Learn 123 - first numbers with sounds and animals
Designed for your little ones, every number is an exciting, fun, and magic world. learn...
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iSpeak карточки для детей
Ispeak это отличное приложение, которое было создано, для детей и начинающих, чтобы учи...
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Handwriting Wizard - Learn to Write Letters, Numbers & Words
Amazing, customizable tracing app. no wonder kids and teachers love it! handwriting wiz...
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DayCare Explorer - HugDug kindergarten and nursery activity game for little kids.
Enhance your childs skills for school : problem solving, motor skills, first words- - e...
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Das tierische ABC - Die Welt der Buchstaben spielerisch entdecken und lernen
Das tierische abc, bietet neben lautmalerischen reimen und wirklich liebevollen illustr...
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ABC Song - Alphabet
Watch the alphabet and your little one s curiosity come alive with the clever, funny ch...
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ABC Learning - My First Words
As we all know, the abilities development attribute to the expression and understanding...
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ABC изучай язык - Alphabet
This is the best alphabet learning game in all free kids learning games for your toddle...
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ABC Games - Over 25 Alphabet Letter & Phonics Games for Preschool & Kindergarten
Abc games makes learning letters fun simple and easy! finally a fun and educational gam...
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ABC Galaxy (Школьная версия)
Изучение английского алфавита никогда не проносило детям столько веселья! задача игры г...
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ABC English алфавитов Письма
Дошкольное детский сад детский английский abc алфавитов очень интерактивный и красочная...
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алфавит abc английский игры для детей дошкольного
Тематические игры идеальный обучающие рождество для дошкольника детей! эта забавная обу...
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ABC 123 - дети раскраски книги (английский алфавит
Abc 123 kids coloring book provides fun time for kids to learn alphabets and numbers! f...
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ABC - Z английский алфавит
Learn the 26 letters of the english alphabet with my abc. it makes learning simple and ...
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ICS Recruit
Ics recruiter app is an ios secure internet- based recruitment tool that connects pnms ...
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The mod app enhances your visit to the akc museum of the dog in new york city. - keep u...
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PE Civil(Construction Engineering) Readers Digest
The ncees pe exam certificate credential is required to become a licence professional e...
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Memory Cards - Match Pairs Fun
Memory cards - a great a simple game designed to improve the memory concentration for ...
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Learn Korean Vocabulary Lite
Learn korean vocabulary flashcards is an educational application for you to learn korea...
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Learn Italian For Beginner
Learn italian free for beginner is an educational application for your beginner to lear...
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Learn Chinese by Picture and Sound - Easy to learn Chinese Vocabulary
This is a application help you learn chinese wordfunction of apps- learn word by lesson...
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Krypto is a mathematics strategy game suitable for everyone. exercise your mental math ...
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Behold Israel
Welcome to the mobile app of behold israel, the teaching ministry of amir tsarfati. the...
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JooJoo выучить английский
Попробуйте бесплатно потрясающее приложение audio picture dictionary5300 полезных слов,...
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Flash Cards GO - Flashcards
Create flash cards sync with iphone, ipad, and mackey features create custom flash car...
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Педагог чн гри це навчальн додатки, як створено спец ально для л н йки персональних п...
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Pinyin - выучите произношение китайских иероглифов в этой игре
Научитесь правильно произвосить китайские иероглифы в этой игре. группировав символы с ...
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Osmo Coding Duo
Team up with a friend to solve coding puzzles and rescue pets! the most advanced game i...
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Make 12 ( Up to Twelve )
This is simple but addictive puzzle game, just tap the connected numbers and they will ...
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Literki PL
Pl magiczne literki j zyk polski uk adaj wyrazy, poznawaj litery alfabetu, nazwy przedm...
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GoNote - Record your go game
Fast, accurate and comfortable recording your games ! iphones screen is too small we sa...
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First Words 1 - English : Preschool Academy educational matching game for Pre-k and kindergarten children
A game that is designed for young children skills. match cards learn new words in engl...
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Fireman Toddler Games
Would your child love to be a firefighter and ride a fire truck or a fire engine and he...
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Dino Companion learning games
My dino companion is the most comprehensive educational program for pre- school aged ki...
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Geography Quiz Trivia Game
What is the largest island in the world how many emirates are united to create the unit...
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Learn English Now
This app allows students to study anytime, anywhere. study on the go whenever you find...
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ISUtrecht App
International school utrecht isutrecht is the first official dutch international school...
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Application con ue par un tudiant pour les tudiants ! compatible du coll ge luniversit...
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EASA Part 66 Exam Trainer
Test your skills for the eu part 66 modules exams with this neat traning app. there are...
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Think Like Churchill
Challenge yourself. challenge your friends. discover if you can think like churchill. t...
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Проценты и умные пираты. Lite
Изучать проценты легко, а с командой беззаботных пиратов еще и весело. накорми голодных...
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Papo World Forest Friends
Cool vehiclesbathtub car, carrot car, sleigh car and a unicorn car! vehicles in this ga...
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Math Rescue School - Rounding
Rounding and estimation is fun with toby, the fireman! run through the forest and put o...
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Специальное предложение 5 эпизодов по отличной цене! мэш- грибочек и перивинкль- улитк...
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Mars Walk VR
The first people who will visit mars are sitting in a school today. to help inspire the...
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Kids Hair Salon - KinToons
Do you want to be a hair stylist someone who is a true professional in the fashion worl...
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Kid Savanna
Babies are encouraged to learn animal sounds and the motions. animals make through inte...
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Pocket Note iP3
It doesn t matter if you are educator, student, traveller, project coordinator, thinker...
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Hjemme. Borte.
Hjemme. borte. er en utstillings- app tilknyttet j disk museum i trondheim. appen fort...
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Touchappcreator enables everyone to create touch- optimized, and content- centric mobil...