Ona Tili Adabiyotdan Testlar
Ushbu ilovada Ona Tili Adabiyotdan testlar toplami javoblari bilan jamlangan, foydalanuvchi savollar ...
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Let your little ones learn the Amharic Alphabet in an easy and fun way! Yeneta is full of interactiv ...
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Это приложение поможет тебе разобраться с твоими вопросами. Интересные и полезные советы, огромное к ...
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Bharat Ko Jano (BKJ) Quiz App
विद्यार्थियों में भारतीय मूल्यों, भारतीय संस्कारों, भारतीय आस्थाओं तथा भारत की गौरव गाथा के प्रति गौ ...
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Learn English for Kids Connect
Connect1 aims to develop children's ability to learn the language in a way that is loved by a group ...
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SRC Sınav Soruları
SRC Sınavı Çıkmış sorularına ücretsiz olarak ve internet gerektirmeden çalışabileceğiniz bir uygulam ...
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Turning Point Family
This is a platform where lives are lifted, prayer requests become testimonies and heaven is populate ...
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Study together in live video calls. Get motivation, chat and make friends. You can choose from hund ...
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SPSS Output Interpretations
Interpretation of outputs like -Descriptive statistics -Summaries -Graphs -T-tests -ANOVA -Chi-squar ...
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Direct Jobs from UAE Companies
Why Direct Jobs app? - It is the best-rated job and career search app in the Dubai-UAE - It lets y ...
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SAT Practice Test & Exam Prep
DISCLAIMER: SAT Practice Test & Exam Prep does not represent or associate with any government entity ...
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ABC Kids Bus Tracing & Phonics
Are you looking for a simple, creative and fun way to teach your kids both the alphabet and numbers ...
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ECCE Training
This training program is designed for the School Education Department official. The objective of the ...
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НУМО: розвивальні ігри
Ігри в застосунку є різноплановими: - за віком: до 3 років, 3-4 роки, 4-5 років і 5-6 років, тож ви ...
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ভোটার আইডি সংশোধন - Nid Check
বাংলাদেশের জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র কিভাবে পাবেন এবং দেখা যায় জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্রে অনেকর নামের বানান ভুল আছে ...
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Simulado Detran Amazonas 2022
► Um aplicativo simples para quem pretende adquirir carteira de carro, moto, ônibus ou caminhão (cat ...
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Cours de physique chimie 3ème
Les cours de chimie au collège visent à éveiller l’esprit scientifique, au travers notamment de l’ex ...
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“Treelogy” is a mobile application, which can perform leaf-based tree identification among tree spec ...
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HRM Dictionary Lite
A collection of over 1400 terms used in Human Resource Management jargon. Browse through an alphabet ...
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Ba Notes
App Contains - 1.Hindi 2.English 3.Sanskrit 4.History 5.Political Science 6.Public Administration 7. ...
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6. Sınıf Tüm Dersler - Testler
2021 Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı müfredatına uygun olarak hazırlanmış olan uygulamamız içeriğinde zengin ...
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6. Sınıf Ders Notu ve Testleri
6. sınıf müfredatına uygun olarak hazırlanmış uygulamamızda 6. sınıf Türkçe, Matematik, Fen Bilimler ...
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Mr Ahmed Samir
About Mr Ahmed Samir Develop a passion for learning Education is the most powerful weapon which you ...
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YKS Plan, Sohbet | StudyBuddy
StudyBuddy YKS ile ÖSYM YKS'de derece yapmaya hazır mısınız? Hemen bir çalışma grubu oluştur ve çalı ...
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Study Buddy Guru
Химия — это отрасль науки, которая занимается изучением свойств материи и происходящих с ними измене ...
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Nepal Election App 2079
This app shows the details of the candidates of the 2079 local election. This app shows the details ...
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SVSB Jharkhand
SVSB is GoJ initative for benchmarking schools with an aim to bring behavioural change among childre ...
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Mon Guide Pulaar
Nous sommes ravis de partager avec vous cette application d'apprentissage de la langue Pulaar. C'est ...
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Quizzmind: Learning is fun
Try out the QuizzMind app to challenge yourself and broaden your knowledge. We have quizzes coverin ...
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Ankit Bhati SSC GD Maths Class Book contains following topics :- number system classification of nu ...
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Slate for Kids
Your Smartphone, Tablet can now be easily converted to an on-the-move Slate. Yes, a "Slate for kids" ...
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Study Bharat
Are you searching for the best online classes for NEET? You are at the right place. Get complete NEE ...
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NavIC indian GPS map
NavLC indian Satelite is completely free app in all countries. This app helps in gathering knowledge ...
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အင်တာနက် ဖွင့်ရုံဖြင့် အောင်စာရင်းများကို အချိန်နှင့် တစ်ပြေးညီ ကြည့်ရှုနိုင်ပါသည်။ ယခုနှစ်အတွက် မြ ...
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Kỹ Năng Mềm Full
Update 1: Dự kiến 30/04/2017 Link new application: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com ...
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BaZi Hero
Learn BaZi using our powerful algorithm that does all crucial calculations for you. Go from a total ...
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All Exam Result JSC/SSC/HSC/NU
SSC Result 2022 BD Check All Education Board Result of Bangladesh. Bangladesh education board all ex ...
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Walmart Vriddhi
Walmart Vriddhi is a supplier development program that aims to work with Micro, Small and Medium Ent ...
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Complete sex education guide (
लेखक का मानना है कि सेक्स एजुकेशन (यौन स्वास्थ्य) वैज्ञानिक ज्ञान पर आधारित होना चाहिए, स्वतंत्र रूप ...
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Soal Ujian Kelas 4 SD Lengkap dan Terbaru adalah sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis android yang ...
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Тесты на госслужбу РК
Приложение содержит тесты для подготовки к тестированию на государственную и правоохранительную служ ...
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कक्षा 12 जीव विज्ञान नोट्स हिं
अपनी पाठ्यपुस्तक के उत्तर प्राप्त करें। यदि आपको अपनी पाठ्यपुस्तक के सही उत्तर खोजने में कोई समस्या ...
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전기자격증 NO1, 다산에듀
* 22.12.22 v.1.0.3 업데이트 안내 - 앱 로딩 속도를 개선하였습니다. - 특정 결제 카드 앱이 실행되지 않는 버그를 수정하였습니다. - 알림 메세지가 출력되지 않던 ...
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Mon Compte PayPal & Plus
CONTENU PÉDAGOGIQUE : Cette application vous apprend à créer et à utiliser votre compte PayPal en t ...
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Target UPTET CTET is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in th ...
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المنشاوي تجويد بدون نت 1/3
تطبيق القرآن الكريم بصوت الشيخ محمد صديق المنشاوي تجويد من سورة الفاتحة الى سورة التوبة في متناول يد ...
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Class 7 Maths NCERT Book in Hi
कक्षा 7 गणित के सभी अध्याय :- पूर्णांक भिन्न एवं दशमलव आँकड़ो का प्रबंधन सरल समीकरण रेखा एवं कोण त्र ...