Baby Letter Cards
Do you want your baby to learn abcs this is the app you are looking for. a- z with word...
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прятки(The full-fledged version)
Детей познания мира , в том числе животных , музыкальные инструменты, естественно, пого...
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Baby Recognition-Peek-A-Boo(for free)
This baby object recognition multimedia ebook is designed to help babies recognizing va...
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Babys First Vocabulary 600+100 Part1
A totally new learning experience. this multi media application is packed with basic ch...
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Back in Time for iPhone
. . . a beautifully executed lesson on the history of the universe - the new york times...
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Bajki na dobranoc HD
Czy twoje dzieci prosz o bajki kiedy k ad si spa czy znudzi y je ju stare ksi ki z baj...
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Bananas Sometimes - LAZ Reader [Level B–kindergarten]
Preschool to kindergarten readers use their imagination when reading this humorous stor...
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Il dipartimento educazione, formazione e cultura ladina - innovazione e consulenza - vi...
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Bartimeus by Lambsongs
Batimeus can see shares the bible story of how jesus heals bartimeus, taken from the bo...
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Basic Microbiology Lab Techniques
Basic microbiology lab techniques is a brand new touchable multimedia textbook for univ...
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Basics of Biblical Greek
This resourceful study tool contains over 1, 000 of the most common words and pronuncia...
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Bath Time Bubbles
The second app in the talking with baby series by marsha peterson is a story about bath...
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Bautiful Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) - Quran, Hadith, Islam Awareness Program
A huge collection of beautiful sayings of the beloved prophet muhammad pbuh collected f...
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Beastly Expressions
Add life to your speech with a variety of phrases, proverbs, slang, and expressions. be...
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Beauty and the Beast - iBigToy
The best reading experience - childrens classic story beauty and the beast now availabl...
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Bedtijd Verhalen HD
Moeten uw kinderen altijd vragen om een verhaaltje wanneer ze nar bed gaan zijn ze verv...
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Beebo Has A Bad Dream
Beebo is a friendly little panda who just loves donuts. one day he gets a little too gr...
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Behaviors of the Core Functions of Algebra
The apps consist of lessons created as multiple- choice questions, and when you answer ...
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Being Global
Updated with french - so the app is now trilingual2012 appy award winner - multi- cultu...
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Bengali Animals
Bengali animalsbengali animals is an intuitive app that will help the user to learn the...
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Bengali Birds
Bengali birdsbengali birds is an intuitive app that will help the user to learn the var...
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English 2 Bengali Dictionary
Best english to bengali dictionary in the market. it has more than 37500 english words ...
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Bengali Flowers
Bengali flowersbengali flowers is an intuitive app that will help the user to learn the...
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Bengali Fruits
Bengali fruitsbengali fruits is an intuitive app that will help the user to learn the v...
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Bengali Vegetables
Bengali vegetablesbengali vegetables is an intuitive app that will help the user to lea...
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Bent Not Broken
This interactive story follows the life of a family trying to survive a brutal war in w...
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Best Books for Babies
Whether youre looking for a silly adventure, an interactive book, or a bedtime story, y...
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Best Books for Pre-K
Whether youre looking for a story about family, a book about starting school, or simply...
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Best Books for Tweens
Whether youre reading for school or for pleasure, you can use this app to find new book...
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Bhooter Chana
Hottiti publications storybook bhooter chana is an interactive and entertain- able stor...
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Der bibelleseplan 2018 der ab als app f r iphone, ipod touch und ipad. dieser regt dazu...
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Mit dieser app k nnen sie personen von der bibel suchen und die details zur person anze...
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Bible Adventures
Biblica ministeres to children around the world with scripture pieces- - like bible adv...
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Bible YLT-Youngs Literal Translation(HD)
Bible ylt- youngs literal translation for ipad. the literal translation is unusual in t...
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Big - LAZ Reader [Level aa–kindergarten]
Preschool to kindergarten readers will try to think of the biggest thing - a house a tr...
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Bilingual Beginners Book
Bilingual beginners book is a bilingual picture and word book for new language learners...
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Bill Sanders
De kikker bill sanders wordt weggepest en maakt een reis naar parijs. in parijs leert h...
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This app is fantastic! as a high school biology teacher this app has given me so much. ...
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Bird Guide for kids
Take a virtual tour and get to know, see and hear dozens of birds species in our intera...
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Birth of Jesus
The birth of jesus is presented in a newly fresh, interactive and accessible way to kid...
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Bitas Abc Lite
The bitas abc is an interactive way to children, in literacy age, learn by playing. its...
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Biển báo giao thông
Ng d ng mi n ph gi p tra c u th ng tin c c bi n b o giao th ng ng b . gi p m i ng i hi...