Learn Welsh SMART Guide
Speak welsh app with more than 2000 words in 55 categories like food, clothes, numbers,...
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Learning Assistant
The learning assistant app is designed to support learners and assessors, and our intui...
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Letterland Quick Dash
This app is designed to be used with teacher or parent supervision. use this simple to...
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Letterland Rainbow Writing - Trace letter shapes
This app is designed to be used with teacher or parent supervision. children can use t...
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Letterland Word Builder
This app is designed to be used with teacher or parent supervision. letterland word bu...
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Буквы азбука для Дети: Написать Алфавит, слово
Запись на вашем смартфоне. буквы abc для детей бесплатные игры для детей дошкольного во...
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LFIGP Pronote
Un tablissement homologu le lfigp dispense tous les niveaux un enseignement conforme a...
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Life in the UK Test & Guide
The only app you need to pass your life in the uk test first time. features the offici...
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Life in the UK Test Questions
Are you taking your life in the uk test for your citizenship dont have time to prepare ...
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Light Bulbs in Parallel (Lite)
Using 3d graphics and 2d electronic symbols, you will build simple parallel circuits by...
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Liquid Math
Liquid math is an interactive simulator for reaction- diffusion systems. there are patt...
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Loop2Learn Loop YouTube Videos
Have you ever been trying to learn something by watching a youtube video, and you keep ...
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LREC 2018
The european language resources association is happy to invite you to participate in th...
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Update to v3. 0. 0 or higher for the app to work national university of singapore s lum...
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математика для дошкольников математика для детей
Математика игры для детей, изучающих рассчитывать, сравните количество плюс и минус. ма...
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Develop your math skills and improve your math skills! in mathscore, you are invited to...
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Лабиринты - логические игры для детей
Краска с пальцем раунд лабиринта и найти выход. изобретение игра. это идеально подходит...
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McGill App
The mcgill app is the official campus app for current, new, and prospective mcgill univ...
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Medical Rep Simulator
This training simulation is for students enrolled in the medicines australia continuing...
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учить английский словарь
Использование flashcard поможет вам быстрее учиться и запоминать больше за более коротк...
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Collection douvrages atpl a en anglais dit e en collaboration avec lenac et avec la con...
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Miaotu Color
Let the childrens painted artwork become a 3d work in one second miaotu color is such ...
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Winner of the german design award 2018 in gold free audio guide and more: explore st. ...
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Micy Carpets
Micy carpets is a puzzle game for all ages. micy carpets is designed with unique idea o...
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Middlesex University
Manage your day- to- day student life here at middlesex through mdxapp - the university...
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Migaj z nami PJM
In this app you can find news, informations, lessons, alphabet, events and more about p...
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Milab is an intuitive and user- friendly interface that makes it easy to collect, inter...
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Milab x beta is an intuitive and user- friendly interface that makes it easy to collec...
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MIND App for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s & essential
The mind app make an impact on neurological disorders features art, music and dance act...
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Mini-U: OverColor Kids
Оверколор - игра- головоломка для деток от 5 лет. 60 заданий, 3 уровня сложности и часы...
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Mir ada x es una plataforma de cursos mooc massive open online courses para la comunida...
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Путаница - собери зверушку
Увлекательная и очень добрая игра- развивашка для малышей и их родителей! играйте вмест...
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Mobile Campus
Mobile campusthe mobile campus app is a supplementary app that allows users to access t...
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Mobisquirt allows you to connect your ios device to a megasquirt ecu, view realtime dat...
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Mock ielts reading is based on real ielts reading test, and 132 passages, 1760 question...
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Moku: lab is a revolutionary all- in- one test and measurement device for professional ...
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Molecule Lab
Molecule lab is a simple yet powerful editor allowing users to build and visualize mole...
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Monlamit center proudly present the monlam grand tibetan dictionary version 1. 0. this ...
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Consulter vos horaires de cours, recevoir vos notes dexamens et annonces facultaires d ...
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Suivez vos cours en ligne sur votre mobile ! fonctionnalit s: vid os streaming et t l ...
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Morning and Evening Devotion
C. h. spurgeon - morning and evening: daily readings with kjv bible daily bible reading...
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Morse Code Trainer Premium
Morse code trainer is the definitive way to learn morse code as it effortlessly enables...
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Bhandarkar publications presents morse code, your go- to app for learning morse code. e...
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Mosbys Pocket Dictionary
Mosbys pocket dictionary of medicine, nursing health professions. download the free ap...
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MRI Made Easy... well almost
Mri made easy . . . well almost! go beyond paper and do radiology the classic in...
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Multiplication 3 Game
Practice multiplication with all of the characters from the award winning meet the math...
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Умножение Дробей
Это простое и эффективное обучающее приложение по математике поможет вам углубить, закр...
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Muscle Ultrasound Course
Improve your skills in identifying muscles and neighbouring structures using ultrasound...
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Museo Piaggio
Grazie alla app ufficiale del museo piaggio pontedera potrai fare l esperienza di una v...
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Бесплатное приложение для прослушивания экскурсии по музею благодаря технологии bluetoo...