Fitzroy Readers Books 21 to 30
The fitzroy readers is a set of graded books which employ the fitzroy method - a phonic...
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Flash Cards - Fruits
Flash cards - fruits application, helps to increase vocabulary, concentration for your ...
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Flash Cards All In One
5 learning apps in one1. alphabet2. numbers3. animals4. fruits5. vegetablesflash cards ...
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Flash Cards English
Free for a limited time this flash cards english is an amazing educational app pac...
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Flash The Dash- a classic Don Freeman story book for kids about a lazy Daschund dog who learns the value of hard work. A perfect bedtime tale! (iPad Lite Version, by Auryn Apps)
Flash the dash is a beautiful story of a work- shy dachshund, flash. he lives with sash...
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Flexibooks Reader
Flexibooks je te ka elektronick ch knih, ve kter si m ete st multimedi ln interaktivn ...
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Flow of History
Pinch zooming for all versions50 schools discountthe flow of history is history for the...
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FLTRP-Alice in Wonderland-Special Edition
Merry christmas! alice in wonderland christmas special is available now. this applicati...
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Focus on Earthquakes
Focus on earthquakes provides a comprehensive description of the causes and consequence...
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Fondazione RUI
La rivista bimestrale fondazione ora disponibile per la lettura digitale in edizione p...
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Fossil is an interactive story for curious kids and budding scientists which talks about stones that once were dinosaur bones. An archaeological narrative by Claire Ewart. (iPad Lite Version, by Auryn Apps)
When dinosaurs thundered across the land, and enormous reptiles swam in the salty ocean...
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Foundations of Algebra
The apps consist of lessons created as multiple- choice questions, and when you answer ...
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Fountas and Pinnell Prompting Guide 1
The fountas pinnell prompting guide 1 is an easy- access tool that you can use to enha...
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Fountas and Pinnell Prompting Guide Part 2
The fountas pinnell prompting guide 2, for comprehension: thinking, talking, and writi...
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Französisch mit Spaß
Diese app ist eine wunderbare m glichkeit, kinder mit franz sich in kontakt zu bringen ...
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Das schweizer elternmagazin fritz fr nzi ist der gr sste elternratgeber der schweiz. di...
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Frog Prince Bedtime Fairy Tale iBigToy
The best reading experience - childrens classic story the frog prince now available. th...
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Frosty the snowman
Awarded with the comenius edumedia seal 2012 , for exemplary educational media. frosty...
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Fruits for Little Lamb: teach your children about strong values and Gods love in this Christian book for kids by Leslie Ann Clark ("Lite" version by Auryn Apps)
Teach your children the fruits of the spirit in this adorable app! love, kindess, peace...
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FTD Biologia - RA 1º ano para iPhone
Com o aplicativo de realidade aumentada da editora ftd, os alunos do primeiro ano do en...
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FTD Biologia - RA 2º ano para iPhone
Com o aplicativo de realidade aumentada da editora ftd, os alunos do segundo ano do ens...
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FTD Biologia - RA 3º ano para iPhone
A editora ftd oferece aos alunos do terceiro ano do ensino m dio uma nova ferramenta pa...
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FTD Ciências Novo Pensar - RA 6º ano para iPhone
O aplicativo da cole o novo pensar , da editora ftd, traz uma s rie de objetos de reali...
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FTD Ciências Novo Pensar - RA 7º ano para iPhone
A editora ftd oferece aos alunos do 7 ano uma forma nova e interessante de explorar div...
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FTD Ciências Novo Pensar - RA 8º ano para iPhone
O aplicativo do oitavo ano da cole o novo pensar de ci ncias da editora ftd oferece uma...
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IPAs IT Engineer Exam FE Essential keywords
A drill book for ipas fundamental information technology engineer examination, a japane...
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IPAs IT Engineer Exam FE Q&A
A drill book for ipas fundamental information technology engineer examination, a japane...
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Funny English Flash Cards
Funny english flash cards, there is one word for each card and with a funny pictures an...
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Funtastic Animal Flashcards
Передовые животных флэш- карт даст вам больше, чем 140 флэш- карт для работы с детьми д...
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животное флэш-карт для малышей Lite
Это облегченная версия животных флэш- карт для малышей. передовые животных флэш- карт д...
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Kurzweil 3000
Kurzweil 3000 by kurzweil education for the ipad is a mobile extension to the kurzweil ...
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The seasons is the interactive version of latvian peoples fairy tale how the trees did...
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GaDaMeilin Story
Around the time of the 1930s, the legendary mongolian hero gada meilin incited a rebell...
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GaDaMeilin Story HD
Around the time of the 1930s, the legendary mongolian hero gada meilin incited a rebell...
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Over 350, 000 downloads selected new noteworthy by apple in 2013 the writing is c...
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Genius Kids Y3&4
Genius kids is an app for kids in grade 4 to prepare for scholarship opportunity class ...
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Geography GCSE
More than just test questions, this is an app to help you revise and study effectively....
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Gesellschaft A
Lernen, trainieren und nachschlagen: die kostenlose app gesellschaft a des hep verlagsd...
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Gesellschaft B
Lernen, trainieren und nachschlagen: die kostenlose app gesellschaft b des hep verlagsd...
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Gesellschaft DHF
Lernen, trainieren und nachschlagen: die kostenlose app gesellschaft dhf des hep verlag...
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Getting Ready for 2nd Grade
Getting ready for 2nd grade will help children master second grade concepts. this app o...
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Getting Ready for 3rd Grade
Getting ready for 3rd grade is a great visual aid for students in second or third grade...
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Welcome gillexplore, the gill education ebook app. gillexplore is a leading education a...
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GitaAppLite – Sanskrit text analyzed and explained
Gitaapplite offers a unique and novel way of reading the gita: apart from the sanskrit ...
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GMAT Practice Tests (math)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sale - limited time onl...
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GMAT Practice Questions
In- depth coverage of all gmat exam domains with study questions and practice tests. a...