Learning kanji is one of the most important step in learning japanese. jlpt n5 will hel...
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Kanji Bubbles
Improve and test your kanji recognition skills with this easy to use app. features: ov...
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KangXi - learn Mandarin Chinese radicals for HSK1 - HSK6 hanzi characters in this simple game
Improve you knowledge of chinese characters in this little game. knowing the kangxi rad...
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New! added ability to warp to kanji you may already know and learn jlpt textbook kanj...
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Explore polyhedra and tilings while creating colorful kinematic art. polyhedron mode le...
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JAPANESE SPEAK - Japanese speech recognizer
Japanese speak is the best application to learn japanese conversations. you can upgrade...
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Japanese Sound of Kana Letter
Japsounds can help you learning and mastering the pronunciation of japanese kana syllab...
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Leksikon - learn spanish words
Leksikon learn spanish by 10 words per day. unique learning method allows you to learn...
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Kuper Academy App
The kuper app enables us to send important information quickly and efficiently to stude...
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Janime - Des idées plein la poche
Janime ! des id es plein la poche : jeux, chants, r glementations et outils. cest une a...
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iChemistry™ Pro
Ichemistry is your personal chemistry tutor. it is used by millions of students every d...
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Icausalbayes provides an attractive visualization of probabilistic and causal inference...
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Iatpl is based on jaa easa central question bank cqb and european central question bank...
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Gardiners Memo
Gardiners sign list is a list of common egyptian hieroglyphs compiled by sir alan gardi...
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i-Memorize Sheet
I- memorize sheet is a rote learning app which enables you to hide words and years you ...
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ICE English
Learn english for free with the amazing ice english app. the islington centre for engli...
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Ice Cream Truck - Educational Puzzle Game for Kids
Hello! ice cream lovers! be ready for an amazing adventure! there are an ice cream truc...
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ICAO Level 4 - Aviation Language Proficiency For English Airline Pilots
As the number of planes in our skies continues to grow, so the need for safety becomes ...
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IBM TechU Agenda Guide
Ibm techu agenda guide ibm techu agenda is the mobile app for ibm systems technical eve...
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Изучайте хинди язык
Изучайте хинди язык содержит более 800 наиболее употребляемых фраз и словарей хинди для...
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LCEDict -Common Errors Dict
The dictionary of common errors provides learners and teachers of english with a practi...
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I Am Rover
Discover mars through the eyes of nasas curiosity rover. search by camera, date and sol...
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H c247: h c sgk online l thuy t, gi i bt sgk tr c nghi m online mi n ph - ch ng tr nh ...
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h4 Английский
Учите английский с помощью нового языкового ядра. функции включают: игры: word search,...
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Hairy Words 2
Learn the second 100 high frequency sight words. sight words are words that appear freq...
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Hairy Phonics 1
The ideal app to follow the award- winning hairy letters. hairy phonics develops phonem...
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goUBC - UBC Grade Tracker
Goubc has been ranked the no. 1 grade tracking app made exclusively for ubc students gr...
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It is an application that shows git trending. more feature will be added in the future!...
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Garmin TXi Trainer
The garmin g500 txi, g600 txi and txi eis trainer provides an on- the- ground environme...
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Garfield Math Run
The sequel to the action- packed math game! math run revolutionized math practice into ...
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Ganbatte Shadowing
This is a japanese shadowing application to help learners improve their pronunciation. ...
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Игровом Поезде
Присоединяйся к нашему путешествию в игровом поезде! как повезло вашему ребенку! ведь в...
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Gallipoli: the first day
Watch and explore the events of gallipoli as and where they happened in a 3d map space....
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D couvrez gallicadabra, la liseuse universelle de la biblioth que nationale de france s...
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Карта Галактики PRO
Совершите захватывающее путешествие по космосу и посетите новые странные инопланетные з...
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Fun Toddler Maze Game for Kids
Идеальный лабиринт для детей здесь! пусть ваш ребенок веселиться во время обучения! иг...
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français - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of French
French learning is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation...
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flashQ by Toronto Notes
Flashq by toronto notes is a quiz app for medical students that tests your knowledge ba...
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JooJoo выучить Персидский
Попробуйте бесплатно потрясающее приложение audio picture dictionary5300 полезных слов,...
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Fair Game?
Fair game what do you know about these central topics in the united states this is your...
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Fabergé at VMFA
Explore the world of faberg and the last tsars of russia through illustrated stories, a...
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ENT Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Sur l application mobile, retrouvez les services cl s de l ent comme les actualit s ou ...
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Engage2serve: empower students with relevant information and resources delivered to the...
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Earth Primer
Discover how our planet works through play! create volcanoes, sculpt mountains, and con...
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drivers of change
Explore the most impactful trends shaping the future of our urbanized planet. discover ...
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Capture for Families
Capture for families helps parents keep up to date on their child s progress and achiev...
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Демонстраць нсраум демонстрационное пространство мобильное приложение к абстрактному ка...
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VU biblioteka
Su vu bibliotekos mobili ja program le j s galite: - ie koti bibliotekos leidini - per ...
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Dalili a pour objectif de subvenir aux besoins des tudiants marocains en terme de savoi...