CNA Smart Prep +
To become a certified nursing assistant you will need to pass your state certification ...
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Histology: USMLE Q&A Review
Take control of your usmle study schedule with this easy to use tool based on the highl...
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Homeopathy Materia Medica
A complete study guide and reference source for the homeopathic materia medica. contain...
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MedsBla - Messenger Médico
Descubre el punto de encuentro de la comunidad m dica. medsbla es un entorno encriptado...
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Memorix Anatomy QUIZ
Memorix anatomy quiz is a high quality application, designed for users to revise anatom...
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Skin Lymphoma
Primary cutaneous lymphoma mycosis fungoides s zary syndrome staging tool. generate th...
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Arabic Muslim Kids Songs - اناشيد و اغاني اطفال
- - arabic muslim kids songs and anachid app - - . :...
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This app is a simply audio analyzer. and, app can sound sweep signal for measurement fo...
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Auralia Interval Singing
Learn to sing intervals and become a better singer with auralia interval singing! use t...
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Auralia Jazz Chords
Ear training is essential for all musicians, and auralia jazz chords will help you to i...
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Bluenotation supports converting your musical idea to music notation. the piano- style ...
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Boogie Shred with Mike Dawes
Learn boogie shred with mike dawes is an in depth and interactive tuition app for ios d...
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Bärenreiter Study Score Reader
Testen sie die b renreiter study score reader app mit einer demo- version zu debussys p...
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ChromaTuner: Guitar & Bass
Tune up your guitar, bass, ukulele, banjo, violin or any other string instrument with a...
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Composers Sketchpad
Recent winner of the childrens technology review editors choice award! jot down musical...
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Composers Sketchpad Lite
Recent winner of the childrens technology review editors choice award! jot down musical...
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Course For Logic Pro X 10.2.1
Logic guru steve h is here with a quick look at some of the new features in logic pro x...
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Dreamworld - APPUM™
This music album is a waking call for humanity to reconcile itself. we are being fed th...
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Guitar Lick Master - 50+ Licks, Ultimate Trainer with Smart Tabs
Guitar lick master is the ultimate way to learn and practice guitar licks on iphone and...
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MKII Course for Elektron 203
The new and improved octatrack mkii is much more than a sampler. learn how to use this ...
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Modern Rock Guitar
A must- have guitar app for all students and fans of legendary modern rock players such...
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Multirhythms Rhythm Trainer
Become a better musician with multirhythms! multirhythms features are designed to help ...
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Play Guitar Hits
Apprenez jouer vos morceaux pr f r s la guitare gr ce des partitions interactives sy...
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Pocket Guitar Chords - Guitar Chord Reference
Guitar chords is a collection of the most common chords for guitar. right now there are...
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Polyplayground by migamo mike gao mobile this app is great for the producer, composer, ...
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Sing It - Ear Trainer
A must app for every musician, singer, or just for fun. test, train, and improve your m...
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MusiQuest ECE: Sketch-a-Song
Создайте свою собственную музыку со sketch- a- song! наш красочный интуитивный интерфей...
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Skoog Skratch
Make and share music in seconds. simply tap to record, play and share with music makers...
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SmartScales - Backing Tracks
Smartscales makes practising scales and arpeggios interactive and fun! a collaboration ...
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My Security Media
As the dedicated media provider to the security industry, we are a primary source of in...
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«КиХ производство» B2B журнал
В журнале кондитерское и хлебопекарное производство публикуются аналитические и обзорны...
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«Масла и жиры» журнал
Журнал масла и жиры публикует актуальную информацию о состоянии и тенденциях развития р...
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«Переработка молока» журнал
Журнал переработка молока предназначен для широкого круга специалистов молочной отрасли...
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Twins: внимание и память
Do you or your child have memory problems or do you want to quickly learn fast reading ...
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Фоторамка для детей. Ваше приложение для цифровых кадров. Улучшить Ваши фотографии, фотографии, открытки и коллажи. Дайте ваш лучший фото
Украсьте свои фотографии с удивительными фоторамки! ваши дети будут в восторге! созда...
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Elemental from dotmatics the free chemistry sketch utilityelemental is now a universal ...
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Flashcards for Diagrams - Diagram Flashcard Maker
Flashcards for diagrams is a powerful study tool that enables you to accurately memoriz...
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How to use1. place your ipad between you and the other person. 2. enjoy conversation in...
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Homework Pal
Keeping track of school assignments shouldnt be hard. keep it simple with homework pal....
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Instructor Toolkit
Instructor toolkit: do you ever feel like your doing too much paperwork not organised w...
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Interpreter Voice Translator
Traveling abroad worried about the local language voice translator instant will speak f...
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Liberating Structures
Liberating structures sind leicht zu erlernende interaktionsmethoden, die das vertrauen...
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ScreenBrush Remote
Screenbrush remote as a laser pointer for presentations to concentrate attention on sig...
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Textify: Easily beautify text!
Textify allows you to easily make your text more elegant, colorful, fancy, or however e...
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Lapplication educartable - portail familles permet aux parents de consulter les devoirs...
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VPN Master - Best VPN Proxy
Vpn master is an ultra- fast, no log vpn that allows you to browse the web safely and p...
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Experience a 3- d platformer like never before. dinos ar immerses you in an augmented r...
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Meet your new muse. destroy writers block forever. escape the beaten path and discover ...
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Katastrophen k nnen immer passieren. damit sie sich bei ereignissen, welche sie und ihr...