18   # I love it, but can i ask you to add a russian translation by elmir kuliev it would be amazing! thank you so much for your work Ответить
  • Avoc0der Avoc0der, 11 июня 2023 в 17:15:08   # The app is designed well, illustrations, style is good.

    - "Hasanat" part is controversial. The whole idea may seem great but: "you get 1000 hasanat today" is at least questionable, needs some clarification...
    UPDATE: please dont say it is based on the hadith. The number of rewards you get — yes, it is, but the question was about counting it and saying: "you got this amount of hasanat". I didnt see/hear anything like that previously so hence the question. You said you checked it with scholars, could you please name one and tell did he approve the idea of counting and displaying approximate "number of hasanats". One thing to say every harf is rewardable and other thing is to count every harf and say how much you got.

    - Subscription part...
    If Im not mistaken the price was two times higher, correct me if Im wrong. If its not a high price tag, then it is ok. I deleted this section since now it looks like a normal price tag. I apologize if I got this wrong from the beginning.

    - To be completely honest, if I saw the app from another source rather than popular bloggers amongst the brothers Id think its a complete scam and could be selling users data (like Muslim Pro app). Its a very common thing: some pure functionality wrapped into a colorful wrap.
    UPDATE: Yes. If the app wasnt coming from the known source I wouldnt trust it. Yes, it is what our Deen teaches us. Any app/site/blog on the internet (especially about Deen) is not trustworthy until you make sure it is. Does make sense?

    - I will update the review while I explore the app and get answers inshaallah. I only leave this review because I think it needs to be heard.
    UPDATE: As I promised updating my review. I took one week trial before I leaved the review. But I agree that 1 star wasnt fair enough.

    Barakallahu feekum
  • Filisof Filisof, 10 июня 2023 в 10:03:06   # Assalamu Aleykum!
    The app is wonderful and motivating Allahumabarik. I like how it sends notifications of verses during the day, however could you please remove the emojis in the verses of Quran. I mean it’s just too much of them in one sentence.
    BarakAllahu feekum.

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