Feel Connect

Feel Connect

от PA-Ann
Цена: БесплатноУстройства: iPhone, iPad
Версия: 2.1.19 от 15 июня 2016 Язык: Русский Размер: 28.8 Мб Возраст: 17+

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3.42 (2) AppStore: 1.91

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Отзывы о приложении Feel Connect (3)

  • Aybaz0ff Aybaz0ff, 31 декабря 2020 в 09:32:36   # These fools could have done the greatest entertainment app for adults but they
    ‘ve failed with the most serious issue — comfort. How dare you selling this device without fixing this connection problem?! The developers just forgot about their clients and I’m pretty sure they will no longer update the app. See you in court.
  • Oren light Oren light, 23 марта 2020 в 14:03:22   # Bad UX, and so much bugs. Please test your app with different devices. VR works bad, with blocking screens and unclickable buttons. App looks like u made it and never used by yourself. It needs redesign, native realization, and good level of developer skills. App doesn’t make joy, only annoying. Ответить
  • Anya2121 Anya2121, 04 июня 2019 в 02:08:12   # Why I try to connect my Lovense toy but FeelConnect don’t see any devices. I did restart my Bluetooth and toys for couple times. Ответить

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