Campus Difusión
Campus difusi n es una plataforma digital pensada para profesores y estudiantes, con ci...
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Cambridge Experience
Cambridge experience, brought to you by cambridge university press, is a free augmented...
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Азбука: ABC Ladybug
Удобный интерфейс специально разработан для маленьких детей. поможет ребенку в веселой ...
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AAC : Conduite Accompagnée
Aac conduite accompagn e est une application de suivi de la progression de lapprentissa...
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Decku Flashcard Maker
Changed app name to decku flashcard maker decku flashcard maker can use with vocabulary...
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Homework Planner
Homework school planner is the ideal app for students of all ages at school or univers...
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Kids Picture Dictionary HD
Childrens dictionary is a very useful childrens edutainment software. it is not only a ...
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Oilyapp is a yl approved, yl partnered resource for essential oil education, business b...
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Kids Banc
Kids bank is a virtual banking application to teach financial literacy to your kids in ...
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Ielts Reader - Practice Tests
Ielts reader is prepared intensively for both academic and general ielts learners who s...
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Simply Paste Flashcards M Pro
1. most easiest wordbook ever - intuitive ui - study languages, glossaries- any languag...
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Damals - das magazin f r geschichte. abonnieren sie mit damals die faszinierendsten sei...
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BABY SLEEP Happytouch®
Эта обучающая игра подходит для детей от 1- х лет. наше обещание в happytouch : каждое ...
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LEARN WITH BEN Happytouch®
Эта обучающая игра подходит для детей от 2- х лет. наше обещание в happytouch : каждое ...
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SEEK by Eidolon
Seek is a business intelligence platform that evaluates, implements and measures organi...
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Green Rank: Save Our Oceans
Welcome to green rank! our mission is to help you better understand, in a fun way, how ...
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This is the companion app for the new design studio press book: how to draw. enhancing ...
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Perles Divines
Perles divines est un recueil de pri res et dinvocations arabe translitt ration fran ai...
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123 Numbers Flashcards for Preschool Kids
123 numbers for kids is specially designed to cater the needs of parents to memorize th...
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Little Palms Preschool
Note: this application access is restricted to little palms pre- school students and pa...
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Wort Eisenbahn - Rechtschreibwettbewerb & Wörtersuch-Puzzle für Kinder
Wort - eisenbahn ist ein hervorragendes lernspiel f r kinder welches diese zum durchbru...
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Tibetan Coloring Book
Tibetan coloring book app! learn tibetan the fun way! what a great way to learn the tib...
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TI 84 Graphing Calculator Man.
The ti- 84 graphing calculator manual app is ranked top 25 education usa! how this app ...
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Lecturio: Online Video Kurse
Entdecken sie, was sie lernen k nnen, mit videokursen f r beruf, studium und karriere. ...
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Serbian English Dictionary + Vocabulary trainer Free
Simple, fast, convenient serbian - english and english - serbian dictionary which conta...
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SEEMILE английский язык
Вы можете легко выучить английский с помощью нашего приложения. ребенок может учить ино...
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SEE - Học Xem Tướng
See l ng d ng t h c xem t ng u ti n xu t hi n vi t nam. v i ph ng ph p ti p c n m i ...
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RSV Bible. Audio Version Holy Reading for Today
Rsv bible. audio version. holy reading for todayfeatures: verses of the day. daily read...
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Dr. Mokus Katakana LITE
Научитесь читать и писать японскую хирагану менее чем за час! читайте отзывы прямо здес...
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Dr. Mokus Hiragana LITE
Научитесь читать и писать японскую хирагану менее чем за час! читайте отзывы прямо здес...
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Английские буквы и пропись
Это приложение может быть использовано в обучении английским буквам и алфавитному поряд...
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Noorani Qaida with Sound
Noorani qaida is very first book for to understand how to read holy quran from beginnin...
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Life In The UK 2021 Test Prep
Life in the uk test is a requirement for both indefinite leave to remain and british ci...
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Lib Manuels
Lib manuels est l application de lecture nouvelle g n ration des manuels num riques dit...
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Letterland Stories A
Go on a reading adventure with your letterland friends! carefully designed imaginative ...
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Kurd Dictionary
Kurd dictionary includes more than 30, 000 words with english- kurdish- arabic- persia...
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International Relation& Policy
Become an expert in foreign policy international relations with 8800 notesget this app...
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Holy Quran (Works Offline) With Complete Recitation by Sheikh Maher Al Muaiqly
Holy quran complete recitation by sheikh maher al muaiqly works offline holy quran app ...
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ABC Animal Puzzle.
Abc animal puzzle учим английский легко и весело! веселое обучение для самих маленьких...
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Английский алфавитный пазл LITE
Английский алфавитный пазл - развивающее приложение для дошкольников, направленное на и...
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ABC Ninja: Alphabet Letters Phonics Slicing Game
Забавная игра, чтобы учить буквыabc алфавит нарезки игрыполностью настраиваемый...
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ABC3D немецкий для детей
Это английская версия нашего abc3d приложения для мобильных устройств. дети изучат неко...
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California DMV Test Prep 2021
Specific for california nonexclusive applications can give wrong answer from an alterna...
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Пазлы с конфетами и пирожными
Анимированные головоломки с вкусными конфетами ! самый сладкий игра для вашего малыша !...
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De of Het
De of het is a look up dictionary and a guide with over 75, 000 nouns and 32 grammar ru...
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Aplicativo oficial do minist rio de desbravadores da divis o sul- americana da igreja a...
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Ear Training by Musicopoulos
Ear training course by musicopoulos is by far the most comprehensive ear training cours...