Vittle: Screencast Recorder
Produce video screencasts and lectures, right on your ipad. vittles combine your photos...
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Wait4itfrom time to time, we all have to wait for something we want! many learners who ...
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Washington DMV Test Prep
Welcome to the most comprehensive test prep platform available. since 2009 weve helped ...
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Week Planner for Kids
Часто ли ваши дети задают такие вопросы как : - мне сегодня идти в школу , - у меня сег...
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Weird Word of the Day (iAd Supported) : augment your vocabulary with amazing new words
Do you enjoy latration while performing cynolatry sometimes when im riding in my telega...
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What Goes Together?
This interactive game develops language, discrimination, and reasoning skills in young ...
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Whats Up?
If you need a quick way to determine if you should bother setting up your telescope, or...
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Wheels on the Bus HD
This award- winning tribute to wheels on the bus is a fun, interactive experience encou...
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Whopping Diggers 2
Does your kid like diggers, excavators and other heavy machines perfect, this is the ap...
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WilderQuest – Nature Discovery
Find your next adventure! ever wondered about the mysteries of australia s coast or sub...
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Wind Tunnel -- for iPhone
Turn your ipad iphone into a wind tunnel simulator ! draw obstacles and watch the fluid...
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The award- winning quarterly magazine for western kentucky university is now available ...
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Wolfram Astronomy Course Assistant
Do you need an astronomy tool that does more than just show you pictures something that...
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Wolfram Music Theory Course Assistant
Learning music theory dont go anywhere without this handy music reference from wolfram ...
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Wolfram Statistics Course Assistant
Taking statistics then you need the wolfram statistics course assistant. this definitiv...
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The maker of the number 1 smash hit math bingo presents word bingo! practice reading an...
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Word Joust for 6-8
Word joust for grades 6- 8: encourage your students or children to play it daily watch...
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Word Tracer - Learn Chinese iPhone Edition
Word tracer - learn chinese is an iphone app that is designed for people who wish to le...
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Everybody likes a visual reinforcement system. using this app, you can let someone know...
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Write to the Ohel
Learn about the ohel, the resting place of the lubavitcher rebbe, rabbi menachem m. sch...
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Neu an der westf lischen wilhelms- universit t m nster oder einfach nur noch nie von di...
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Die app webweaver erlaubt den mitgliedern einer webweaver - plattform die komfortable m...
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Xapp Solar
This app is intended to be used on an ipad running as a standalone display, perhaps sup...
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Yoruba101 for iPhone
Learn yoruba language with ease and fun in yoruba101. learn the basics of yoruba langua...
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Z is for Zebra - Learn Letter Sounds
Learning the sounds that the letters make is one of the first steps in learning to read...
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Zoo Who? - An Animal Encyclopedia
Enjoy the animal kingdom through 600 amazing photos, lots of audio and video presentati...
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Zoola baby animals
Научите ребенка распознавать животных с фотографиями и звуками из 30 животных очаровате...
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Zwanzigerfeld für iPad
Das zwanzigerfeld ist ein mathematisches arbeitsmittel, dass als werkzeug und veranscha...
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(Lite Edition) The monkeys who tried to catch the moon -by Rye Studio™
Our new apps are now available on app store, all are fantastic, check them out ! search...
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10+ Letter Spelling FREE
Improve your spellingthis app can help you improve your spelling of popular 10 above l...
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100 words for Babies & Toddlers
The kizzu 100 series from sherston provide one of the easiest ways to help your child d...
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1000+ Kanji Flash Cards
This app has great customer reviews and it is excellent for learning basic japanese kan...
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10monkeys Multiplication
10monkeys multiplication is the app for practicing times tables: one of the guardian s...
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123 Count with me! Lite
You will be amazed to see your kid picking up count to 10 in english easily in a calm a...
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123 Веселый счет по-английски
Дети любят учиться, если это весело. а это весело, когда яблоки дружно опадают, воздушн...
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123 Zoo: Writer FREE
The sequel for the very popular abc zoo: writer is here, this time is with numbers. ...
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123 Zählen Lernen auf Deutsch - Count With Me in German!
Любой ребенок может обучиться счету по- немецки играючи c нашими забавными паззлaми! ра...
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2017 FAA Test Prep - Aviation Mechanic Airframe
Going for your a p mechanic license preparing for your faa aviation maintenance technic...
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3Strike Horses
How well do you know horse breeds given a breed name you have to select the correct pho...
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4th Grade Math Testing Prep
How do you know if your child is prepared for the state mandated math test this app hel...
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5 Dice Math Game
- - - play a 21st century math game - - - how good is your aim can you hit the target n...
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ألعاب تعليمية للأطفال
This program is designed to develop and enhance the level of intelligence in children. ...
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OT Kinesiology Pro Consult
Ot kinesiology pro consult is a resource to learn how to correctly and accurately measu...
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The palaispopulaire app for smartphones is the perfect multimedia accompaniment for you...
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Oberoi International School
Ois is the official mobile app for oberoi international school. it provides essential s...