Dáme jídlo

Dáme jídlo

от DameJidlo.cz
Цена: БесплатноУстройства: iPhone
Версия: 24.2.1 от 31 января 2024 Язык: Русский Размер: 200.5 Мб Возраст: 4+

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Отзывы о приложении Dáme jídlo (8)

  • Paul makhony Paul makhony, 31 января 2024 в 09:11:05   # Just downloaded an application and tried to order some food. But can’t - An unexpected error occurred Ответить
  • Dhdhshwnusneeiend Dhdhshwnusneeiend, 31 января 2023 в 00:22:10   # If you have some kind of problems with food, delivery or something, it’s only your problems Support system doesn’t work!
    Terrible delivery service, delete and never use this app to save your nerves!
  • V- pol V- pol, 19 февраля 2021 в 10:52:15   # Was using the app to order the food more than a year. Today ordered the food as usual. Somehow it happened that the address of delivery was chosen by the app and it was wrong. Due to that my order disappeared and money gone in vain. I would notice the problem with wrong address earlier but the order status kept telling me ‘courier picked up your order and deliver it within 10-20 minutes’. Courier left my order on the wrong address (contactless delivery). After one hour when I figured out that the address in the order differs from my address I wasn’t able to find my bags with the order. The order status in the app was showing ‘courier will deliver your order within 5min’. It was changed to delivered after I contacted support desk and when they told: ‘we are sorry but it was your faultk. Ответить
  • Yarikpomer Yarikpomer, 16 февраля 2021 в 12:17:30   # Писал в службу поддержки, писал в службу доставки, по итогу ни ответа, ни привета. Игнор 1000%( даже не пытайтесь туда написать), время только потеряете.
    А так же, можете написать вашу почту, я вам распишу четко и грамотно какие у вас проблемы как с доставкой, так и с вашим качеством продукта!
  • 12349042 12349042, 22 декабря 2020 в 23:23:03   # Aplikace která nefunguje normálně, neukazuje nic o stavu objednávky, v noci není žádný kontakt na volání nebo chat, protože v noci tato pičovina nefunguje víc než v době sluníčka.
    Kurýr který vždycky přijede později s chladným jídlem, a musíte jít dolu, přes silnice, kurýrovi nevadí.
    Na shledanou.
  • Students team Students team, 22 декабря 2020 в 22:27:20   # We were ordered a meal waited for all day. Called every time damejidlo but didn’t answered. So on the party we were hangry. But it’s not a problem, problem begins when we tried wrote to damejdlo. All my friend wrote to them but only on my mail account they answered. But due to my studying and having more than 1 mail account I didn’t answer for exactly 14 day from 08.05 to 22.05 which was enough to say me that I should did it within 14 days. Just wanna say that if you ordered something be prepare that they will find a tons of answers but to not refund the money. And even that it’s customer fault!? That they can’t just bring the meal it obviously customer problems. Ответить
  • Pavel prg Pavel prg, 22 декабря 2020 в 16:48:32   # Zaplacená objednávka zrušena bez udání důvodů.
    Zákaznická podpora není. Peníze mi zatím nikdo nevrátil. První a poslední pokus.
  • Yumi2345907 Yumi2345907, 06 марта 2020 в 09:54:36   # Platba twistem nefunguje už nevím jak dlouho, vlastně úplně od začátku. K čemu to tam mate v tom případě? Taky nejde zaplatit přes Apple Pay, pořad se stává to že objednávka mizí z profilu, komunikace s podporou taky nefunguje.. Ответить

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