Provides multiple choice questions mcqs for many exams. includes questions for medical...
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iLappsurgery TaTME
Introduction to transanal total mesorectal excision, general aspects of a new laparosco...
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Learn English - Hangman Game
Learn english - hang on, man! is your vocabulary enough to save the poor man from fal...
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Английский ABC с Lola LITE
Полностью обновленное приложение английский abc с lola это долгие часы веселого обучен...
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Learn the Animals Phonetic
Learn the animals is an educational game for children. it is a nice, simple, fun, and c...
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Детская игра: Развиваем логику
Добро пожаловать в skidos! мы предлагаем разнообразие обучающих игр для детей 2- 11 лет...
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Competency matrix enables you to check, update and inspect the competencies and your pr...
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Monty Hall 2
This app is based on the monty hall quiz game show. you can experiment with it and figu...
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Funny Math!
Funny math is the app for training arithmetic. the rules of the game are quite simple: ...
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Avec conjuguons, la conjugaison est enfin port e de tous ! v ritable couteau suisse de...
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Classify It!
Think you know what poison ivy and a firefly have in common how about some of the ways ...
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500+ First Words Card for Baby
No ad lets start now to wake potential of your baby! with more 1000 card about every...
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Super Why! Power to Read
Super why! power to read is an educational game that helps teach children to read and i...
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Superkids Online Fun
The superkids online fun app allows teachers and students who use the superkids k- 2 re...
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SüperZeka - Zeka Geliştirme
Okul ncesi i in e itici ve e lendirici bir uygulama. resimli ve sesli sorular seslend...
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TraLaLa - Cântece pentru copii
Tralala este o ini iativ educa ional rom neasc pornit din dorin a unor p rin i de a ofe...
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Swapsies Профессии
Победитель зрительских симпатий родителей приложение входит в коллекцию игр от apple дл...
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Рисуй и играй: Динозавры
Маленькие дети могут рисовать то, что они знают, но обычно они рисуют то, что чувствуют...
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Swipea Танграм Головоломки для Детей: Числа
Простая, но в то же время веселая и познавательная танграм игра- головоломка, предназна...
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5000 Фразы - Учим Шведский Язык Бесплатно
Приложение выучите шведские фразы от fun easy learn. 5 000 фраз, переведенных на 60 яз...
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5000 Фразы - Учим Хинди Язык Бесплатно
Приложение выучите хинди фразы от fun easy learn. 5 000 фраз, переведенных на 60 языко...
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5000 Фразы - Учим Каталанский Язык Бесплатно
Приложение выучите каталанские фразы от fun easy learn. 5 000 фраз, переведенных на 60...
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4th Grade Grammar - English grammar exercises fun game by ClassK12 [Lite]
The best educational app for kids to learn grade 4 english grammar! this is a part of c...
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Wiggly Words: Phonics for kids
Do you agree kids learn better if learning activity is joyful a pleasant activity where...
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Trace Chinese Pinyin Letters
If youre looking for apps which mimic lettering used to teach printed letters and handw...
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Tiggly Doctor
Приложение завоевавшее приз 2015 года за творческую игрушку года 2015 разрешите вашему ...
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Spaceteam: ESL
Spaceteam esl english- as- a- second- language is a crazy and fun english learning game...
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Практика Легкое чтение Книги на английском языке
This free reading worksheets questions plus answers books is really a great educational...
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Phonics Word Finder
Give your children a head start by teaching them phonics at an early age! phonics word ...
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Учимся считать от 1 до 20
Помогите своему ребенку научиться считать и распознавать цифры через развлечение. наблю...
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Number Wonder – Teaching Math Skills - Addition, Subtraction And Counting Numbers 123 Through A Logic Puzzles & Song Game For Preschool Kindergarten Kids & Primary Grade School Children
Number wonder is the finest preschool math based educational game for your toddler. it ...
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Игры с легким соответствием
Not only kids, but also adults love playing matching games online. this totally free ap...
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Montessori Early Reading - Phonics & Rhyme games
Montessori early reading is made for early readers who are eager to practice reading ea...
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Minilobes - Ordkronan
Minilobes beh ver hj lp med att l ra sig ord! hj lp minilobes att samla ordkristaller f...
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LetraKid PRO: Kids Writing ABC
5 5 stars educationalappstore. com letrakid is an educational game addressed to child...
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Learning Letters and Numbers
Learning letters and numbers is an educational multilingual app. a writing and pronounc...
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Learn Spanish Today!
This app is a great educational software that helps you understand and pronounce spanis...
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Learn Japanese with cards
Is the easiest and most fun way to learn japanese language. with our app, you and your ...
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Изучите французский Flashcards для детей
Вы ищете идеальное приложение, чтобы научить ваших французских словацких милых детей ле...
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Katakana Practice Quiz
Japanese katakana kana seem to be hard to remember, you can learn japanese katakana for...
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JPLT Test N4 Kanji
Это приложение для практиковать уровня японского языка test jlpt test n4 кандзи this is...
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JPLT Test N3 Kanji
Это приложение для практиковать уровня японского языка test jlpt test n3 кандзи this is...
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JLPT Free Practice Kanji Vocabulary Grammar N1~N5
Prepare for the next japanese- language proficiency test jlpt with this free jlpt quiz ...
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Irregular Verbs - English Grammar Games
Irregular verbs are easy to teach when you use this app! this is a highly visual, inter...
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Infinite Spanish
Learn spanish by playing fun and interactive games in space! infinite makes learning th...
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Infinite German
Learn german by playing fun and interactive games in space! infinite makes learning the...
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First Words: Spanish For Kids
Do you want to teach your kids spanish then first words: spanish for kids is a must dow...
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English Free - Изучаем английский язык.
Простое и качественное приложение для изучения английских слов. отлично подходит всем, ...
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Английский алфавит и цифры для детей - учим язык по карточкам
Карточки с алфавитом и цифрами на английском языке озвученные американской телеведущей,...
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ChinaTiles - learn Mandarin Chinese characters with 9 interactive exercises
Learn to quickly identify chinese characters learn standard phrases, measure words, kan...