Solve the Outbreak
Your mission, if you choose to accept, is to get clues and analyze data to solve the ou...
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People You Should Know: Trivia on World Famous Celebrities, Stars, and Historical Figures
New version: test out what people you should know is like for free, then unlock everyth...
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When did neil armstrong land on the moon when was jon stewart born what space events ha...
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Learn Spanish Cards
Categories include: food items, animals, alphabet, transportation, numbers, colors sha...
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Spanish Baby Flash Cards 2 - Español for Kids 2!
Is your child ready to advance to level 2 of eflashapps spanish baby flash cards we tho...
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Dictionary Spanish English
The leading spanish english dictionary and translator for iphone, ipad ipod touch sel...
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Spanish Flashcards - Voice
How to study effectively want to master spanish vocabulary spanish flashcards are image...
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Spanish Phrases 24/7 Language Learning
Learn or refresh your spanish, anytime and anywhere with a mobile language lab. spanish...
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Spanish Spelling Tips
Are there any easy spelling rules for spanish word magic software, the creator of five-...
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Spanish Vocabulary 24/7 Language Learning
Learn or refresh your spanish, anytime and anywhere with a mobile language lab. 24 7 sp...
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Spanish Words 4 Beginners
Newly revised based on feedback from some of our 125, 000 users, this word recognition ...
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Sparkabilities TotBox HD
A must have free app for babies - birth through age 5! give your kid the edge! your bab...
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Speak English Like an American
Говорите по- английски как американцы! в чем секрет более успешного владения английским...
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Survival Spanish for Travel
Stop wasting time with other introductory spanish apps! brainscape will drill you on th...
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Spell & Listen - talking cards
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - designed for kids 3 - 10 years old- - - - - - - - - - - - -...
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Spell, Write and Read
Featured in apps4kids. net a solid and extremely well executed spelling and tracing ga...
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Whether you are a student, teacher or parent, we all know the weekly spelling drill. mo...
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Spelling Bug - Free
Kids learn to spell the most needed words as they play. application presents each word ...
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Английский орфографии слова для логопедов - Животные, предметы, продукты и многое другое
Предназначен для учителей, которые работают со студентами, это приложение используется ...
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Spelling Monster
This educational app is a great tool that allows kids to practice their spelling words ...
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Spelling Practice FREE
Improve your spellingthis app can help you improve your spelling of popular 1, 000 engl...
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Stack the States®
Voted best kids app for ipad! - best app ever awards voted best educational game app - ...
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Stage by Belkin
Stagetm brings your ideas to life anytime, anywhere. create, collaborate, and demonstr...
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Standard Mandarin
Learn mandarin chinese pronunciation, and master it like a native! the standard mandari...
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Starfall All About Me
Your child will love creating and interacting with his or her me character. players lea...
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Starter Reading Flash Cards
Game to help learn and identify common sight words. kids see the pictures and listens t...
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Learn Statistics & Probability
Learn statistics and probability by golearningbus from ai driven coach and satisfy your...
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Statsmate is an easy- to- use powerful statistics calculator for ios. it has been featu...
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Steam HX
The ultimate industrial steam property calculator available for the iphone, ipod touch,...
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Stop Go!
A simple to use timer in the form of a traffic light. set whether you want it to run re...
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Story Dice by Thinkamingo
Story dice is a creative writing prompt tool to come up with ideas for plot, character,...
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Study Biology – Flashcards
Study biology anywhere with these flashcards! more chapters available as in app purchas...
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Instrument Pilot Test Prep
Sportys study buddy will prepare you for the faa instrument pilot written test like no ...
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Private Pilot Test Prep
Sportys study buddy will prepare you for the faa written test like no other study tool ...
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Study Buddy Test Prep (FAA Recreational Pilot)
Sportys study buddy will prepare you for the faa recreational written test like no othe...
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Sport Pilot Test Prep
Sportys study buddy will prepare you for the faa sport pilot written test like no other...
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Study Flash
Study flash is easy to use and lets you make customizable flash cards for your iphone o...
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StudyChat Japanese - Learn Speaking Listening Game
Practice japanese with anime conversations. how it works - listen to a conversation:...
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Subtracting Sardines HD
Golden app award - appsforhomeschooling. com, i have never formally taught my five- yea...
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Subtraction ! !
Subtraction ! ! is a great way to learn and practice subtraction. from simple 1- digit ...
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Subtraction Wiz Lite
- great way for kids to do subtraction drills the fun way. let them become very good at...
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Sudoku SuperDoKu HD lite
Sudoku superdoku hd lite has the same features of its full version except for unlimited...
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Suis le modèle
Cette application pour la classe avec une gestion des comptes l ves ou pour la maison o...
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SD "What Are They Thinking?"
This engaging educational app for iphone , ipad , or ipod touch includes all 60 clever ...
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AK Math Coach
Play and train all the basic arithmetic operations and more. the development of the app...
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Table de multiplication lite
Table de multiplication: la compr hension des math matiques est la compr hension de la ...
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TabletAED remote
Discover the new way of training bls aed with digital aed trainers on your ipad. with y...
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TabletAED trainer
Discover the new way of training bls aed with digital aed trainers on your ipad. with y...
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TakaMath 01
Takamath 01 est con u pour les enfants du primaire et il sert pratiquer leurs addition...
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Отдел Flashcard матч игры для детей в 2-й, 3-й и 4-й класс обучения Флэш-карты Бесплатные
Строительство математические навыки и научиться делить никогда не был более увлекательн...