Real Creepy Crawlies Lite
It s like having a real creepy crawly in the palm of your hand! super eewie and super...
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Числа до 10 на немецком языке
Простое и интуитивное приложение для детей дошкольного возраста и первоклассников. на н...
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Rechtschreibung für Anfänger: Educative Spiele für Kinder
Willst du die neueste methode f r kinder lesen und schreiben zu lernen eine methode, di...
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Remembering the Kanji
Remembering the kanji official flashcard and review app for the heisig method is a kan...
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Revise IT
Here is a great apple certification revision tool brought to you by influentialif you w...
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Rhyming Words
A wonderful app to help kids to start rhyming words. rhyming activities provide the fir...
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Ricki & Jacky
Ricki is a world- famous performer of animal shows in a carnival, and jacky is ricki s ...
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Ripple Tank
A simulation of a ripple tank, or wave tank. make waves with your finger, or view examp...
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Робот матч - забава для детей
Робот матч просто и весело игры для маленьких детей4- х различных типов игры и 63 разли...
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Rocket Speller
Rocket speller is a fun and engaging spelling app for 3- 7 year olds. educators, occupa...
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Rocket Speller PLUS
Time to play mag: an app that has set the standard for phonics and spelling apps for k...
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Russian Baby Flash Cards
Categories include: food items, animals, transportation, numbers, colors shapes, cloth...
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Русский за месяц HD
Русский за месяц это отличный способ выучить основы иностранного языка быстро и эффект...
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Изучайте арабский AccelaStudy®
Accelastudy это великолепная программа для изучения языка, для iphone, ipod touch и ip...
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Изучайте Китайский AccelaStudy
Accelastudy это великолепная программа для изучения языка, для iphone, ipod touch и ip...
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Изучайте голландский
Accelastudy это великолепная программа для изучения языка, для iphone, ipod touch и ip...
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Изучайте Греческий
Accelastudy это великолепная программа для изучения языка, для iphone, ipod touch и ip...
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Изучайте иврит - AccelaStudy®
Accelastudy это великолепная программа для изучения языка, для iphone, ipod touch и ip...
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Изучайте польский AccelaStudy®
Accelastudy это великолепная программа для изучения языка, для iphone, ipod touch и ip...
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Experience the san antonio zoo in full 3d and augmented reality learn more information...
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Sailing School
Sailing the open seas is the ultimate freedom! wide skies, fresh air, camaraderie, it s...
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Quick Clocks - Telling Time
Help your child with their time- telling and arithmetic skills, with this simple yet el...
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SAS Data Notebook
Sas data notebook brings the traditional 3- ring binder to the ipad. sas data notebook ...
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SAS Flash Cards
Flash cards gives you the ability to easily create, learn, and share flash cards for th...
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SAT Flashcards
Sat flashcard review provides over 5, 000 simple, easy- to- use flashcards for studying...
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SAT Vocab Genius
Recent 1 ranked sat app did you know that you may be wasting most of your sat study ti...
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SBF Binnen
Erfolgreich zum sbf binnen durch intelligente lernsysteme leitner, lernmodus unsichere ...
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Mit der schilder- app erhalten sie einen praktischen informationszugang zu allen wichti...
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Screen Time
Screen time is a simple app that allows you to set limits on the amount of time childre...
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Scribe Chinese - Master Vocabulary
- master every single popular mandarin chinese word- build the ultimate vocabulary, so ...
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Scuba Exam Lite
Scuba exam an ideal helper for beginners who need to pass certification tests nytimes....
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Visual instruction for autism and special needs. replace all of your flash cards with t...
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Sentence Maker: Educational Learning Game for Kids
This app is fantastic. i upgraded to the full version within the same day to get access...
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SENTENCE READING MAGIC-Reading Short Vowel CVC words
This app will help your child become a better reader. this app helps your child to buil...
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Последовательности - Упражнения для дошколят.
Эти упражнения помогут развить логическое мышление у вашего ребенка. они научат малыша ...
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Unterwegs auf dienstreise in der bahn oder abends zuhause auf dem sofa: wir stellen sic...
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Sheffield School of Aeronautics - FAA ADX Exam Pre
Sheffield school s adx prep app uses an extremely clean, easy- to- navigate interface, ...
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Shia Duas 2 by Duas.Org
He who is greedy is disgraced he who discloses his hardship will always be humiliated h...
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Shiny Picnic - Sorting & Matching
Join charlie the monkey and his friends alice and ralph as they prepare for a picnic in...
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Signed Stories
Best- selling children s stories performed in american sign language or british sign la...
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Simple Stat - Calculator for Statistics Students
Simple stat is an application that can perform statistics tests which are commonly used...
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Sink or Float - Kids science experiment game
Sink or float having fun with science! a fun learning game for kids of all ages! toys,...
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Skeleton Map 3D
Skeleton map 3d is an educational application for human skeletal system. it can help yo...
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Lapp 1 per la scuola e lo studio completamente gratuita per il tuo smartphone e ipad. s...
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Smart Baby Explorer
Baby explorer is a fun learning program for children of all ages. contains 24 games in ...
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Умный английский
Умный английский - это интересная развивающая программа- игра для детей от трех до двен...
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Smart Speller English HD
Первые слова английского языка для ребенка малыши, дошкольники, школьники ! в форме и...
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Social Skill Builder Lite
Social skill builder offers both a lite and full version of the my school day app. our ...
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Sociology Spotlight
Sociology spotlight is a must- have app for all sociologists brought to you by wiley- b...
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Solar Eclipses
Sonnenfinsternisse geh ren zu den eindrucksvollsten astronomischen ereignissen. diese a...